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Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:15 pm
by yummy
Hello people, I open my lil' workshop for now.

Here are what I produced so far, being it music, CG or whatever.
You might already have heard or seen my previous works, but I'll add some more.
Feel free to comment or critique.

Silent Remix - A MIDI made from the OST of the game Axelay. I fear my ears are too bad since I messed the percussions (and got bored at the end of the track so I didn't do the recatch bass that links with the loop). Still, it's pretty polished, although I did that 4 years ago.

Original Tracks:
Solitude in the Rain
A Fine Day (short Eyecatch theme)
A Girl's Feelings
Cry to the Stars

Noemi, first CG try
I tried to color but failed. Currently revamping and recoloring (plus creating a new pose).
You can see the first step to this here.

Please note that I won't authorize any use on these works besides remixing, but if you want some music I'd be just happy to provide some original made for free. It really depends on my schedule so if you're patient enough (about 2~3 weeks) and it also depends on what kind of music style you favor.

Re: Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:39 pm
by Midnighticequeen
Did you make these pictures and music for a game your currently working on?

Re: Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:53 pm
by yummy
Yes, I have been planning and creating the whole universe where the story will take place.
At first I wanted to make some sort of bridge with human story but I realised it was far too presomptuous to write something like that.
So now the story takes place on a random universe where humans live.

It's real too soon to say when I'll release the game. For now I'm CGing. Until I color every character, there's no saying when I can release even a beta.

Re: Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:58 pm
by Midnighticequeen
Alright, it's the same for me, I'm so working on my first game, but right now I'm trying to get my characters and scenes together, and as for music--well I could always pray for that to come along too. What program did you use to make your music?

Re: Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:13 pm
by yummy
I used a commercial program called Reason, from the company Propellerhead.
Back in time, when I first composed, it was in MIDI, using an unknown composer in japanese called Cherry. The interface is about the same and it offers a lot of flexibility as you can plug a lot of virtual devices with patches that allow you to set your own instruments.
I'm essentially composing using the mouse XD

Re: Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:11 pm
by Midnighticequeen
Wow, that's amazing, is it easy to use? I tried to listen to some of your music but I don't have the right file extension on my computer yet.

Re: Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 6:53 pm
by yummy
It's not that easy to use actually. I had to read tutorials and do some fiddling to get it to work.
At some time I wondered how to render what I had composed in MIDI via the import function. Turned out to be useless, all the settings for MIDI aren't fit for the patches from the software.
Anyway, if you're a little bit aware about MIDI devices (physical ones) and how VST modules work, then it's not a problem.
There's a piano roll that helps if you compose with the mouse (like me) because I'm too lazy to buy a real piano keyboard haha.

About the music file extensions: these have been encoded in OGG Vorbis, it's a codec that I use for copyright reasons (i.e. I can't afford a mp3 license).
You will want to use a software that reads them, like foobar2000 or Winamp for example.

Re: Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:40 pm
by Midnighticequeen
That would be nice, I need a music making program, but most of the ones I find seem to not be free. Do you know of any good programs I can use?

Re: Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:51 pm
by yummy
Hmm hard to tell. If you want a really good composer program, I guess it's best you invested in some commercial ones.
You can always try the ones that support midi (they work for every midi renderer software like timidity). I remember there's a ressource page or something like that in this forum that lists the free ones.

Also, composing music isn't "hard", but you have to have a good imagination and the notion of time. Plus, you must know what kind of atmosphere you're trying to create. It's a small history by itself.
It took me three months to create even a small melody, haha (I wish I had more free time).

Re: Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:18 pm
by Midnighticequeen
Okay...thanks for the help.

Re: Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:02 am
by Blue123
If you're alright with using just MIDI and not MP3 or other media files, then Anvil Studio is a good place to begin. It's free, and quite easy to use. I myself use Sibelius 5- it's more of a notation program, but it supports VST and audio units. I have FL Studio 8 but I can't work the technology.

Re: Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:18 am
by Midnighticequeen
Thank you! I'll be sure to try it out! :D

Re: Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:34 am
by Midnighticequeen
It wouldn't install on my computer... :cry: To bad

Re: Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:39 am
by yummy
I'm currently trying to do better CGs... But somehow I fail at shading skin and hair.
I think I'm able to do decent eyes but...
If you have any tips, could you tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I've set three layers of shading for each element (skin & hair), I've also taken notice of how light should reach the character.
Please feel free to comment.

Re: Yummy's little workshop

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:35 am
First of all... She doesn't seem to have ears. XD

Think of how light reacts to hair. I can't explain it in words, and I'd love to show an example, but... I can't. (T_T) She also needs more eyelid shading. And a more accentuated chin... Also, yes, the shading on her face could use some work. Think of the way a real face looks... Cheeks are outish and a little darker than the rest of the face, below the eyes are depressions, the forehead is roundish, cheekbones, uh... Just look at this B&W picture, you'll see what I mean.

Also, her left eye is a bit off... Flip the picture and you'll see what I mean.