Free Project looking for contributors.

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Free Project looking for contributors.

#1 Post by UselessCoder »


First of all you will excuse me if -due to its "+18 nature"- I won't mention the name of the project. It is a very ambitious one (or at least, it is for me) meant to be released in chapters and
It's halfway in between a parody of a very popular scifi movie and a spin-off from that movie itself.

But let me introduce my(real)self: I'm a "moderately popular" h-artist who goes by another nickname (uselessartist! Joking lol).

Let's talk about what's there and what is not:
-Storyline: already there as for the first chapter (dialogues and menus included). Besides, I feel like I might use some brainstorming with a proper writer about branching and stuff (multiple endings based on choices).
-Characters: this project would basically feature my OCs along with some very popular OCs from other artists who agreed to let me using them. In other words: characters (and dolls) are there.
-Backgrounds: not my best skill at all. Euphemism for "I hate doing them"> Euphemism for "I might need a BG artist". Most of them are there, tho. I could live without those that are missing, but still.
-Quests logic: this is an area where I might use all of the help possible. I have some ideas, but at some point the game feels "empty". I might need some brainstorming to find out what I could fill it with (other than "a lot of BS" which is there already. lol);
-Minigames: there is only one, and for a reason. I felt like there was no point into creating more since people tend to get bored with them after a while anyway, no matter how good they are. Plus, the moment you decide to include them, you're in for a lot of pain. The guy who provided with the code has apparently dropped the ball due to other business he had to attend to, so what I currently got in my hands is an undone UDD based minigame. It's working but has no rules like "score" and other stuff. It's more of a freemode version of it and it's not meant to stay like that. What I need is a programmer with UDD knowledge to get the logic finally done.

-Music: asked and received full permission from various indie music makers to use their tracks, so I'd say that part is covered.

Now with the positions required:

-Programmer with Phyton UDD knowledge;
-BG artist;
-Writer (I'm not a native english speaker, so at the very least some proof reading would be much appreciated);
-Game Designer (I'm not sure where this had to fall, either in "Programmer" or "Writer", but still...I meant "a guy to brainstorm game quests with");

I'm using a repository to work on the project: get onboard and you'll be granted access.

Thank in advance!

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Re: Free Project looking for contributors.

#2 Post by LollipopVNMaker »

'Ello, may I apply for Writer?

I can proofread and write, and I applied for the same position in other jobs, 'cause I love multi-tasking. <3 I hope you accept my offer. I use Github as well :D

..and I actually just started it. Lol. But I do have writing and a bit of a programming experience, but I might not be able to reach in the "Programming" Criteria just yet.
NOTE: I can only take up to 4 Free Projects. I have ONE MORE SPACE. Once I finish my tasks and make successful visual novels, THEN I'll apply for more.
-Avoia's Visual Novel
-Cloudypie's Visual Novel
-UselessCoder's Visual Novel

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Re: Free Project looking for contributors.

#3 Post by UselessCoder »

LollipopVNMaker wrote:'Ello, may I apply for Writer?

I can proofread and write, and I applied for the same position in other jobs, 'cause I love multi-tasking. <3 I hope you accept my offer. I use Github as well :D

..and I actually just started it. Lol. But I do have writing and a bit of a programming experience, but I might not be able to reach in the "Programming" Criteria just yet.
Hi LollipopVNMaker and thanks for offering your help.
Your lack of "Programming Criteria" it's absolutely not a problem. It anyhow matches up with my lack of "Narrating Criteria", so we might as well be square. :P
Let me give you some details on the concept: basically, this is a story with a mistery to reveal. Actually there are no good or bad endings, just two different (yet opposite) truths depending on player's choices.
The challenge is to deliver an almost totally different experience as you replay it making different choices along the way.

The main point of the story is deciding who the "bad guys" really are...without giving clear evidences to the players. They'll be given just hints, like "crumbles", that can be both right. Interpretation (via choices, of course) is key, leading to one truth or to the other. In other words: you'll be "right" anyway, which might sound kinda lame but still, can be entertaining...I guess.

That's the main idea and I guess I got it figured out as for the first chapter...The real challenge is avoid spoling this dynamic too early in the game. It should be "escalating" during the chapters, somehow...And that's when my "bad timing" as a writer comes into play. :/

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Re: Free Project looking for contributors.

#4 Post by LollipopVNMaker »

I'm a bit good (if you can call that) at plot development without spoilers. I think I have an idea in mind on how the bad guys will disguise themselves as a wolf in sheep's clothing.
NOTE: I can only take up to 4 Free Projects. I have ONE MORE SPACE. Once I finish my tasks and make successful visual novels, THEN I'll apply for more.
-Avoia's Visual Novel
-Cloudypie's Visual Novel
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Re: Free Project looking for contributors.

#5 Post by UselessCoder »

Technically, I know "why" and part of the "how". The thing is, the player has to be forced into trust his judgment and at the same time, the plot shouldn't force him to take sides too early in the game...Even if he's actually taking sides by making certain calls. It's like he should be unaware of the consequences until he finds out there's no coming back. It's like my usual drinking weekends. Lol jokes aside, I'll send you a more detailed synopsis asap via pm.

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Re: Free Project looking for contributors.

#6 Post by LollipopVNMaker »

Got it.
NOTE: I can only take up to 4 Free Projects. I have ONE MORE SPACE. Once I finish my tasks and make successful visual novels, THEN I'll apply for more.
-Avoia's Visual Novel
-Cloudypie's Visual Novel
-UselessCoder's Visual Novel

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