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Somnus [Romance][Fantasy]

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:30 pm
by AmityAngel


Artwork by kirimatsu @ deviantart

- Main Theme Song-

The Setting:
~ The Universe ~
Both Somnus and In Dreaming take place in a fictional universe in which all worlds are dreams created and run by someone who has died, with their personality and ideals forming the basis for the world they create.
The souls of people are reincarnated endlessly, being drawn to various dreams throughout the universe.
It is a common theory that only those who possess significantly strong feelings at death can create a world and be reborn into it as its ruler.
Generally, the souls of people close to the world's ruler will migrate to that world, as bonds are a strong power in this universe.
Some people are aware of the nature of this universe, while most are oblivious, simply living their lives throughout the various dreams they travel to.
But certainly, what all people in this universe wish for the most is a perfect world, a perfect dream, where all can be happy.
Both of these stories follow characters who are generally aware of the universe, as they try to both create and live in a perfect world.
But for a world to be perfect, doesn't the creator have to be perfect as well?
No one is without darkness and flaws, that is the absolute truth.
Can they, in dreaming, overcome this?

~ The World ~
Somnus takes place in a world called Somnus.
Somnus is a dream created by a young man named Eminis, who had spent countless lives searching for a perfect world alongside his companions Belva and Faas.
There were countless others who had joined the trio over the immense amount of time they spent travelling to various worlds, however all had given up at some point along the way, convinced they would never find a world that wasn't rife with darkness and conflict.
After many attempts to take over and change these dreams for the better, which often ended in tragedy comprised of widespread blood and death as that world's creator would resist with all their might to fix the darkness inside their soul, Eminis finally had garnered enough strong feelings within himself to create his own dream.
And so it was created - a hopeful perfect world that Eminis and his companions had always wished for.
A beautiful city comprised of many tall buildings, all bathed in the same lustrous silvery color as the mysterious magical power the trio had gained during their journey.
But with all they have went through to get to this point, Eminis and his 2 closest companion's souls have surely been worn down, warped by the very same darkness they strived to erase.
Will they truly be able to keep this dream a perfect world, with their haunting past tugging at them?

~ You ~
You are somewhat aware of the workings of this universe.
You find your soul being drawn to Somnus, and are reincarnated within it.
You meet the aware and ruling characters of this dream, and are invited into their inner circle.
Will you become friends with them? Or perhaps something more?
Most importantly, can you help save them from their own darkness, so that this utopia can never fall apart?
It's up to you.

~ Characters ~

Belva ... -562647138

Eminis' self-proclaimed little sister, as she has been with
him the longest. Despite her soul's age, she can act
rather childish.

[Coming Soon]

[Coming Soon]

[Coming Soon]


- What's up with that gorgeous promotional/cover image for the visual novel that's up there near the top of the post?
It's drawn by kirimatsu and it is wonderful, isn't it? <3
It's depicting Belva standing in front of Somnus.
I chose Belva because other than Eminis (who is a main character in 1/3 of In Dreaming) she is the closest link to Somnus in the novel of In Dreaming.
(For Version 2, I hope to commission the same artist for a large picture of all 4 date-able characters standing infront of the city)

- How are you getting the sprites for the visual novel?
Because I don't have the funds to commission, I'm drawing them myself. ;w; Both front-facing and 3/4-view with 3 expressions each.
I'm certainly not a very competent artist yet, but I'm hoping my amateur art will be overlooked for the great storyline behind it. ^^;
I'll do my best to also draw a variety of CG art, though I suck at backgrounds so they probably won't be too great.
(For Version 2, if I deem my art worthy enough, I'll draw improved sprites. If not, I'll commission someone)

- What are you doing for Background Music (BGM)?
I'm using free-to-use music I find on the internet. I know that sounds pretty bad, but I've actually found a LOT of music that fits perfectly already! Including a gorgeous main theme song I posted above.
Frankly, even if I could commission someone for music, I wouldn't, because the 30 tracks I've found already fit more than perfectly enough~
(For Version 2, I'll probably keep the exact same BGM. It's amazing, seriously.)

- What about background images?
Also free-to-use images, since I has no funds. ;_; It'll be quite harder to find images to fit, since though it looks like a big city, Somnus is supposed to be very futuristic and silver-y looking. ^^; I'll manage somehow, though.
(For Version 2, definitely going to commission someone for background images)

- Will this have Hentai scenes in it?
Absolutely not! Not even if everyone begs! D;<
This story is not about sex. Sex can't fix anything these characters are going through! -rant-

- So what kind of visual novel is this exactly?
A dating-sim visual novel, like Clannad, Hatoful Boyfriend, etc.
There's a common route. You raise flags to get events with a dateable character.
Raise enough flags for one character, you get on their route.

- How much will you charge for the visual novel once it comes out?
It will be 100% free to play! I could never charge for something that uses amateur sprites and free-use background images! ^^;
(For Version 2, I may put it on Steam or something, depending on how popular it was during Version 1)

- I see you can date females and males. What gender is the player supposed to be?
The player is genderless, to ensure that everyone can enjoy the game.
For the full experience, I strongly recommend you play through all 4 routes, though.

- When will Version 1 of the visual novel come out?
If I could finish it by the end of this year, that'd be nice. ;w;
I have a busy RL though, so no guarantees on any sort of date. ^^;

- When will Version 2 of the visual novel come out?
When the novel In Dreaming is published. Because then I will have the funds for the improved art.

- Can I contribute something?
YES PLEAS- I mean, probably! If you have anything that you made yourself, that's free-use, or that you got permission from someone to use, and you think it fits this visual novel, please note me and let me know! I am totally open to contributions if I feel they will fit. If you want to offer to make something, I would love that. owo

- I can't contribute art or anything, but I still want to help. Can I donate to the cause of this visual novel being made/improved?
Oh wow, I appreciate the thought! ;w; I honestly don't think many people will care until In Dreaming comes out..
Because of that, I didn't bother to make a kickstarter or anything, but if even one person shows interest in donating, it will be made! Just let me know by commenting or noting.


I originally posted this on deviantart, but copied and pasted it here to gather more interest.
If you are interested in this visual novel, please follow me on deviantart and favorite this journal entry: ... -562672309

Re: Somnus [Romance][Fantasy]

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:25 pm
by Jae
Has an Angel Beat-ish feel with the neverending reincarnation in an afterlife world.

Then continued reading and saw the Clannad reference. Sounds like Key material here. No complaints :D

Re: Somnus [Romance][Fantasy]

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:29 pm
by AmityAngel
Jae wrote:Has an Angel Beat-ish feel with the neverending reincarnation in an afterlife world.

Then continued reading and saw the Clannad reference. Sounds like Key material here. No complaints :D
I'm glad you have no complaints, though I don't feel it's very much like Angel Beats =P~ Because in Angel Beats, they go to an afterlife world, and then are reincarnated back into the real world. Here, they basically just go to afterlife worlds nonstop, there is no "real" world. And well, I only put in Clannad because I needed examples of other dating-sim type visual novels, and since it's a popular visual novel, I listed it. =P
I do respect Key and admire their storytelling abilities, but I definitely wasn't particularly inspired by them with this story.
More than anything else, this is a story that explores the darkness in people's hearts and how to overcome it, as well as the importance of all types of bonds between people in doing so.
Maybe Key delves into that sometimes too, but it's mostly about cute girls having tragic things happen to them, and then overcoming those tragedies with magic.
Not saying that one is better than the other, but they're quite different~

Thanks for the input though, I hope you'll play it when it's finished. ^^