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Road to Corrosia (Fantasy, Friendship, NaNoReNo 2017)

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:16 am
by ludeshka

Last time I joined a Nanoreno, my game ended up coming out in june!
Still, it beats my "One game every four years!" mark for Hierofanía games, so...

Let's see if I can beat my own record with:
---------Road To Corrosia-----------
Road to Corrosia will be a short fantasy game with several (6? 8?) endings.

I'm not sure if you can actually romance anyone, but you will sure as heck befriend them. :D

Take a very first look at what I have so far!

Newfound friends, a carriage and a very short deadline.

Where will this road take us? (To Corrosia, silly, it's in the title!)

Join up and watch me flail as time runs out and I have a bazillion things left to do.

Re: Road to Corrosia (Fantasy, Friendship, NaNoReNo 2017)

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:57 am
by potouto
Ooh, I'm so glad you decided to create another project! And heck yeck friendship!
The character concept looks super cute so I hope I will see this game released soon :3

Re: Road to Corrosia (Fantasy, Friendship, NaNoReNo 2017)

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:19 pm
by Harliqueen
I love your colour usage for the character concepts. Will they stay those sorts of palettes?

The carriage looks interesting, in fact, it all does!

Really looking forward to finding out more :) Good luck with it all!

Re: Road to Corrosia (Fantasy, Friendship, NaNoReNo 2017)

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 7:25 pm
by Zelan
I still haven't had the time to play any of your other games, but I hear so many good things about them and I've been wanting to try one. ^_^ I like the look of this project! I'll be following your progress. c:

Re: Road to Corrosia (Fantasy, Friendship, NaNoReNo 2017)

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:42 pm
by Hojita
Hell yes, more of your works.
You know I love your art, so I'm going looking foward for this.

The concept is short but interesting so far. Hope to get some updates soon!
Btw, I really like the girl in pink, and that's pretty good considering pink is one of my least favorites colors (?)

Re: Road to Corrosia (Fantasy, Friendship, NaNoReNo 2017)

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:56 am
by YuukiCrossPudding
Hierofania is one of my favorites of all and I'll always remember it, it's one of the VN that made me jump into VN making.

The concept arts looks amazing already, can't wait to see it in the actual game!
I'm not sure if you can actually romance anyone, but you will sure as heck befriend them. :D

Wish you all the best for the project <3

Re: Road to Corrosia (Fantasy, Friendship, NaNoReNo 2017)

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:10 pm
by ludeshka
@potouto, @hojita, @harliqueen,@YuukiCrossPudding ; Thank you so much! and @zelan when you do get the chance, try any of them out? (sorry, a girl has got to try XD)

But seriously, everyone, thanks. I work alone, but your support helps me stay hyped! It's a lot of work, but I'll do my best!

I'm gonna update the description later, but for today, you get to see a bit of the UI!

Re: Road to Corrosia (Fantasy, Friendship, NaNoReNo 2017)

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:56 pm
by Alcor
I really love all the textures and colors you use in your art! I played Hierofania and really enjoyed it (I have Hierofania 2 downloaded, but haven't had the time to play it yet), and I'm definitely looking forward to this game!

The backgrounds you've shown so far look great, and I adore your character designs. Your art is just so unique!

Best of luck~