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[SOLVED] Menu Choice if Statements

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:45 pm
by sasquatchii
I am currently working on a game where the user has to read through all 4 menu choices before they can move on to the next bit of the game.

With the code I currently have though, the user is able to go through all 4 menu options, but once they click on the last option, they just cycle through the text of the last option indefinitely. How can I change the code so that, after they get through all 4 options, they are taken to the next menu (menu_think)? Here is what I have so far:

Code: Select all

# The game starts here.
label start:
    stop music fadeout 1.1
    scene bg darkpurple with dissolve

label choices:

menu choices:
    laika "[choices_text]"
    "Smell" if smell_action_done == False:
        $ smell_action_done = True
        $ choices_text = "What should I do now?"
        jump smell_action
    "Look" if look_action_done == False:
        $ look_action_done = True
        $ choices_text = "What should I do now?"
        jump look_action
    "Feel" if feel_action_done == False:
        $ feel_action_done = True
        $ choices_text = "What should I do now?"
        jump feel_action
    "Move" if move_action_done == False:
        $ move_action_done = True
        $ choices_text = "What should I do now?"
        jump move_action

label smell_action:
        laikas "This place smells mostly like me."
        laikasc "When the big noise happened, I was scared. {p}I relieved myself, but not on purpose."
        laikas "I can still smell where I piddled, but I don't think it matters right now..."
        laikas "I also smell myself. I smell like rotting fish."
        laikasc "It's hot in here and I don't feel so good. {p}I've been panting ever since the big noise."
        jump choices
label look_action:
        laika "It's pitch black. I can't see anything"
        laikasc "I can't look behind me or even turn around. {p}But I don't think there's anyone here."
        jump choices
label feel_action:
        laika "The room smells mostly like me."
        jump choices    
label move_action:
        laika "The room smells mostly like me."
        jump choices 

jump think

menu think:
        jump home
    "The trip out":
        jump trip
    "The Big Noise":
        jump noise
label home:
laikas "I should think about something else..."

label trip:
laikas "I should think about something else..."

label noise:
laikas "I should think about something else..."
Any help or advice is always appreciated!

Re: Menu Choice if Statements

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:50 pm
by SuperbowserX
Multiple ways to do this but I'd recommend you try to use an incrementing variable.

Before you reach "label choices", create a variable (can be called counter or whatever) that, at the end of each of those choices, will increment by one.

So it's something like this:

Code: Select all

if (counter != 4):
    menu choices:
    jump think
!= means "not equal to" by the way.

Each time you inititate one of those choices, increment the counter by 1. So when you first arrive at choices it'll be at 0. Second time one, and so on by the fifth time (at which you'll have seen all the choices) it'll be 4 and you can move on.

Re: Menu Choice if Statements

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:52 pm
by Tempus
Okay, I don't know why I'm in this forum since I haven't used Ren'Py properly in like 2 years! So that's my disclaimer.

Onto your question! Firstly, in Python (and many other programming languages) when you want to check if something is True or False you can actually write it like this:

Code: Select all

# This is equivalent to "if smell_action_done == True:"
if smell_action_done:
    # stuff to do if smell_action_done is True
And if you want to see if it's False you can do this:

Code: Select all

# This is equivalent to "if smell_action_done == False:"
if not smell_action_done:
    # stuff to do if smell_action_done is False
Okay this time I'm actually onto your question! When you make a menu and give it a name like this:

Code: Select all

menu choices:
        jump thing_1
        jump thing_2
        jump thing_3
It's the same as writing this:

Code: Select all

label choices:
            jump thing_1
            jump thing_2
            jump thing_3
Basically, giving a menu a name makes it into a label you can jump to. In the code you shared there's a label before your menu with the same name as the menu. I don't know whether Ren'Py cares about it, but we'll need to avoid that shorthand to get your code to do what you want it to.

Here's how I'd re-write your code so that you skip to the second menu once you've seen all four choices:

Code: Select all

# The game starts here.
label start:
    stop music fadeout 1.1
    scene bg darkpurple with dissolve

# this label is what's being jumped to which means we can
# check some stuff prior to bringing up the menu
label choices:
    # this checks to see if *all* actions are done. If they are, jump to the think menu instead
    if smell_action_done and look_action_done and feel_action_done and move_action_done:
        jump think

    # by default I've made choices_text just an empty string
    $ choices_text = ""

    # but if any of the actions have been done before we'll change it to "What should I do now?" --
    # this way we don't need to set it inside of every choice, which makes it easier to change later
    if smell_action_done or look_action_done or feel_action_done or move_action_done:
        $ choices_text = "What should I do now?"

    # finally onto the menu! I've used "if not smell_action_done:" as I mentioned above -
    # again, it's just a shorthand for "if smell_action_done == False:"
        laika "[choices_text]"
        "Smell" if not smell_action_done:
            $ smell_action_done = True
            jump smell_action
        "Look" if not look_action_done:
            $ look_action_done = True
            jump look_action
        "Feel" if not feel_action_done:
            $ feel_action_done = True
            jump feel_action
        "Move" if not move_action_done:
            $ move_action_done = True
            jump move_action

# the action labels below and their contents are the same, but they were originally indented with 8 spaces
# instead of 4. Labels only need to be indented with 4 spaces (I dunno what happens with 8!)
label smell_action:
    laikas "This place smells mostly like me."
    laikasc "When the big noise happened, I was scared. {p}I relieved myself, but not on purpose."
    laikas "I can still smell where I piddled, but I don't think it matters right now..."
    laikas "I also smell myself. I smell like rotting fish."
    laikasc "It's hot in here and I don't feel so good. {p}I've been panting ever since the big noise."
    jump choices
label look_action:
    laika "It's pitch black. I can't see anything"
    laikasc "I can't look behind me or even turn around. {p}But I don't think there's anyone here."
    jump choices
label feel_action:
    laika "The room smells mostly like me."
    jump choices    
label move_action:
    laika "The room smells mostly like me."
    jump choices 

# removed "jump think" from here

# left this menu with a name -- might as well make the menu it's own label
# as we don't need to check anything first this time
menu think:
        jump home
    "The trip out":
        jump trip
    "The Big Noise":
        jump noise
# this is the same but I've indented the text - anything that's supposed
# to be within a label must be indented
label home:
    laikas "I should think about something else..."

label trip:
    laikas "I should think about something else..."

label noise:
    laikas "I should think about something else..."
And I think that should work! Again I haven't used Ren'Py (or Python for that matter) in ages so hopefully I'm not leading you astray! Good luck with your project :)

Re: [SOLVED] Menu Choice if Statements

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 11:12 pm
by sasquatchii
Tempus, your solution worked perfectly!! Thank you so much (and thanks SuperbowserX for your thoughts as well)!