How come this doesn't work? Imagebuttons and menus

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How come this doesn't work? Imagebuttons and menus

#1 Post by LiveTurkey »

Code: Select all

screen GrabAMap:

        idle "buttons/MissLondonGround.png"
        hover "buttons/MissLondonHover.png"
        action Jump ("teacher_options")
        xpos 587
        ypos 414
        idle "buttons/stackOfPaperGround.png"
        hover "buttons/stackOfPaperHover.png"
        action Jump ("paper_options")
        xpos 669
        ypos 402
label paper_options:
        "Grab a map":
            jump girlFallsOver
label teacher_options:
        "Raise your hand":
            p "I raise my hand."
The idea is that there are two imagebuttons on the background. The teacher and the stack of paper. The game should not progress until you click one of the buttons. Doing so gives you their respective menus and then the game continues forward.

However no imagebuttons are displayed and the game is not paused. Instead I go straight into the label paper options. Does anybody know how to fix this?

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Re: How come this doesn't work? Imagebuttons and menus

#2 Post by Winterslice »

How are you accessing the screen? You need to show it, or preferably call it like so:

Code: Select all

call screen GrabAMap
before it'll do anything.

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