Grand Old Academy [Political Satire][Kickstarter][Demo]

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Grand Old Academy [Political Satire][Kickstarter][Demo]

#1 Post by veryfinehat »


Currently on Kickstarter.

Grand Old Academy is a high school dating sim that allegorically retells the story of the 2016 American Republican primary election. All of the candidates are students at the school, and are vying for the title of debate club champion. The player character, America, is a new transfer student from Japan who enters the school at the height of the debate season. Just as the country of America chose a candidate, your character America will choose a suitor.

The game is a comedy, but the jokes are subtle, and the emphasis is more on telling a real story with these absurd characters rather than just making broad jokes at their expense. The plot will obviously be most enjoyable to people familiar with American politics, but it's intended to be accessible to everyone.

Download the demo (via Mediafire) by clicking here!

Demo features:
18 unique endings (4 good ends, 7 neutral ends, 4 bad ends, 3 secret ends)
9 unlockable trophies
~2 hours of gameplay (covering your protagonist's first two weeks at the Academy)

Planned features for full game:
25 endings
7 full romance routes (up to 10, depending on stretch goals)
more complex trophy/achievement system





It’s you! Mori America is a new transfer student from Japan, just trying to fit in and make friends at Grand Old Academy. She starts out shy and worried what others will think of her, but once she succeeds in her struggle to overcome her anxiety, she reveals just how strong-willed and compassionate she is. Unbeknownst to her, her first day at the school coincides with the first round of the debate club championships. Depending on the choices she makes, she might even engage one lucky debate club member in the greatest debate of all: love.

Megyn is your bubbly and mercurial roommate. She’s almost always cheerful and optimistic, but she can flash to anger or indignation and back at the drop of a hat. Megyn is one of the moderators of the school debates, and she takes them extremely seriously. The way she sees it, Donald has made a mockery of this year’s debates, and she has a real bone to pick with him.

Jeb is caring and generous, quick to open himself up to other people, but also quick to be hurt by them, making him an easy target for bullies. He comes from a prominent family with a long history at the Academy, and the pressure of living up to their reputation weighs on him. Jeb has many acquaintances, but few close friends other than Marco, his protégée and closest confidant. While he may be a bit oblivious and bumbling, he has a kind heart.

Ben is a pre-med student who is warm and gentle above all else. He speaks slowly and softly, and always seems like he’s on the verge of falling asleep. Ben is deeply religious, and sees almost everything through the prism of his faith, which gives him strength, but also leaves him with blind spots. His mild-mannered nature makes him seem out of place on the debate stage, especially in this year of extreme personalities.

Marco is the heartthrob of the Academy. He has a dazzling smile, perfect hair, and a witty quip prepared for every situation. He’s young, popular, and ambitious. If anything, Marco is too perfect. If you dig underneath the memorized soundbites and smiles, there’s not much substance there. Dig even further, though, and you’ll find an earnest person who wants to make a difference, and who thinks that the only way to do that is by faking this glittery personality.

Rand is quiet and serious, bordering on dour. He’s a nerd who takes his studies seriously (well, even more seriously than he takes everything else), and he doesn’t have many friends. Rand is a very private person, and doesn’t reveal much about himself without significant prying. Those who look through the Academy yearbooks may find that his father was also a debate club member back in the day, although Rand doesn’t volunteer this information. Despite Rand’s usually reserved nature, he’s passionate about politics, and this intensity shines through when he has an attentive audience.

There’s something innately creepy and offputting about Ted. Nobody else at the Academy seems to like him, probably for good reason. Ted comes across as slimy and deceitful; he’ll try to win your sympathy by acting pathetic one moment, and then double cross you the next moment if it’ll benefit him. Whenever he tries to smile, it almost looks more like he’s grimacing in pain. It seems like he’s hiding something, deep, deep inside himself. Is it a heart of gold, or a terrible secret?

John is blandness incarnate. He’s utterly forgettable, average in the worst way. The very definition of “literally who?”. His persona is folksy and congenial: lots of dad jokes, and phrases like “golly,” “shucks,” and “gee whiz.” But rumor has it that this might just be an act that he’s putting on to charm the debate audience. The only real reason people vote for him in the debates is if they absolutely can’t stand anyone else on the stage.

Donald is a mystery. Nobody can figure out whether he’s a fool, or a mastermind disguising himself as a fool. Many of the students seem drawn to him, but just as many are repulsed by him. He’s almost a force of nature more than a person. How much of Donald’s debate persona is an act, and how much is genuine? Does he really want to win, or is this all just a game to him? Is he brilliant? A fraud? Or a brilliant fraud?


Sprites: ehcs
Image Image

CGs: Redd

Backgrounds: Badriel

Logo design: ds-sans

Music: Calypso and TyberAlyx

So that's the long and short of it. As for the purpose of this thread, there are two main things I want to get out of it.

1. Advice on my writing, particularly the pacing. Most of my writing experience has been with less dialogue-heavy media. I know that I can be quite wordy, and I've tried to cut the fat in this game, but I'm wondering if I need to do more to keep the game moving along at a good pace. Is my ratio of dialogue to exposition okay? Am I giving the characters distinct enough voices? That sort of thing.

2. Tips on crowdfunding, and how to help my campaign get traction. If anyone who's run a successful (or unsuccessful) kickstarter campaign has tips on what worked or didn't work for them, I'd really appreciate hearing them.

And any other comments, suggestions, criticisms, etc. are welcome.

One last time, here's the links to the Kickstarter. and the demo. Thanks!
Last edited by veryfinehat on Fri Nov 04, 2016 6:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Grand Old Academy [Political Satire][Kickstarter][Demo]

#2 Post by qirien »

Wow. Just... wow. Downloading the demo... what, no linux version? That's OK, I can make it work anyway... (though, FYI, I think people often get more Linux downloads than Mac downloads). BTW, your demo link on this page doesn't seem to be working, though the demo link on the Kickstarter page works fine.

Ohh, this is really cute! I had been worried it would be mean-spirited, but this is really sweet. Man, I wish politics were more like this game. The parallels are really fun, and you've characterized the politicians really well, while still fitting them into an otome world. Having the teachers by prominent historical Republicans is a nice touch. I love the dream sequence!

As for the writing, I think you're doing a pretty good job. There were a few sections of prose that might be redundant with what backgrounds and sprites are already showing, but overall the pacing fit an otome VN. It seemed to have just the right amount of introspection/dialogue/events. The voices seemed very distinct from what I played so far.

One thing that seemed odd was including some Japanese high school conventions - cleaning, culture festival, a teacher bowing to students and them bowing back, uniforms, etc. I guess these are otome staples, but since it's a game about American politics and a Japanese transfer student adjusting to an American school, it feels kind of weird.

At the end of the demo, you may want to make it clear that the actual game will be longer (since the demo has "endings" it kind of feels like 'that's it'?).

Ummm... will there be actual politics discussed in the game, or is it all just about personalities? I mean, normally I'd be like "less politics!", but for such a political topic, I hope that some of the candidate's ideas will be presented also...?

I don't know if you have room for a McMullin/Johnson cameo, but that would be cool (though I guess they weren't in the debates).

As for publicizing, it would really help if some political or gaming news sites picked you up - some of them have a "Submit News" feature, which you could try (I think Kotaku and Rock, Paper, Shotgun would find your game interesting). You could also try tagging a tweet about the game with different politicians' Twitter accounts - if one of them thinks it's funny, they might give it some publicity, too.

Good luck!
Last edited by qirien on Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Grand Old Academy [Political Satire][Kickstarter][Demo]

#3 Post by Zelan »

... oh no. Oh nooooooo.

Or maybe oh yes. <: I don't even know what to make of this. I love Adyrn's work, though, so the art immediately gets my attention. I'll download this and play some if I have time.

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Re: Grand Old Academy [Political Satire][Kickstarter][Demo]

#4 Post by veryfinehat »

Thanks for the feedback! I think the demo download link on here should be fixed now.
As for the writing, I think you're doing a pretty good job. There were a few sections of prose that might be redundant with what backgrounds and sprites are already showing, but overall the pacing fit an otome VN. It seemed to have just the right amount of introspection/dialogue/events. The voices seemed very distinct from what I played so far.
Cool, I'll keep an eye out for that. The interplay between the visual and textual media is something I've been neglecting. I'll try to make them work together more, rather than ignoring the visual for the sake of the text.
One thing that seemed odd was including some Japanese high school conventions - cleaning, culture festival, a teacher bowing to students and them bowing back, uniforms, etc. I guess these are otome staples, but since it's a game about American politics and a Japanese transfer student adjusting to an American school, it feels kind of weird.
Yeah, that's an element of the game that was supposed to be intentionally weird. The meta-joke I was going for is that this game is what a Japanese otome VN team would think American schools are like. But it is a very odd joke, and one that's hard to get. And it seems that several people are finding it distracting in a bad way. I'll strongly consider either taking those jokes out or making it clearer to the audience what's happening.
Ummm... will there be actual politics discussed in the game, or is it all just about personalities? I mean, normally I'd be like "less politics!", but for such a political topic, I hope that some of the candidate's ideas will be presented also...?
I don't know if you have room for a McMullin/Johnson cameo, but that would be cool (though I guess they weren't in the debates).
There are eventually going to be some politics discussed, particularly once you get set on a dating route and really start to dig into an individual candidate's philosophy and personality. But honestly, probably not as much as you seem to be hoping for. And yes, Johnson is definitely going to be a major player (he's in one of the secret ends of the demo, actually), and McMullin will be present too.

And thanks for the publicity suggestions! I've been submitting to various news sites, but I haven't explored Twitter yet; I'll definitely start on that. Finally, yeah, I think it would be good to clarify a bit more that the demo is just a demo. I'll add that to the batch of revisions/fixes that I'll be doing in the next few days. Thank you!

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Re: Grand Old Academy [Political Satire][Kickstarter][Demo]

#5 Post by qirien »

OK, gonna go get some more endings now... :-D
Ha ha, the scooter is a nice touch. :-) And, wow, you sure made Romney seem sinister (I'm guessing he isn't a Mormon in this game, what with the cussing and cigars?). I have to say, an ending with America ending up as the debate winner would be very satisfying, if historically inaccurate. :-)

There's also a missing piece of dialogue at dinner time on your first day talking to Megyn, if you haven't yet given her your backstory, she talks about the Mori clan, but never mentions the ambassador.
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Re: Grand Old Academy [Political Satire][Kickstarter][Demo]

#6 Post by veryfinehat »

Thanks for the new comments, qirien! I'll add that dialogue fix to the next version of the game. :)

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