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Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:34 am
by azureXtwilight
In my country, hentai sites are totally wiped out, they said. Some of my friends tried to open the common ones but they said it's gone. *whistle*. How can they find lots of sites like that? :o

Re: Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:37 am
by bloodywyvern
H-h-h-h-hentai sites wiped out!? BLASPHEMY! There must always by loleh's to pass the time. I can not accept a world without them! Well I can, but it has a severe lack of cuteness...

With that said, I'm fairly certain it would be quite difficult for them to catch them you might just consider more creative searches. If they are blocking those they find, then you only need to outsmart the government (not that hard). If they are doing it by keywords, find sites that use cleaner language XD

Re: Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:59 am
by Blue Lemma
Government censorship sucks (except in very very rare cases) >_< At least the government is crappy at doing stuff :wink:

Re: Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:25 am
by azureXtwilight
I think there's more than 100 sites like that in the net, my goverment also erased link to the short islamic movie called... Ahh, I forgot. :(
Basically their reasons are to keep the immature ppl below 18 from hentai...
And in my country there's lots of 'em browsing the net, lately I found an 12 years old child doing raping to his sister, and basically that's what made the goverment made them....
Anyways, about 30-45% in progress the gossip said..

Re: Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:33 am
by renkenjutsu
Well, with the advent that a 12 year old raped his sister, I can understand why such drastic changes are called for. But instead of net-wide censorship, awareness programs and initiative would be more effective in the long run. Keeping the dark side out of reach will only make people try harder to reach it. But telling and advocating the obvious pros and cons and consequences of the action but keeping them exposed has a much more lasting positive effect. Better to know and learn where to draw the line than to not know and find a way to cross it, I say.

Re: Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:39 am
by bloodywyvern
Blue Lemma wrote:Government censorship sucks (except in very very rare cases) >_< At least the government is crappy at doing stuff :wink:
Indeed, they do tend to be quite inefficient in terms of attempting to bar people from things. It's much harder to police things when they have no way of putting their military on the streets :roll: But you can't expect them to be able to manage to be 100% efficient anyway. In my experience, they aren't really attempting to block "everyone" from them...more like "casual" surfers. The case is, if someone REALLY wants it...they will get it. There's no exception that I know of to that rule when involving the net.

azureXtwilight wrote:I think there's more than 100 sites like that in the net, my goverment also erased link to the short islamic movie called... Ahh, I forgot. :(
Basically their reasons are to keep the immature ppl below 18 from hentai...
And in my country there's lots of 'em browsing the net, lately I found an 12 years old child doing raping to his sister, and basically that's what made the goverment made them....
Anyways, about 30-45% in progress the gossip said..
More than 100 sites? For hentai? Surely your joking, the phrase "More than 1000" might have been more appropriate. Of course that number would be far too low as well.

Hm, keeping immature people below 18 from hentai? How does that work? They can't (well they CAN, but shouldn't) use a reason like that when blocking it for the community as a whole. Though many people over 18 are just as immature anyway, still it keeps legitimate people from a simple enjoyment.

I love how countries think by banning hentai the world will be a morally right place, or some crap like that. Really, I'd say anyone who finds themselves influenced to do something by an adult anime, had the impulse to do it already. For most it's a -somewhat- innocent session with no bad intentions to inflict that kind of stuff on anyone else. Besides, anything they see in an anime can easily be imagined in their own mind. They might as well say "we are blocking all dirty thoughts", which would be just as effective! Since neither of the bans will actually work.

The government should not be dealing with this stuff until it becomes an actual incident. I think monitoring of the content coming to kids should be done by the...oh I don't know...parents? They keep saying "we can't be blamed for what they watch, it's there!". Yes, well, that's all well and good...but they are the ones setting them up on the net. Computers and providers come with a range of parent controls now, they should learn to use them. Otherwise just actually WATCH your kids! It's the exact same thing with video games, the moms blame the system, which in turn gets the government to blame the system (on their reelection years, at least), and our hobbies all become government black listed.

Re: Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:54 am
by Sin
lol. Finland did something similar recently, where they blocked a whole bunch of sites. The funny thing is that in the press release they supplied the complete list of blocked sites and I could easily check them out. They claimed they blocked pedophilia sites and sure, some of them were, but the ones I checked were mostly gay-oriented. I'm not sure I agree that gay sites should be blocked.

I'm so glad I live in a country where pedophilia is frowned upon, but any other sexual interest (or deviation for that matter) is considered to be a private affair and the government has openly made a point to say it's not their business. It really isn't. (No I'm not referring to america). Constraining sexuality leads to bad things and there are plenty of evidence why that's true. Islamic countries are notorious for censoring and suffocating any sexual tendencies because it's considered non-islamic. I wouldn't expect their views on free speech and sexuality to mature any time soon. They are in fact non-islamic.

In any case. There are always anonymous proxies if you're desperate.

Re: Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:54 am
by mugenjohncel

Re: Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:13 pm
by Blue123
bloodywyvern wrote: More than 100 sites? For hentai? Surely your joking, the phrase "More than 1000" might have been more appropriate.
The correct phrase is OVER 9000!!!1111

Anyway, on topic, I'm quite opposed to this censorship. Alright, some may argue Hentai isn't a very moral or "correct" hobby, etc. but at least no-ones really getting hurt? amirite? In fact, perhaps the governments that impose these bans have hurt more people... LULZ

Re: Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:06 pm
by azureXtwilight
mugenjohncel wrote:
In my (biased) opinion, a country who censors the interwebs is as good as fucked up. What's next?... Girls shoudn't be wearing skirts above knee lenght?... Doraemon and Cartoon Network will be banned because it's "Oh Soo Violent"?... Might as well let the Taliban run your [country...

I tell you... it's a conspiracy!... it's the governments plan to totally control it's citizens and make them mindless obedient slaves... It's not too late my friend... get out of that country while you still can for your sake and your future... Move to another country... Go to the Philippines... yeah, it's nearly as fucked up but not quite batshit insane when it comes to censorship... (of course, there is still this "little" matter of tolerating the crappy shows the so called network giants show during (Barf) primetime...
Actually... There's already a law which forbid that, what was it's name again?
[flips books]
Yeah, the law of pornography...
Well, I think how hard they tried there might be s'o who might get pass, ppl here is not that stupid I guess.
In fact, I bet they can't just erased the whole thing from our server anyways.
I mean, this problem is complicated.
What next? They're gonna erased blue movies? WTH
Not that I'm 100% agree with this, I man how about those guys over 18?
I think it's natural for them to watch that...
We're under 18 is okay not to watch them...
But I don't think this is a good solution instead...

Re: Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:41 pm
by musical74
9000 hentai sites?!

By in large, I'm against censorship, because it really does more harm than good. Granted, the 12 year old raping the sister is BAD, but is banning hentai going to stop such acts? No it won't....I would think that the government would do better educating people about the pros and cons of hentai sites rather than just saying *easier to ban hentai than explain things.*

Re: Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:16 pm
by azureXtwilight
musical74 wrote:
By in large, I'm against censorship, because it really does more harm than good. Granted, the 12 year old raping the sister is BAD, but is banning hentai going to stop such acts? No it won't....I would think that the government would do better educating people about the pros and cons of hentai sites rather than just saying *easier to ban hentai than explain things.*
And that's what they don't do.
But the laws of pornography...
Hmm. even if the law is currently official, I think no one cares in my opinion.
Y'know maybe that's one reason why they did it anyways..

Re: Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:41 pm
What! How can I don't know about it? Well, it's been a very long time since I last visited such sites. The rumor about blocking "porn" sites has been lingering around for a long time but I don't know that they'll really do it.

With the lack of cyber law and sex education and alike, I think just blocking the sites won't give any better effects.

Re: Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:14 pm
by azureXtwilight
No that doesn't WORK, even we said no.
That will really matters is we're already 18.
Some of us will like "WAAAH!!!" and "WTF!?"
Or something like that.
That won't solve the problem, but no one ever said that directly to the government tough...

Re: Hentai sites = terminated

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:43 pm
by bloodywyvern
Blue123 wrote:
The correct phrase is OVER 9000!!!1111

Anyway, on topic, I'm quite opposed to this censorship. Alright, some may argue Hentai isn't a very moral or "correct" hobby, etc. but at least no-ones really getting hurt? amirite? In fact, perhaps the governments that impose these bans have hurt more people... LULZ
I was originally going to say that xD but felt it was overused.

Well, I don't see how it's an immoral hobby either. Though the moral principles of society shift constantly, what one day is an immoral sin is next widely accepted for the most part (here's looking at you divorce rate!). I'd say chances are this will blow over as most things are. Governments and soccer moms will find another thing to beat to death and leave the poor naked loli's alone. They did it with video games here in the U.S., but for the -most- part the media hype is over. Once the media is gone, the activists lose most of their punch.
musical74 wrote:9000 hentai sites?!

By in large, I'm against censorship, because it really does more harm than good. Granted, the 12 year old raping the sister is BAD, but is banning hentai going to stop such acts? No it won't....I would think that the government would do better educating people about the pros and cons of hentai sites rather than just saying *easier to ban hentai than explain things.*
Yes, I have to agree. Banning hentai will not stop these actions. It's being used as a scapegoat to avoid looking at the hard, fundamental problems in some households or society's. No one wants to accept their kid could rape someone, so why not just blame the sites? I'll agree that possibly educating people on the history and effects of it could be beneficial. It wouldn't seem so strange and new to them then.
azureXtwilight wrote: That won't solve the problem, but no one ever said that directly to the government tough...
You seem to have quite a lot of faith in your government if you think just "telling it directly to them" will solve anything. Really, they don't -care-. The only reason they put laws like this through is to silence the insane activists since everyone else won't bother speaking up. They just find ways around it and grumble. On another note, you -can't- even really speak directly to the government. It's practically impossible to get a single voice heard. People are better off gaining a huge group to petition or something. Though, chances are that won't do much either.