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「 」at first sight [BxB; romance, comedy, drama, parody]

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:34 am
by audrenes

A new year. A new beginning.

The first day of school in his second year was alright, as far as it goes for a transfer student.

Before Saki Ren moved and changed schools, he ended his first year by coming terms with his sexuality after mulling over the subject for years. To his surprise, most of the people he knew had accepted him, and he thought that things would get better from there. But after stumbling into a small shop, Ren had accidentally placed a curse on himself where he would be unable to see any possible love interest as who they truly are.

Thinking it as a joke, he shrugged it off.

The second day of school, however, was when things started to take a weird turn when three guys he met that day looked like anatomically incorrect drawings.


TyranoBuilder | Development Est. April 9, 2016 | BxB
Updates are irregular/whenever I feel like it.



Just a head's up for anyone wondering: this is SFW. Maybe some minor sexual themes will be mentioned because, listen, these boys are high schoolers and hormones and blah, blah-- but there will absolutely not be any on-screen dingalingles or bangarangins because, listen, these boys are high schoolers and are minors.

If you're looking for hot and heavy boy on boy action, this game is definitely not it.

If you're looking for fluffy trope aversion/subersion/parodying of the BL genre, this game may be it.

Oh yeah, most likely there will be strong language.


Progress & Development.

Haven't done much except work on the characters.


(Relationships refer up to the Common Route)
♦ That you. | ♥ You can romance them if you want. | ♣ You should like them, Ren does. | ♠ Ren doesn't know how to feel about them.
♦ - MC - Saki Ren - 2nd Year
The poor sap who has to deal with all of this weird stuff and is pretty reluctant at his options for romance, mostly because they... aren't exactly his type, to put it nicely.
- Really Gay. Like, super gay.
- "I'm Super Done With This, But I Gotta Go Through With It, I Guess" character type
- A hopeless romantic type of guy.
- Still though, he has some set of standards and his options are not as favorable as he hoped they would be.
- Pragmatic and a pretty responsible student.
- Joined the Literature Club since it felt familiar to the one in his former school.
- Just wants to make it through high school alive at this point, to be honest.

♥ - Yamato Ryohei - 3rd Year
A pretty helpful senpai whose genuine quest for love is commonly perceived as merciless playboy antics. He fell for Ren at first sight, which kind of shocked the latter at how quickly it had happened.
- Pansexual
- Senpai with the "Ah Yes, I am Into ALL of this, Especially You, baby ;^)" character type.
- Thinks that the amount of people he's dated is what gave him the "playboy" title, but in reality, it's his overly friendly and reckless personality that did.
- In fact, Ren is really annoyed by his loose personality and doesn't take his advances seriously because of that.
- Is the student council VP, has a modeling job, and tutors from time to time. He's a pretty busy guy.
- He's popular, if you wanna give him that kind of label. He just knows a lot of people and is very extroverted.
- Just wants a nice person to date.

♥ - Sato Naoki - 2nd Year
He was super jazzed to see Ren again, since they were childhood bffls in elementary school before they didn't enter in the same junior high.
- Straight (?)
- Yeah, no. He's the Childhood Friend with the "No Homo (Spoiler: Full Bi)" character type.
- Had a crush on Ren at some point before they parted-- was super confused by it. He put those thoughts to the side when they separated and they came back when they reunited.
- Ren is most comfortable around Naoki.
- A pretty chill guy, honestly. Loves naps and food.
- He's also pretty sporty! He's on the track team and prefers long distance running.
- Not as "popular" as Ryohei, but knows enough people.
- Just wants it to be lunch time, to be honest.

♥ - Takuya Shigure -2nd Year
A lot of people think he's participating in not-so-legal activities with how much he's absent from school. It really doesn't help that he neither confirms nor denies these rumors. He missed enough days in his second year that he had to repeat it.
- Never had the chance to think about who he's interested in, to be honest. He's been busy with... other things.
- He sits right behind Ren and has had enough small talk for their teacher to think that they're close enough for Ren to deliver him his homework whenever Ryohei's MIA.
- Ren is super intimidated by Shigure but talks to him anyway to avoid being on his bad side.
- Really quiet. Does alright in school.
- He's in the going home club. While their school doesn't require students to be in clubs, it is highly recommended to be in one. Somehow managed to avoid that rule. As expected, shady rumors surround that story.
- Arguably Ryohei's best friend since he was the one who talked to Shigure the most. Aside from Ryohei, Ren and (occasionally) Naoki are the only ones he speaks to.
- Just wants to graduate.

♣ - Ishikawa Chihiro - 2nd Year
She's still at Ren's old school. She loves reading BL material (i.e.: she's a fujoshi) but doesn't like to impose on Ren's love life. (Unless he gives her the okay or he needs that added push.) She's one of the two people Ren's confided in about his situation.
- Bisexual
- The "Overly Supportive Fujoshi BFFL, But With a Sense of Caution" character type
- Ren continues to contact her even though they're at different schools. She does her best to help him with his problems.
- A nice girl. Though, people do comment that she could be more "proper", but she could not care less.
- She's the President of the Literature Club at her school.
- More or less Ren's wing-girl if he lets her do her thing.
- She and Ren met in their first year of junior high.
- Just wants Ren to be happy after having to go through this hot mess of a situation.

♣ - Saki Manami/"Ami" - somewhere in junior high...............
Pretty ambitious and cunning for her age. Like any other younger sister, she likes to bug Ren a lot, but they're still close. She's one of the two people Ren's confided in about his situation.
- Hasn't really thought about who she likes either. Isn't really interested in dating yet, anyway.
- The "Sufficiently Annoying Little Sister" character type
- Did her best to soften their parents' reaction to Ren and his sexuality.
- Pretty responsible girl. Has way too much free time.
- She was the first person to know about Ren's sexuality.
- Just wants her brother to have the best that he can get.

minor characters

♣ - Saki Koharu - Make-up artist
Her life is pretty well put-together-- she's beautiful, functional as an adult, and is engaged to her high school sweetheart. She wants to be there for her younger siblings, but she's pretty busy.
- Straight af.
- The "Functioning Stable Adult" character type.
- Is a cinnamon roll. She does her best, okay.
- Suspected that Ren was gay, but didn't want to assume. Supported him when he came out.
- I aspire to be well put together as she is.
- Just wants her siblings to be happy.

♠ - Inoue Yuuki - Company man
Koharu's fiancee. Is as well put-together as she is and is super hyped to marry her.
- Bisexual
- "My First Love" character type.
- Yep. It's totally not (is) awkward whenever he and Ren are in the same room. Even though Ren never confessed to him. (He kinda did.) This is fine. (It's not.)
- Met Koharu through Ren. Doesn't bug Ren at all. (It did.)
- Super in love with Koharu. Ren is happy for them. (He's conflicted.)
- Works really hard to make Koharu happy. Ren offers him advice. He doesn't mind. (He got used to it.)
- Just wants to be happy with Koharu. (Ren wishes them the best.)

♠ - Hayashi Seiji - 3rd Year
Ryohei's coworker at the modeling agency. Really nice. Goes to another high school.
- Pansexual.
- "Wow I Wish He Had a Route" character type.
- Ren doesn't fully trust him on the sole basis that he's Ryohei's friend. After some time, he's kept a pretty good impression on Ren.
- Only appears in Ryohei's route. Or at least has a major role in it.
- Just wants to be successful.

♠ - Takuya Hotaru - Hairdresser
Shigure's mother. Type of lady to feed stray cats and give away her food to someone who needs it more. Charitable. That's the word.
- Straight.
- "Best Mom" character type.
- Does her best for her son.
- Only appears in Shigure's route. Mentioned in others, maybe.
- Just wants her son to be happy.

♠ - Sato Itsuki - Works odd jobs
Naoki's mother. Does her best, but is kind of a mess.
- Straight.
- "Best Dad" character type.
- Does his best for his family.
- Only appears in Naoki's route.
- Would be BFFLs with Shigure's mom, tbh.
- Just wants his kids to be happy.

♠ - Saki Rei - Professor
Ren, Ami, and Koharu's mother.
- Straight.
- "An Alright Mom" character type.
- Loves her family, but had to be eased into the idea that her son was gay.
- Is pretty spiritual.
- Just wants her kids to be happy.

♠ - Saki Yoichi - Prosecutor
Ren, Ami, and Koharu's father.
- Straight
- "An Alright Dad" character type.
- Loves his family, but had to be eased into the idea that his son was gay.
- Grew up pretty traditional.
- Just wants his kids to be happy.


- As usual, writing & art will be done by me.
- I'll ask for beta-readers in the future.


Risks & Challenges.
- This is a side/I'll update whenever I feel like it project.
- If anyone has any info on how Japanese high schoolers feel about the LGBTQA community, I would love to hear about it so I can portray it better.
- Even so, I may end up having the students act like how people are in my school-- generally accepting, super casual about it. Still, I want to portray the characters as accurate as I can.


- To think that I came up with this at 3 in the morning as a joke and yet here I am. Doing this.
- This is in the ideas forum because it's not my main project.
- I gotta say, drawing the boyfs as the common anatomically incorrect yaoi character so far has been pretty fun.
- If there's an actual name for the character types I mentioned, I would love to see them.
- I want to have Ren just be So Done with everything but still hopeful at the same time.
- It's really hard to restrain myself from revealing the boyfs' actual appearance.


- I really, really want to avert/subvert a lot of common BL tropes. Especially the problematic ones.
- -> Maybe even dating sim/otome game tropes too...
- Three routes (not including common route)-- maybe three endings for each? (Bad End, Neutral End, Good End), and a Special End.
- -> There will be no true end. Choose whichever route you like the best as canon. I literally can't stop you from that, lol.
- Knowing how much detail I love to slap in on my work, will probably be pretty long.
- -> Let's start with at least 50k.
- Mild amount of choices.
- -> Common route will determine which route the player will fall under.
- -> Route-specific choices should be answered as how the player would react in that situation. (Unless they're running through it to get another ending, I guess.)
- May make alternative images where the anatomically incorrect character is shown as they actually are.


1. Which romance option interests you the most?
2. Which character interests you the most?
3. What BL/dating sim trope do you want to see averted/subverted?
4. What romance trope is your favorite and would like to see?
5. What would you like to see?


Closing Note.
This is gonna be so fun to work on whenever I feel like working on it. Thank you for your support and looking at this thread!


Progress Log.
(follow my development blog for more updates!)
04/09/16: And so, the monster was born. Splurged on what my mind could type at 3AM
04/10/16: Improved description and added character descriptions.
04/13/16: Actual forms of the boyfs more or less finalized. Started to think up of an actual name.
04/21/16: Started to make this thread. Added more characters, changed some names. Finally decided on the actual name of the game and made the logo.
01/22/16: Thread created. Improved vn summary & character descriptions.

Re: 「 」at first sight [BxB; romance, comedy, drama, parod

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:41 am
by gekiganwing
First, I understand that you're writing comedy. Second, I believe that you will benefit by making sure people can easily understand your characters. One of your characters might just be a "Sufficiently Annoying Little Sister," and might not have multiple layers of depth or layered motivations. Sometimes it's enough for a humorous character to just hit one note.

That said, I'm a bit surprised how often you used the word "archetype" in your descriptions. How many characters across varied categories of media fit these descriptions? Think about how many examples you can name. If it's difficult to think up more than two specific examples, then "archetype" might not be an accurate word.
audrenes wrote:If anyone has any info on how Japanese high schoolers feel about the LGBTQA community, I would love to hear about it so I can portray it better.
This sounds like a good topic to research. If you have difficulty finding relevant, up-to-date information through web searches and Wikipedia entries with citations, then consider using the Livejournal community Little Details.

It's your story, so you can write what you want. Make sure to do enough research to avoid factual errors. At the same time, remember that this is a *story* rather than a news report.
audrenes wrote: 3. What BL/dating sim trope do you want to see averted/subverted?
4. What romance trope is your favorite and would like to see?
I recommend the following:

I. Write down a list called "Plot twists and concepts I would like to include in my story."
II. Write a second list called "Plot twists and concepts I would like to *avoid* in my story."
III. Think about your favorite and least favorite stories. Write specific examples of what you thought they did well, what they could have done better, and what their weak points were.

(Parts one and two are from the book No Plot? No Problem!, written by Chris Baty.)

Re: 「 」at first sight [BxB; romance, comedy, drama, parod

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:26 am
by audrenes
gekiganwing wrote:First, I understand that you're writing comedy. Second, I believe that you will benefit by making sure people can easily understand your characters. One of your characters might just be a "Sufficiently Annoying Little Sister," and might not have multiple layers of depth or layered motivations. Sometimes it's enough for a humorous character to just hit one note.

That said, I'm a bit surprised how often you used the word "archetype" in your descriptions. How many characters across varied categories of media fit these descriptions? Think about how many examples you can name. If it's difficult to think up more than two specific examples, then "archetype" might not be an accurate word.
audrenes wrote:If anyone has any info on how Japanese high schoolers feel about the LGBTQA community, I would love to hear about it so I can portray it better.
This sounds like a good topic to research. If you have difficulty finding relevant, up-to-date information through web searches and Wikipedia entries with citations, then consider using the Livejournal community Little Details.

It's your story, so you can write what you want. Make sure to do enough research to avoid factual errors. At the same time, remember that this is a *story* rather than a news report.
audrenes wrote: 3. What BL/dating sim trope do you want to see averted/subverted?
4. What romance trope is your favorite and would like to see?
I recommend the following:

I. Write down a list called "Plot twists and concepts I would like to include in my story."
II. Write a second list called "Plot twists and concepts I would like to *avoid* in my story."
III. Think about your favorite and least favorite stories. Write specific examples of what you thought they did well, what they could have done better, and what their weak points were.

(Parts one and two are from the book No Plot? No Problem!, written by Chris Baty.)
Thanks for the feedback!

I actually changed archetype from character type last minute. With what you said, I'm going to go back and change it to avoid confusion. Sorry about that!

In regards to the characters, though, all of these descriptions are from how they are in the common route, before any changes happen. I plan to dig much deeper once they start to get more involved with the story. Especially with Ami since she wants to help her brother out.

Once I get around to it (when I'm not so busy with school things...) I'll definitely make those lists so planning and outlining each of the routes will be easier to do.

Again, thank you for your feedback, I really appreciate it!