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my kinetic novel game called myPyroject

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 11:47 am
by Tigger
The game does not contain much, doesn't contain menus, choices, so i guess that makes it a kinetic novel? Anyway, this was my first game, so now that i got it out of my system, i can do something better, i have no reason, or excuse, to do a similar thing again, at least.
I only tested it on windows, so i am not sure about other operating systems, but it is too primitive and simple, i guess there is not a lot of places to expect getting errors anyway.
I am going to leave the title uncommented, although a reference to pyromancy goes wasted as a potential there. It was to refer to python, no biggies.

Re: my kinetic novel game called myPyroject

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:21 am
by FonaCall
Well, that was amusing. Pretty meta too. I like the silly filler text part, the one with the underscores.

There's definitely not much room for error except for spelling. (I went through it quickly, since it doesn't need that much reading anyway, so yeah, I don't know if there are grammatical ones.)

I look forward to your better work.

- Piet