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Kitten's Cry

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:07 pm
by AngelicCarrot

Hello again! ^^ I'm happy to announce my next project, Kitten's Cry! I got a lot of good feedback from the story so I'm officially making it into a VN ^__^ It will be rated teen, for violence/disturbing scenes.


Your friend Lucia's young aunt just died in an accident. She asks you to help her clean out her Aunt's house, which is now (apparently) vacant. While cleaning out the empty house, you keep hearing shuffling and meowing upstairs. Curious, you go check- Only to find three abandoned catgirls living in the attic!


(Note: These are not the official sprites persay, they're just character concepts)


Hero (who you will name, not pictured):

Male, age 16. Is a caring person and likes to help people in need. His parents adopted him when he was young, and the mystery of his real parents still puzzels him today.

You get to type in your own name for the game (So you don't have to be some random guy named Fred or whatever). Also, his personality can change depending on how you react to others in the game.

Lucia (top-right in the picture):

Female, age 15. Pretty much a normal teenage girl. Is also a caring person, but has a temper and like things done "correctly". You met her on the first day of school and became friends. Her aunt recently died.


Presea (top-left in the picture):

Female, age 15. Presea is an easy-going, calm girl who likes to spend her time doing small crafts and reading children's stories. She is currently suffering from an unknown illness that puts her in a lot of pain and makes her unable to move, which takes a toll on her. Even with her awful health, she still cares more for her sisters than herself and has a positive outlook on life.

Felicity (bottom-right in the picture):

Female, age 13. The youngest of the three catgirl sisters. Felicity had a very abusive past, which makes her skiddish and a little anti-social. Sometimes she has breakdown attacks when something triggers her memory of her awful childhood. She is a bit selfcentered and doesn't enjoy going outside of the house. Other than that, she's an amazing cook and cooks virtually every meal her sisters eat.

Camron (bottom-left in the picture):

Female, age 16. The oldest of the three catgirl sisters. Camron is a flirty, competitive and viviacious young girl who takes care of her sisters. She works at the local diner (in different clothes, of course) and does most of the housekeeping. She's also very interested in science and the supernatural, and occasionally does experinments in the basement. All her life she's been a reject and been forced to do hard work, which has taken a toll on her mental state. Camron blames herself for the pain in her sisters lives for an unknown reason that she will not disclose.


Take the girls out on dates, buy them gifts and talk to them to figure out the answers to mysteries that pop up. The three catgirls have their own stories and then there's a major mystery that you have to piece together by talking to all 4 girls and getting information elsewhere. Pretty much, a mystery VN and a dating sim all-in-one.


-Opening song/video
-Help with coding
-Voice actors (?) Maybe, maybe not. I haven't decided yet ^^;

Okay! ^^ Thats all I have for now, please tell me what you think!


Re: Kitten's Cry

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:28 pm
by Samu-kun
This thread gets Samu-kun's approval. :3 *thumbs up*


Re: Kitten's Cry

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:25 pm
by AngelicCarrot
Yaaay! ^^ Thankyou!

Re: Kitten's Cry

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:48 pm
by risingbamboobanana
looks like you're off to a great start! the premise has lots of potentials and the character designs are cute (: i esp. like Camron's design ^^

Re: Kitten's Cry

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:56 pm
by musical74
I REALLY like the way that you've set this up....granted, I'm biased because I like mysteries but a mystery/dating sim combo sounds great and I like the mentality of the characters...good stuff :)

Re: Kitten's Cry

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:51 am
by AngelicCarrot
Thanks so much everyone! ^^ I really appreciate the feedback!!

Re: Kitten's Cry

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:55 am
by Blue Bunny
Oh , good characters! I like this history , and I hope you realize it very well!

Re: Kitten's Cry

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:22 am
by Cybeat
Cute characters, and the story sounds like a great one. Good luck.

Re: Kitten's Cry

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:05 pm
by Ren
I'll be waiting to play this!I really like your characters' design^_^

Re: Kitten's Cry

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:56 pm
by AngelicCarrot
Say, is there any improvement I need to make in the character designs? I'm kind of unhappy with Presea and Felicity's designs... But I don't really know how to improve them to fit their characters better. Could someone help? ^^;

Re: Kitten's Cry

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:59 pm
by Hatomikazuki
AngelicCarrot wrote:Say, is there any improvement I need to make in the character designs? I'm kind of unhappy with Presea and Felicity's designs... But I don't really know how to improve them to fit their characters better. Could someone help? ^^;
I like their designs quite a bit...Presea's seems really nice to me...Maybe some lace around the edge of her dress? If you want, I dunno, she seems fine as is...^-^''
The only thing I would maybe suggest with Felicity, is either give her a slightly different hair style, or give Camron a slightly different hair style...As right now, they're pretty much the same. But it fits her, so I wouldn't worry about it too much...
I guess if you want, you could try giving Felicity an apron? Maybe? Or some other piece to her dress, like a sash?
Honestly, they seem pretty fine as they are to me...^-^''

Re: Kitten's Cry

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:18 pm
by PyTom
I think the tails could use a bit of work. Right now they look flat, rather than round and furry.

Re: Kitten's Cry

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:06 pm
by AngelicCarrot
Yeah, I noticed that ^^;

Also... Felicity's supposed to look like a loli, does she? :O

Re: Kitten's Cry

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:41 pm
by Samu-kun
I think Felicity's eyes are mispositioned. Compare her picture to the picture of Tsukasa I posted right afterwards to see what I mean.

Re: Kitten's Cry

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:49 am
by kraken
For the opening song, do you need a singer? If yes, maybe can I finf you one.