Male and Female Voice Actors wanted for NanoReno CLOSED

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Posts: 471
Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:33 am
Completed: Brilliant Shadows, Perceptions of the Dead, The Phantom Icecream Truck
Projects: Embers of Magic, Pale Spectrum, Perceptions of the Dead
Organization: Ithaqua Labs
Tumblr: geckosart
Deviantart: sitaart

Male and Female Voice Actors wanted for NanoReno CLOSED

#1 Post by Geckos »

Perceptions of the Dead
The visual novel
An Ithaqua Labs production

Voice Acting Auditions sheet
Character total: 4
Tyrone (m)
Tulip (f)
Marcus (m)
Ripley (f)

Perceptions of the Dead is a horror visual novel about a rather laid back ghost hunter who likes to maintain an air of mystery.

This visual novel is being created solely in the month of March as part of the NanoReno challenge.

It is a total of 16 pages long.

It is the second story in a series, the original being available for free here : ... 11&t=26023

The story will require two male voices and two female voices.

The reader for the main character (male) will need to be able to inflect his speech so that it is obvious when he is speaking, and when he is narrating his thoughts to the reader.

This is not a commercial game but we would like to compensate the voice actors for their hard work!
If you would prefer to view this in google.doc form, go here!

And of course, feel free to talk to me or ask me questions here on lemma!

$60 for Tyrone.
$20 for Tulip.
$10 for Marcus.
$10 for Ripley.
Payment will be sent via Paypal once the lines are received! (Or half up front, half once complete if you can show us something you've worked on before.)

This game will be released for pc, mac, linux, android and also hopefully ios.

Before you decide to audition, please make sure you understand the rules.

Please use a quality mic! (no background noises, puffs, peaking, etc)
This is a horror story. Tyrone and Tulip will need to sound scared at times..
There is cursing.
Understand that there is a fairly tight deadline.
There is a possibility of the voices for Tyrone, Ripley, and Marcus being requested to voice act again for a third game. We would like to keep the same VAs if the series continues! (Part 1 has no voice acting, but we may go back and add it.)

Deadline for auditions: March 14th.
Deadline for readings: All reading for the story must be completed and received by us by March 29th, 2015.

Make sure you save and send your files properly.

Record in 44100hz 16-bit Mono wav format
Save files as: Username_Character Name_Line # [ex: John Doe_Tyrone_Line 1]
Do NOT say your name in the audio clip. Say only the lines. Thank you!
Zip files and label as: Username_PotD Audition [ex: John Doe_PotD Audition]
Send auditions to
Subject Title: Perceptions of the Dead [name] Auditions

Tyrone (main)
Lines #221
Age : Late Twenties
Preferred voice type : Deeper voice preferred, though not required.
Accent : Minor inner city accent (optional)
Despite having come face to face with the kind of things horror movies are written about, Tyrone still believes that the worst time of his life was his youth spent growing up in a really bad part of a big city. Now he’s happy to live off the fat of working in a very obscure niche industry and explore the country, helping people put their ghosts to rest, sometimes literally, sometimes not.
Lines to read:

1- “I’ll be the first to admit, there’s something a little sad about watching a pirated copy of the original star wars trilogy.” (Note : Narrative Voice)

2- “I swear to- If someone called the cops on me again, I’m going to give them a got damn reason to! I’m not an effing squatter! I was hired to be here!” (Note : Spoken Line, Irritated)

3- “I’ve only ever met someone like me once. It killed them.” (Note : Spoken Line, Fearful)

4-“I scream. Reality becomes a blur, and I bring around my blade.” (Note : Narrative Voice)

Marcus (minor)
Total # of lines: 8
Age: Late Twenties
Preferred voice type : Any
Accent: Any
Marcus is Tyrone’s friend from when Tyrone’s family moved to the suburbs. He’s a bit chunky, but gives so few fucks about anything other than hygiene and cleanliness he is impossible to bother. He has been watching over Tyrone’s house while he’s been away.
Lines to read:
NOTE* Marcus curses a lot. I have spoilered out the lines with cursing to avoid offending anyone. If you aren't comfortable with cursing, don't apply for him! :3
“Holy Shit! You’re alive!! I mean, I kinda assumed you were. I hadn’t been kicked out of your place by your next of kin yet.” (Note : Surprised)

2- “Aww man, I’m sorry, is she some homeless chick that picked the lock or something? She just seemed like she owned the place so I assumed you knew her.” (Note : Apologetic)

“Fuckity fuck whistle von bitchy conquistador shit monger!” (Note: Angry)

4- “So… you’re a ghost? Or is she a ghost? Are you both ghosts? Am I a ghost? Oh man, I knew that chili had gone bad! I swear I’ll buy better tupperware in the next life!” (Note: Confused moving into Despair)

Tulip (seconday)
Lines #44
Age: Roughly Sixteen
Preferred voice type: Innocent, Inquisitive
Accent: American Middle Class
This Neighborhood Girl just shows up out of no where and starts asking questions about Tyrone and his investigations. She appears to be the epitome of upper middle class white upbringing, and probably has no idea what she’s getting into! Or maybe not...
Lines to read:

1- “You don’t think it could be the ghost that’s rumored to haunt this place?” (Note : Excited)

2- “Open up! I heard your phone ring! You answered at exactly the same time!” (Note: Irritated)

3- “Why? Can’t you deal with it? Why are you scared of it and not the woman with bladed hands?” (Note: Scared)

4- “It’s going to come here and kill me again. I’m not ready for that. Dying once was bad enough.” (Note: Despairing)

Ripley (minor)
Age : Late twenties, early thirties.
Lines #13
Preferred voice type : Deeper, throaty, sensual or relaxed. Thought if you don’t feel you fit this description, and would still like to voice the character, we would love to hear from you.
Accent: Non American/English accent preferred. If you do not naturally have an accent, and want to submit with an accent, please consider submitting with and without.
Ripley is a ghost. A very old ghost. She’s after Tyrone because he’s very powerful, and might be able to help her with a little problem she has. She’s very laid back because she has very few concerns at this point in her unlife.
Lines to read:

1- “Tyrone? I had been expecting a more noteworthy name for something like you.” (Note: Teasing)

2- “Yes like that, but not like that. Well maybe. Yes, I can read your thoughts. Sorry, yes, stopping.” (Note : Speaking without particular inflection and moving to apologetic)

3- “I do not expect you to understand, nor do I even want you to!” (Note : Angry/Spooky)

4- “You learn to get over it, people passing, I mean. We’re not suppose
d to be around forever, after all.” (Note: Sad)
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