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Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:19 pm
by Konojolras
Hello everyone! This is an attempt at making a fangame based on the Fate/Stay Night VN and the Fate franchise in general within the Nasuverse. We are a very small team working on this right now, consisting of three people of which two are helping on story only. Most of the coding, writing and art has been left to me. While I can handle it, any aid would be greatly appreciated. Hey, even if you're not interested in helping, your opinion on our main plot would be extremely helpful!

Background story behind the project

Now this is quite important because it might be a major dealbreaker for most in the western Fate fandom. The original idea for this game/story came from really wanting to see some Arturia/Gilgamesh interaction with Gilgamesh's personality being like it was during life and not messed up due to humanity being messed up during the time he was summoned. Gilgamesh being like he was in Fate/Extra CCC. We wanted to create a scenario that would fit into canon and would allow us to explore the dynamics between both characters, their personalities and their backstories. Of course, we don't want to romanticize it. We are fully aware of how problematic their relationship is due to Fate/Stay Night- we want to take all of this into account- but going further into the exploration of their relationship.

Now that that has been taken out of the way, this is obviously not a fanwork solely made to have Gil and Arturia interact, we created a plot that would allow us to explore and create many other characters beyond that. We want to explore the stories of servants in the three first holy grail wars, their lives and legends.


During the events of the Fifth Holy Grail War, Ilyasviel von Einzbern, as the embodiment of the Holy Grail, sacrificed herself to close the pathway opened by a corrupted grail. The Greater Grail was destroyed, bringing the ritual of Fuyuki to a conclusion. However, the Grail had been in place for far too long, it held far too much concentrated magical energy; the sudden dismantlement of such a structure, which after 200 years, had almost become a natural part in the mana flow within the region, was bound to fail. The ritual ended, yet the mangled structure slowly begun to regenerate.

After a couple decades had passed, the Magic Association began to become increasingly more desperate to reach Akasha. They turned their eyes to the previous ritual held in Fuyuki - and sought to recreate it. The Magic Association took their own path, straying from the knowledge of the three founding families. With the complete eradication of the Makiri/Matou line after Fifth War and the Tohsaka family head, Rin, refusing to help in any way with the recreation of the ritual, the Magic Association followed their own crooked path. The Association’s mixture of stubbornness and desperation led them to take a dangerous shortcut in their new establishment. Due to lack of planification and information, the site where the mangled grail stood was revisited and used as the centre for the newly established ritual. This reestablished Greater Grail was a source of great instability - forcing it to work like a properly built structure ignited the unstable magical energy engulfing it, resulted in the opening of a leak into Akasha.

The leak led to the creation of a spiritual reality - a massive reality marble - a realm of spirits and magic with no physical manifestation, close to The Root.
This realm, much like Akasha, is a place based on energy and magic, holding no connection to Gaia whatsoever. It is a place brimming with an aura of unfulfilled wishes, hatred and despair. Being influenced by the guidelines of the Grail War, the leak into Akasha serves as a way of summoning Heroic Spirits recorded within the Throne of Heroes. Due not being connected to the world in any direct way, true heroic spirits are summoned rather than emanations, as there is no need to worry for inconsistencies within the world in a spiritual realm. Similarly, the souls of magi are forcibly summoned into this realm to take part as "masters".

-Except there is no Holy Grail to fight for.

There is no point to the summoning. Any human with at least one working magic circuit is eligible for being summoned into this realm. Their soul will escape their body, leaving it in a coma like state. This results in many inexperienced and confused magi trapped in the place. A magus with enough magic circuits and great skill should be good enough to handle themselves and even be able to communicate with the outside world - but those with poor circuits are bound to get their minds twisted by the place, going so far into believing there actually is an omnipotent wishing granting device to fight for.

While Heroic Spirits have no reason to fight each other, magi who find themselves in the realm need to fight for the existence of their soul. Upon the magic association noticing the great swirl of mana at the moment of the summoning of a master, they were able to investigate the potential of the leak in terms of reaching Akasha, and would continue to seek the exploitation of the system.

If a soul - let it be heroic spirit or magus - is to perish within the realm, it will be collected by the faulty grail. The more souls the grail collects, the more power it gains to open a proper route into Akasha. Even if one does not wish to reach Akasha - they will still have to fight in order to survive against the vile attacks of the members of the Magic Association. Besides, if one wishes to escape the realm and return to Gaia, they will have to see the war through to the end.




Aaaand that's what we have at the moment! I hope to update soon with more information! Opinions appreciated!

Re: Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 1:30 pm
by shivanshs9
Wow! A good plot for just a fanfic, I must say. The original story was good enough, so I do hope that this fan-VN can stand up to it... I fully support your game and will be glad to help if any assistance is required. But mind you, my only speciality is coding and writing... I can draw, but not well... :oops:
Now, a couple of curious questions:
  • What route does it follow? Fate/UBW/HF?
  • Will Emiya Shirou also be a master in this fake Holy Grail War? And will he have Saber's Avalon?
  • What about Rin and Waver Velvet? They have good magic circuits, so will they be also dragged in this war or not?
  • Are you planning to include most(if not all) the Heroic Spirits ever shown? What about Archer?
  • And, last and most important: Why did you called it Fate/Apophenia? Doesn't apophenia means 'making sense out of random things'? Well, on second thoughts, this question itself is a stupid one, so no need to answer! :lol:
I am truly excited about your project! Keep going!

Re: Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:00 pm
by Konojolras
Thanks for the support! The original story is definitely great, so we are working our hardest to make this fanwork do justice to the original as much as we possibly can. Most of the work we're doing right now is going towards the story itself. Its been several drafts already and some things are still subject to change, any help story wise would be greatly appreciated.

Now to answer your questions
What route does it follow? Fate/UBW/HF?
It follows the Unlimited Blade Works route. The reason being because we wanted to keep the storyline as loyal to canon as we possibly could. Saber is sent to Avalon in the Fate route rather than becoming a full heroic spirit, so having her appear here with that being the case wouldn't make a lot of sense. Also, the Greater Grail is destroyed at the end of Heaven's Feel, with the dismantlement only occuring in the Fate and UBW routes.
Therefore UBW seemed to be the obvious choice to us.
Will Emiya Shirou also be a master in this fake Holy Grail War? And will he have Saber's Avalon?
This is a matter that we are still discussing. It is very likely that many of the characters appearing in F/SN will make a reappereance - but we doubt that they will be main characters - Our exceptions being Gilgamesh and Saber. There is an incredible amount of information for us to absorb and many little details in the storyline for us to consider, so if you have any suggestions on how to fit Shirou into this story without him stealing the spotlight, it would be of great help to us. It really is one of the hardest parts to fit.
What about Rin and Waver Velvet? They have good magic circuits, so will they be also dragged in this war or not?
Well, the part we were planning to give to Rin and Waver was more of taking part in the dispute going on in the outside world. With such an opportunity to reach Akasha appearing, the Magic Association once more be divided, perhaps inmersing itself once more in a great conflict, (Like it did when the dismantlement of the Greater grail was brought up)
Are you planning to include most(if not all) the Heroic Spirits ever shown? What about Archer?
Definitely. We even plan to make up the Heroic Spirits for the first three grail wars. Up to know we are considering the inclusion of figures such as Ghenghis Khan, Hatshepsut, William Tell, Marc Anthony, and so on.
As for Archer, we are not absolutely sure. As far as our understanding on the series goes, he is a Counter Guardian and not a heroic spirit. The spirits summoned are all Heroic Spirits taken from the Throne of Heroes - so if Archer isn't one it'd be hard to keep consistency.
We know however, that he will make an appereance as a personification of Saber's memories. Unlike other Heroic Spirits, Saber retains her memories from the two wars she participated because she was a Counter Guardian at the time of those summonings. Since the realm is greatly influenced by the Heroic Spirit's memories, it is very possible that Saber's memories of the fifth war take form there.

Again, we really appreciate the support, and if you really are interested in partaking, you can PM, we would love any help provided!

Re: Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:42 am
by polterghast
Ah, as a Fate fan I shall be keeping an eye on this project!
GUI's looking great so far, I can't wait to see what it'll look like artwise. Are you planning to go with the original Type-Moon style, or?
Keep up the good work! ^^

Re: Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:20 pm
by Konojolras
We've barely started working on the sprites, as we're working on getting the storyline straight first, as well as most of the writing for each route.
However, here's a little sample sketch for Saber's main sprite.
We're actually trying to make it similar to the art style in Fate/Extra and CCC, rather than the one in F/SN and F/HA.

Re: Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 8:42 am
by Konojolras
Hey guys, here's a tiny sample for the writing on the VN!

Re: Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:12 pm
by SelLi
Konojolras wrote:Hey guys, here's a tiny sample for the writing on the VN!
I love the writing snippet, and I'm looking forward to this.
I know someone who's quite interested in joining your team, would he be able to?

Re: Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:34 pm
by Konojolras
I love the writing snippet, and I'm looking forward to this.
I know someone who's quite interested in joining your team, would he be able to?
Thank you! We appreciate it!
And of course! We'd love any help! Please tell him to message me with ideas and with the stuff he'd like to help with.

Re: Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:45 pm
by SelLi
Konojolras wrote: Thank you! We appreciate it!
And of course! We'd love any help! Please tell him to message me with ideas and with the stuff he'd like to help with.
Alright, will do. Thanks. :)

Re: Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:44 pm
by Konojolras
A beta version for Saber's base sprite. Definitely not finished, but this works as a placeholder for the meanwhile and will give you a sort of idea of what the art style for this game looks like

Re: Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:37 pm
by MaiMai
Konojolras wrote: We're actually trying to make it similar to the art style in Fate/Extra and CCC, rather than the one in F/SN and F/HA.
If you're going for Arco Wada's look, I'd say that you'd probably have to push a little harder. I'm not really getting a Fate/Extra CCC vibe from Saber's sprite. Fate/Extra's art is pretty distinctive especially in the eye style for female characters.

Re: Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:08 pm
by Konojolras
If you're going for Arco Wada's look, I'd say that you'd probably have to push a little harder. I'm not really getting a Fate/Extra CCC vibe from Saber's sprite. Fate/Extra's art is pretty distinctive especially in the eye style for female characters.
I agree, its definitely quite far from the style we want to achieve.
This is more of a placeholder for the time being, as it bothers me not to have any images whatsoever while I write the story, haha.
I really wish I could say I' 'll have a sprite closer to a finished product soon, but considering I'm doing all the art, coding and most of the writing myself, it will probably take a long while before that.

Re: Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:09 pm
by Konojolras
I actually had some more time to draw this weekend so here's another prototype version for Saber's sprite
This is more of an adaptation of Takashi Takeuchi's style with my own, as I thought this could also work as an art style for the VN. What do you guys things

Re: Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:06 pm
by MaiMai
For the most part, it's workable. If you want to make it better, you need to focus on tightening the anatomy specifically around the bust and collarbone area.

Re: Fate/Apophenia [Nasuverse Fangame][NVL][Fantasy][Action]

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:52 pm
by Fluxx
Not a fan of Saber/Gil but is Saber is best girl and I can always use more Fate. Really like type-moon dialog box design you have going on in the writing sample.

I like the uniqueness of the art too.