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Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Commercial] - 1st DEMO/CONTEST!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 3:05 am
by oasis-plus

otome, romantic comedy, light fantasy/supernatural

Shy Violet never expected black magic to be real. Yes, she loves horror and the paranormal – the scarier, the better! And she’s even started her own Occult Club, though that just creeps her classmates out. But when a popular male student is cursed for real, even Violet doesn’t know what to do.

Now that Prince Not-So-Charming has transformed into a very strange ‘beast,’ it’ll take much more than a kiss to break the spell. Help Violet stop the curse, break out of her shell...and maybe even find new love (or at least new members for the Occult Club).

  • PC + mobile ports
  • 3 love interests you can buy separately
  • Unique paths with different curse victims and new ‘beast’ forms
  • 5 CGs, 2 endings, and an unlockable extra chapter included in every path


Download Demo

The current demo (Version 0.5) is for Windows, Mac, and Linux and contains the entire prologue of the game. Later, we will release a second demo that previews the first chapter for each path and includes mobile (Android/iOS) ports.


Our heroine Violet (her name can be customized in the game)...

The three obtainable characters - Vincent, Ace, and Orion. Each of them can be cursed into a different form, which will be revealed later...

And some side characters...

Layla Blair
Violet’s best (and only) friend, who started the Occult Club with her last year. Layla is now studying abroad, and always seems to be getting in (well, more like causing) wacky kinds of trouble.

Dr. Cross
Violet’s single mom. Despite being a busy ER doctor, she has an easygoing attitude and a close relationship with her daughter.

Layla’s grumpy black cat, whom Violet is currently taking care of. Lucifer likes being fed on time and hates everything else.


Click the images to enlarge.

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Click the images to enlarge.

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Oasis Plus is a visual novel group created and founded by Bunpurr and Syncaidia. We focus on bringing you fun and creative visual novel games. We are also working on the fantasy otome game Waxwing.


Check out our social media links for our latest updates.



We appreciate all feedback! We also have an optional survey.

1. Do you prefer to play on PC or mobile?

For Questions 2-4, please state if you are answering regarding PC or mobile games (or both).
2. How much do you usually pay for visual novels or otome games (if at all)?
3. Would you rather buy character routes separately, or have them all in one game?
4. Would you like the option to buy long routes in cheaper parts (all parts would be released at the same time)?

If you played the demo, let us know what you thought. Some optional questions to you get started:

5. What did you like about the demo?
6. What did you dislike or think could be improved? Did you find any bugs or typos?
7. Which of the three character routes would you be interested in purchasing?
8. Any other expectations or wishes for the full game?

Re: Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Comedy][Commercial]

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:35 am
by Laluune
I love the concept and the style is really cute. Your logo is particularly eye-catching :)

1. For me with VNs I guess I prefer PC especially if there is a lot of text. Though generally everything I play is on a console. Your mocks show a landscape design, but at that level of detail it wouldn't really work on many mobile devices (iphone 6 plus sure, haha) and then there's taking on all the different resolutions. Though I think there are programs that do this for you now, I dunno.

2. If it's for mobile I generally expect to pay $3.99 (at most for a single route) I think I've paid up to $8.99 though... that was awhile ago, can't recall what game and it really depends of the length of the routes. I remember being disappointed for the $8.99 one because it turned out very short! I think it was like an hour :\ and it didn't really have any branching arcs I merely tapped through the dialog.

3. You can do it the way Hakuouki did it, you could pay for single routes or buy Premium which has all characters. That way players can get a taste of the story without forking over all the moneys.

4. I think I understand the question. One route divided into multiple? I wouldn't like that. If anything Chapter 1 for free, and a purchase to get to the rest of the route. Otherwise I'm forking out money to progress the story and that doesn't usually feel nice, unless you are doing freemium and it's all put behind time gates or a love gate or something (which I can tolerate to an extent).

Re: Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Comedy][Commercial]

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:02 am
by E-night
1. Do you prefer to play on PC or mobile?

Well, both (an my answer below will cover both), a game like this I could easily see myself playing on my tablet, but also on the PC. Routes seem a more common feature on tablet though.

2. How much do you usually pay for visual novels or otome games (if at all)?

I don't. For tablet games it seems to be between 24 - 40 dkr (my tablet automatically changes the valuta, so...).

For full otome games not bought on my tablet I usually pay between 10 - 24 of the normal English valuta (dollars? It is embarrissing how little I know about this actually). Edit. If divided into routes I expect the Price of all the routes to reach between 10 -24, not the Price of each individual route to be so expensive.

3. Would you rather buy character routes separately, or have them all in one game?

I am fine with both approaches espically if it is basically three seperate stories as this. I do recommed selling the routes bundled with a discount and somehow make a prolog or free first chapter so people can get a taste of the individua routes (and characters involved in the routes)

4. Would you like the option to buy long routes in cheaper parts (all parts would be released at the same time)?

No. Not if they are a part of the same story. I exepct the story I buy to be finished. (Though I do accept sequels).

Re: Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Comedy][Commercial]

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:33 pm
by Green Glasses Girl
Oooh, the art is lovely. It's nice to see Oasis Plus with a new title~

For the survey: 1) PC, 2) I usually play free VNs unless there is something very special about it to incline me to spend, 3) All in one, 4) No, I'd rather have them in one bunch.

Re: Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Comedy][Commercial]

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:45 pm
by HiddenCreature
I think it's financially safer to have all your character routes in one purchase. Only reason I can think to make them separate is if they're like episodes, with very distinctive routes and large play times. And even then, you're only making one at a time, they're not all readily available upon release.

I have mixed feelings because I don't know what the actual gameplay is. Is everything pure dialogue, or are there some forms of mini games?

Re: Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Comedy][Commercial]

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:16 am
by Jate
I love the artwork! And the gui is adorable.

1. Do you prefer to play on PC or mobile?
I prefer PC, but I play more commerical games on mobile for the reason listed below.

2. How much do you usually pay for visual novels or otome games (if at all)?
Mobile wise 1 ~ 5 bucks. I really don't play a lot of commercial VNs on PC as they tend to be much more expensive than their mobile counterparts, but I'd say around 10.

3. Would you rather buy character routes separately, or have them all in one game?
I like the idea of buying them separately, as that way I get what I'm paying for if I don't go for every route. In your game's case, I wouldn't be interested in Ace, and would only want to play the other two, so having the option of not paying for him would be nice.

4. Would you like the option to buy long routes in cheaper parts (all parts would be released at the same time)?
Personally, I only buy a story if I'm getting a full story, so this option wouldn't interest me. The exception is if the first part is free and you pay to unlock the rest, as a sort of demo. But paying for multiple segments is not something I'd go for.

Re: Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Comedy][Commercial]

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:33 am
by Hazel-Bun
Oh commercial otome? Count me in!

1. Do you prefer to play on PC or mobile?
Both really. I enjoy the flexibility of mobile for my I-Phone, but am lacking non-Japanese titles for my PC.

2. How much do you usually pay for visual novels or otome games (if at all)?

For visual novels, I haven't spent over $15 (English title) for a PC without add ons like the soundtrack, art books, etc. For mobile per route, $3.99-$8.99. For a whole set, $30ish. This $30ish or so is very rare unless I trust the company (NTT Solmare basically), or it's a pretty huge deal like when Hakuouki got a mobile port.

3. Would you rather buy character routes separately, or have them all in one game?

SEPARATELY please. I cannot stress this enough for mobile releases. I do not like the pay as you go system of the "free" to plays, and am very very wary of buying all character routes if I've never played something, and I often don't enjoy all of the options so would rather not purchase that one if I can. Buying bundles is good but I usually only do that if I've played the free prologue, enjoyed what I brought, and want to further support the company. PC games I expect a demo or I rarely purchase. I'm also not a big spender when it comes to games though %95 of my game purchases are PC based for similar reasons to above.

4. Would you like the option to buy long routes in cheaper parts (all parts would be released at the same time)?

Does this mean free to play but you have to wait? Or, buy gems, etc.? If so, this doesn't interest me but expect some complaints if a "free" version isn't out on mobile from some.

Re: Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Comedy][Commercial]

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:39 am
by oasis-plus
Thank you for all the feedback!
Regarding our questions and based on the replies, we have decided to sell the game by character path. This way, you can pick and choose which paths you wish to play.

Re: Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Comedy][Commercial]

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 6:21 am
by gekiganwing
Think about how to portray the main character. Should she come across as a blank slate? Should she be a individual with a distinct personality? Should the reader be able to define her through actions? I think all three options can be interesting.
Laluune wrote: 3. You can do it the way Hakuouki did it, you could pay for single routes or buy Premium which has all characters. That way players can get a taste of the story without forking over all the moneys.
That story is sold on Google Play as a complete package, or as individual routes. As a customer who sometimes purchases mobile games, I appreciate being able to choose how much content I want.

Re: Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Comedy][Commercial]

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:05 am
by Fujihime
1. Do you prefer to play on PC or mobile?

For Questions 2-4, please state if you are answering regarding PC or mobile games (or both).
2. How much do you usually pay for visual novels or otome games (if at all)?
Mobile - USD3.99 for main story and depends if I like the story or not to buy the epilogues.

3. Would you rather buy character routes separately, or have them all in one game?
It really depends but I'm used to paying per character route cuz I tend to favour a certain character from a game.

4. Would you like the option to buy long routes in cheaper parts (all parts would be released at the same time)?
I prefer to read everything comfortably without disrupting the flow of the story.

The concept and drawings all look cute! Ganbatte!

Re: Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Comedy][Commercial]

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 6:29 pm
by SNSeed
1. Always PC, I never bother with mobile otome games

2. I am happy to pay 10-15 dollars for a PC visual novel/otome. If it's any higher than that, I expect it to take quite some time to finish.
3. I would rather have them all. I don't always do everyone's paths but I like the option to do them all if I am interested or just really like the game.
4. No, I wouldn't.

Re: Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Comedy][Commercial]

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 9:26 pm
by AntiquedFae
Just dropping by to say...oh my goodness if ever there was an otome game made for me then this would be it! I love the MC so, so much and can't wait to see how she's written. I'm thinking I will relate very well to her...
The plot sounds intriguing as well, and I like the very slight hinted at horror element with the beast forms, while still being an otome. I'm looking forward to trying this out and discovering more about the story. It looks really cute and quirky!

Re: Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Comedy][Commercial]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:40 am
by rmt_2011
This seems pretty interesting

1. Do you prefer to play on PC or mobile?
2. How much do you usually pay for visual novels or otome games (if at all)?
For PC I paid from $10-30 (technically $60 but that's because it was a 2 game bundle) before but it really depends on the story length and quality
The only mobile otome I ever bought was the Hakuoki premium but that's only because I love the game too much. I usually avoid mobile games
3. Would you rather buy character routes separately, or have them all in one game?
I really don't like separate routes. I would rather pay more and have an entire game since a lot of the time all the routes together uncover the story fully
4. Would you like the option to buy long routes in cheaper parts (all parts would be released at the same time)?
Although I don't like it when routes are sold separately, it's best if it's the entire route and not parts of it that is sold. It would frustrate me when I get stopped half way through a route

Re: Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Comedy][Commercial]

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:51 am
by oasis-plus
Thank you once again to everyone who is providing us feedback, it is very helpful!

We are working on putting together a Kickstarter in order to implement more original content and rewards for HPP. A demo and video will be put up together with the KS.

Hungry for some CGs? Have a cupcake that’s out of this world! Teaser for Orion’s intro in Hocus Pocus Prince, which will be in our upcoming demo.


Re: Hocus Pocus Prince [Otome][Comedy][Commercial]

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 6:45 am
by oasis-plus
We had a question earlier about the gameplay. Though most of Hocus Pocus Prince is a normal visual novel, we're also planning some small minigames.

Here is a preview of the detective minigame in Vincent’s route. Search locations and question suspects to find the culprit behind the curse!


