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Light VN recommendations

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:38 pm
by ladynamoru
Since I need a break from depressing, tragic and dark stories no matter how much I like that genre.
(Im even making a depressing VN to begin with >_< )

Can someone recommend me a light VN to read?
Yup light ... Bring me through the LIGHT (Not Death Note Light of course)
Did I mention Light? Oh I did?
Yes LIGHT VN....
Can you Kindly recommend me a few VN that is good to read?

I have some VN that although NOT light are GREAT to play/read
(Crimson Rafflesia, FreakQuency, Seduce Me and Fetish ) <---They arent light but I recomend them

Re: Light VN recommendations

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:13 pm
by trooper6
Coming Out on Top? Gay dating sim. High quality, low on darkness.

Re: Light VN recommendations

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 4:18 am
by Laiska
Well, as a writer I'm obligated to toot my own horn and recc Cerulean.

It's a cute friendship-centric story. Our team made the game specifically because we were all tired of working on super dark stories!

Re: Light VN recommendations

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:41 am
by ladynamoru
Cute Trailer and relaxing music ...many thanks

Ill try to dl it and secretly play it (Preparing the Dark room)

Re: Light VN recommendations

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:02 am
by Taleweaver
If you don't mind some dirty humor and sexual innuendo, Daemonophilia might be your cup of tea. It's a VN sitcom and probably the lightest entertainment I have written so far.

Re: Light VN recommendations

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:16 pm
by Carassaurat
I second Laiska's suggestion! Cerulean is the lightest VN I remember having played.

Some others recommendations:
The Tale of the Talking Frog: Ok, so this one looks a bit misleading because the creator's thread is rather sparse and there's no custom UI, so it looks somewhat cheap, but the actual visual novel has lovely attention to detail, with animated sprites and all. The writing is adorably polite.
Three Guys that Paint: This would be a much easier sell if the author didn't want to keep so much of it a secret, but despite the rather loose description given, it is a properly engaging narrative. And you get to read a 6 year old a book about dinosaurs making friends, which is just gosh-darned cute.
Maybe Autumn's Journey? It does feature a lot of fighting and stabbing, but the back of the box blurb also promises "Tons of cuteness!" and it does deliver that.

Re: Light VN recommendations

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:48 pm
by qirien
Beretta Mondatta is hilarious, though it's also pretty morbid? So maybe that's good if you need to see the light side of death and dismemberment. :D
Get Dumped is another funny one, especially if you are tired of dating sim tropes.
The Adventures of Prince Ivan is a light adventure with plenty of humor.

I second Autumn's Journey. So light and cuuuuuuute~~~~~!

(is it a faux pas to recommend my own? I'll just leave it at that and let you decide... :wink: )