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Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Thriller, Demo] FULL GAME OUT!

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:18 pm
by illuminate001
We're back with another Summer Visual Novel! (Actually, LMA is anything but summery) But seriously, this May.1st 2017 I'm happy to announce that the full version of "Let's MEAT Adam" is out and available for purchase on the Soulsoft Electronic Arts Itch page for $7! Yay for releases!

Thank you to all our supporters who have not only given encouragement but also helped spread the word and provided invaluable feedback. It means the world to me. I realize that this game may be polarizing but I hope you enjoy the passion and craft that went into making it a reality. Once again, thank you!

PLOT: Adam has that special something. His loved ones know it, 2 million of his followers on NowGram know it and finally, he now thinks he knows it and grasps the weight of sparkling prospects before him. Soon EVERYONE will know it. He leaves everything familiar and moves to the west coast to pursue a career as an actor, model, life coach or maybe even a fitness guru...the possibilities are truly endless! He finds himself living in WeHo (West Hollywood), central village for the Los Angeles beautiful gay populace, and makes friends quickly like fellow aspiring actor Vince.

Meanwhile, escape rooms are on the rise as an adult live-action gaming experience. Naturally one opens near the heart of WeHo and with production values that rival that of a major movie studio. An immense mansion is soon erected over the corpse of a ruined multi-level parking lot. Escape Mansion WeHo soon becomes popular for its multi-room, multi-hour format, mysterious information black-out policies in regards to its puzzles, lavish sets, and rooms. Within months, demand for the elite experience is so high that attendance becomes via invite-only.

Luckily both Adam and Vince receive their invite to drop by on a busy summer weekend eve. Thrilled by their good fortune they decide to conquer this. However what happens once they discover they are trapped in a real escape room death game with 7 other strangers?

Steve: A shifty older man who apparently travels internationally as a documentarian or film-maker. He seems to prefer keeping things vague.
Lars: Scandinavian import to the City of Angels and a noble lion of a man. His comportment suggests that his heart is as golden as his locks.
Earl: Almost black eyes are a marked trait of this truly hard-to-read individual. Earls demeanor could be a wall to protect his vulnerability.
Pierce: Personal trainer living the fast West Hollywood dream of boys, banquets, bands, and burpees. His vanity is almost forgivable at times.
Adam: Protagonist. An east coast boy who has it all; classic American good looks and the "it" factor. He dreams of fame on the golden shores of California.
Vince: Part of Adam's new west coast crew and fellow aspiring actor. Oddly he is a man of few words despite auditioning daily for speaking roles.
Kang: Posh and airy, Kang's love of the theatrical brought him to Escape Mansion WeHo. His apathetic style in all situations is admirable and troubling.
Bart: Brick house of a man who is a butcher at a revered local market. He also supports the LGBYT community as the director of the WeHo Chapter.
Lucky: The youngest of the group, Lucky is a colorful but cool nerd who comes across as soft-spoken and sensitive. He is often the peacemaker.

5 True Endings:
- Bad, OK, Good, Perfect, To Be Continued

- Murder mystery "whodunit" climax that can decide your destiny.
- Your choices affect the fate of survivors.
- Some erotica but not the primary focus. (erotica is censored for demo)
- 2 original music tracks.
- Mature 18+ content: Strong language, Blood/Gore, Sexuality

QUESTIONS (Please keep this thread about the Demo ONLY):

1. Playability/Interest: How does your 1st impression of LMA (before playing demo) compare to how you felt after completing it?

2. Writing/Story: Enjoyed pace of dialog in relation to the story or did you find story developments happening too quickly?

3. Predictability: Where do you think this story is going?

4. Playability/Interest: Does the explicit sexual content turn you off from experiencing this VN?

5. Predictability: Do you think the killer is blatantly obvious? Who do you think it is?

6. Do you have a favorite guy so far and why so?


Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Murder Mystery] - Testers Wa

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:26 pm
by illuminate001
Hi Lemmasofters! I'm hoping to recruit around 3 Beta Testers who would help with the following:

- Proof-reading
- Finding and reporting bugs
- Possibly even code advice (if you are programmer inclined)

I can't offer $$$ but you can be included in the final credits and will, of course, receive a free copy of the game both for testing and then the final product when it comes out. Which would be extra great if it turns out this becomes a commercial project! :P

Send me a PM if you're interested and I'll send you more details. First-come-first-serve basis although I'll be giving preferential treatment to those who are more involved in the VN/LSF community. I'll post an update when all 3 spots are filled. Thank you all for everything, you guys are awesome!

[UPDATE] I have all the testers I need now. Thank you for your interest and for the added support! :P

Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Murder Mystery] - Testers Wa

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 11:31 am
by CosmicFan
1. Playability/Interest: How does your 1st impression of LMA (before playing demo) compare to how you felt after completing it?

My first impression was surprise at how different this was from your previous game. I've just finished playing the demo and it left me wanting more. That To Be Continued screen caused me physical pain.
Joking aside, having played the demo I feel like now I get what the game is all about. To me, the demo did it's job of selling the game.

2. Writing/Story: Enjoyed pace of dialog in relation to the story or did you find story developments happening too quickly?

I think the pacing is fine.
It drags a little in the beginning, but that's because all the characters need to be established to the player and to be introduced to each other and there really is no way around it. Any story with a large cast needs those "establishing character" moments.
The game does pick up the pace after the boys enter the first puzzle room, but I don't think things happen too quickly either. The player is given enough time to register that (A)there's a killer out there, (B)the danger is real, (C)the killer has very specific rules for his "game".

3. & 5. Predictability: Where do you think this story is going?/Do you think the killer is blatantly obvious? Who do you think it is?

I've already said what I think about this line of questioning in the old thread. But let's play the guessing game for fun: having played the demo I think possibly
Lars isn't actually dead and is the killer. When the lights went out, he got out of the room and put a stunt doll in his place to fool the others.
Or maybe even that
he isn't dead because the is actually no killer. It was all part of the game and no one is actually in any danger. Like the haunted house episode of Nathan For You --> ... e-the-hunk

4. Playability/Interest: Does the explicit sexual content turn you off from experiencing this VN?

No. The topic of a censored version/ mature filter was briefly brought up in the old thread and we were both of the mind that "if it's not for you, don't play it".
Having played the demo now my opinion has only been reinforced, I can't see how censoring the game would work.
The game is a erotic thriller as much as it is a murder mystery and a dating sim. There is a sexual element that is part of it's DNA; the characters all have a sexual identity, they remark upon each others attractiveness.
I don't think pixelating the characters naughty bits on the CGs will make the game more palatable to those who can't handle sex.

Random Thoughts

*I love how arrogant and confident in his looks Adam is.
*I hope we get to see Vince's eyes at some point.
*A release date would be wonderful.
*When the game comes out you're gonna have to release a walktrough for it, because I'm sure there will be people who won't be able to complete the very first puzzle.
*Do you have a favorite boy?

Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Murder Mystery] - Testers Wa

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 2:02 pm
by Zelan
CosmicFan wrote:I don't think pixelating the characters naughty bits on the CGs will make the game more palatable to those who can't handle sex.
I haven't gotten a chance to play the demo yet, and I'm not trying to be pushy here, but this just isn't true (at least not for everyone). To be blunt, I'm not comfortable with seeing dicks on my screen, but it's chill if you imply that there are dicks on my screen. Pixelating them, whiting or blacking them out, anything along those lines would make me absolutely fine with playing it.

Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Murder Mystery] - Testers Wa

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:21 am
by illuminate001
Hey CF! Always good to hear from ya and hope you've been good. ;)
My first impression was surprise at how different this was from your previous game. I've just finished playing the demo and it left me wanting more. That To Be Continued screen caused me physical pain.
Joking aside, having played the demo I feel like now I get what the game is all about. To me, the demo did it's job of selling the game.
Whew! Perfect that's what I was really hoping...that the demo gave enough and ended in a place where players both felt like they understood what the game was and that it left them wanting more! I personally hate cliffhangers but I think where I ended it wasn't cliffhangery...well not extremely so anyhow lol.
3. & 5. Predictability: Where do you think this story is going?/Do you think the killer is blatantly obvious? Who do you think it is?
I've already said what I think about this line of questioning in the old thread. But let's play the guessing game for fun: having played the demo I think possibly
Haha you know, one of my friends thinks the exact thing about Lars. Especially since in a way, at least to me, he very much is reminiscent of Ace of 999 who turned out to be 1 of the craziest mofo villains in a game ever. He was awesome!
Btw that vid you sent I'd love to watch but it had crazy popups everywhere, like millions of em! I closed it for fear of viruses flooding my pc lol.
No. The topic of a censored version/ mature filter was briefly brought up in the old thread and we were both of the mind that "if it's not for you, don't play it".
Having played the demo now my opinion has only been reinforced, I can't see how censoring the game would work.
The game is a erotic thriller as much as it is a murder mystery and a dating sim. There is a sexual element that is part of it's DNA; the characters all have a sexual identity, they remark upon each others attractiveness.
I don't think pixelating the characters naughty bits on the CGs will make the game more palatable to those who can't handle sex.
I'll answer this and what Zelan mentioned momentarily. :)

Ooh! I like this "Random Thought" thing you've done here...I may have to bite that off you when I reply to other creators VN's. ^_^ Anyways to address some of your random thoughts...

* I don't want to give a release date in case I can't quite make the exact date. However, I can assure you that it's going to come out around summer of this year maybe earlier. I'm almost done the game actually. Yay!

* Ahhh I've never thought to or have done a walkthrough in my life before. I'll have to research how authors tend to do it or perhaps someone will make one for LMA? Anyhow, did you find the puzzle overly challenging? Heh cause actually I thought this is the easiest out of all the puzzle in-game so far.

* You know I DO have a fav. ^_^ It's funny cause you start to write the characters and only have an idea of what they'll be like in a overall sense. For instance, I actually like Pierce now, even though my whole goal was to write him as douchey and idiodic as possible (in a realistic way). Once you start writing complexity into the characters after the broad strokes, they become less 2D and more likable or at least relatable. That fav boy is actually Earl. I really starting liking how the writing for him turned out, it was very organic! Do you have a favorite?

Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Murder Mystery] - Testers Wa

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:31 am
by illuminate001
Zelan wrote:I haven't gotten a chance to play the demo yet, and I'm not trying to be pushy here, but this just isn't true (at least not for everyone). To be blunt, I'm not comfortable with seeing dicks on my screen, but it's chill if you imply that there are dicks on my screen. Pixelating them, whiting or blacking them out, anything along those lines would make me absolutely fine with playing it.
Hey Zelan! First off I wanna say, I've noticed you are really involved here at the LSF community and that it's very cool that you post even on threads of games that you aren't sure if you'll play (perhaps cause the game isn't your thing or is abit subversive or "weird"). It's evident that you just really like to be involved, share and help and that's a great quality! So thank you. :)

I've given it alot of thought since the previous thread and like CF said...there's just something about the sexuality of this game that is intrinsic in LMA's DNA. He couldn't have phrased it better. Let's MEAT Adam is a mature game, and so to pixelate or censor things in it is like censoring alot of what the game watching a movie with 1 eye open. The sex is there for impact, and not just in a shocking/fap sort of way, but there's a real HUNGER in LMA that is both enticing and dangerous. And that is what LMA's hunger and being enticed by that hunger which is at once explosive (orgasmic?) but also incredibly dangerous.

Anyhow, I hope you'll at least try the demo and as always I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! :P

Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Murder Mystery] - Testers Wa

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:42 pm
by CosmicFan
Hey CF! Always good to hear from ya and hope you've been good. ;)
Thank you babe. I was mugged yesterday and my phone was stolen, but other than that I've been great. What about you? Hard at work on the game probably.
Btw that vid you sent I'd love to watch but
Never mind about that.
Do you have a favorite?
I kinda like Kang cause he's the most flamboyant and colourful of the guys, but I don't have a clear favorite yet.

About the walkthrough: I didn't have trouble figuring the puzzle out. I was thinking more about when the game is out , how you're gonna get more people to play it. There are potential buyers(I know you're still undecided, but I'm assuming it's going to be commercial after all) who are just gonna be like: lol murdr? i wnt sexxx and providing a walkthrough you'll nail down these buyers.

And also having a walkthrough might help in promoting. Let me elaborate: You know how there are youtubers that make a living out of playing games, let's players. Some like ANIMAGaming focus on small, gay-centric games. I don't like let's players, or youtubers in general, but they are a good promotional tool. ANIMA has helped promote Coming Out On Top to a lot of people. I was thinking about how it would be easier to get people like that to play the game and promote it, if it had a walkthrough.

Did all that make sense to you or was it just my crazy ramblings?

Random Thoughts

*That movie poster style image is really beautiful.

*Are you having trouble finding beta testers? It's been almost a week. I could beta test for you if can't land other people. I've never done it before and I don't know coding tough.

Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Murder Mystery] - Testers Wa

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 10:13 am
by illuminate001
OMG you were attacked and had your phone taken?! That's terrible! Geez I hope you're ok. You can PM me about it if you feel comfortable enough and want to talk about it. Nevertheless, I'm sure something can be done and you'll get your phone back. If it's an iPhone and you have insurance for it through Apple, perhaps they can replace it free of charge?

Anyways about the walkthrough, I can certainly make one and will release it with the complete game. Thanks for the advice! :) I think the format it'd take is a walkthrough that discusses each puzzle with heavy hinting on how the puzzle should be solved. Then in a paragraph under that, I'll just give out the answer. Next, I'd give steps on how to achieve each ending. My goal will be to keep it short and sweet. So I hope this helps people, like Let's Players, to pick up my little VN.

Oh btw CF, if you know anyone who'd enjoy LMA please feel free to let them know. I'm terrible at social media but it's amazing what a post can do to spread it by "word of mouth" more or less. ^_^
Are you having trouble finding beta testers? It's been almost a week. I could be beta test for you if can't land other people. I've never done it before and I don't know coding tough.
Seriously I'd love it if you'd want to be a beta tester for me! And you don't have to know code. :P It's basically just playing the game, hopefully enjoying it, with keeping a firm eye out for spelling/grammatical errors as well as bugs/crashes, compiling a descriptive list of those for me so I can fix them and polish LMA for everyone. ^_^

- I'll PM you the details and you can tell me if you're still interested. Cool!

Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Murder Mystery] - Testers Wa

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 1:00 am
by AlphaPointOhFive
Stumbled upon this from a reddit post on r/gaymers. Having watched LP's of Danganronpas and currently watching a 999 play through, I'm certainly intrigued. Currently stumped by the first keypad so stating that this is the easiest puzzle has me a bit concerned - maybe it's just late and I'm not thinking clearly.

Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Murder Mystery] - Testers Wa

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:04 am
by illuminate001
AlphaPointOhFive wrote:Stumbled upon this from a reddit post on r/gaymers. Having watched LP's of Danganronpas and currently watching a 999 play through, I'm certainly intrigued. Currently stumped by the first keypad so stating that this is the easiest puzzle has me a bit concerned - maybe it's just late and I'm not thinking clearly.
Hey Alpha, welcome to the forums! :)

Yeah, I've noticed alot of ppl have found LMA through reddit which is rad. It's amazing what a single post by someone can set in motion. I've never played Danganronpa but I did play 999 and it was certainly a big inspiration! Actually, Let's MEAT Adam was inspired by a lot of different games/movies and is a bara lovechild of them all which is great and I totally don't mind showing my influences.

Here's a hint and then a full on answer on how to solve The Drowning Room puzzle:

Each guest has a number based on when they arrived, their letter contains an additional number with a "+X"...usually +1 or in Adam's case +2. The general rule was bottoms got +1's and versatiles got +2 with tops getting no addition. So take their arrival number and add +1 or +2 accordingly. VAPES (which is above the keypad) can be seen as V.A.P.E.S. Each letter being the first letter in the name of a particular guest. So "V' would be whatever Vince's number value is.
The passcode is 67944
Anyways it's always good to see a new face on the forum, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on the game so far whenever you finish it. You're very close! ^_^

Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Murder Mystery] - Testers Wa

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:02 pm
by AlphaPointOhFive
Thanks for the hint. Seems fair in retrospect, but
may not have been my first thought to use first letter of names with the potential of having two 'L'
My issue was
digitizing 'VAPES' to 82737 and then trying to manipulate the digits from there. For example, I thought I had it with 93747 for adding to Pierce's, Bart's, and Earl's digits while not touching Kang's 7s.
Overall, I'm still interested in this death game story, and the demo has me interested for more. Any erotic scenes are a supplementary bonus to the main focus of the story.

Cosmic is correct about pacing in my opinion - I felt like I had an enjoyable exposition to the characters and The Drowning Room set the mood of true despair in motion.
The loss of Lars's kindness will certainly weigh heavy on the group.
Predictability - I'm terrible at guessing and Cosmic covered the potential common twist.
I imagine a potential bad ending would involve Adam not being a Versatile team player and heading off with a Top forcing a Bottom pair to be left behind... a la the '3' door of 999.
Favorite Guy? I like Kang's flair for sure, but liked how Bart's brunt exterior softened a bit with the reveal of his community director position. However, if I'm an A-list celebrity, I'm not wearing a tattered shirt. :)

Maybe it's the mentioned 'vagueness', but Steve seemed a bit bland and forgettable - interested to see if that sentiment would change with further story reveal and more narrative.

Overall, a fairly enjoyable experience.

Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Murder Mystery] - Testers Wa

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 2:54 am
by art926
Tried the demo and it's really good!

My favorite guy so far is Pierce) He might be not educated, but sexual active, straight acting, no drama, handsome and relatively smart. I'm pretty sure there is a lot of hot scenes planned with him, haha) Though I'll not trust him at the end of the story, his character looks too cunning and only pretends to care about others.

As for plot predictability - I sense that this whole story is not about maniac and murders, but will turn out that it's all staged. The story says that Lars is a great famous actor. So, he just was invited to play his death. The lights were off when he drowned, we didn't see him dying, so likely it was just a dummy floating in the water. Sorry if I'm guessing right and spoiling your story) Still will be fun to play their f..cking game - top, vers, bottom. If it's like a forced sex but we can choose a partner at some point - it's hot!

Now, the only thing I slightly didn't like, is how huge some guys are and how unrealistic their muscles look. I understand that most of them should be super fit and muscular and I like it, but right now Vince and Lars look like sintol freaks. Bart is in the shirt, so I suspect he might be big 'cause he's just half fat "bear", which is fine ))

Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Murder Mystery] - Testers Wa

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:37 pm
by illuminate001
@AlphaPointOhFive - Hey glad to hear you found it enjoyable! The demo is only a small taste but I can assure it definitely picks up and fast right after the events of The Drowning Room.

Steve gets better once the shit hits the fan, Kang I can't seem to connect with...I find him pretentious, but Bart is a teddy bear and I really like him. Oh and about Lars, that ripped shirt thing is VERY Los Angeles lol (where I live) it's extremely popular for the young hollywood crowd: ... s-l300.jpg

@Art926 - I actually like Pierce now too. He is unintentionally funny several times throughout the game. I'm glad he isn't 1 dimensional. I think you'll enjoy him ;)

Oh and yeah I've receive several comments about Lars for instance being WAY too muscular. Frankly I don't find him that unrealistic but I was using ZEB ATLAS' build as a reference for him. Like a big bodybuilder type. I wanted to make sure that guys who were into that, had a cast member represented with that huge build. Of course since Vince is slightly smaller in musculature to Lars (and we've established men like Lars exist who aren't on Sinthol) then Vince wouldn't be considered unrealistic either. I could be wrong but that was my thought process while designing them anyhow. ^_^

Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Murder Mystery] - Testers Wa

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:18 am
by parsonova
I just recently found out about your game. I play a lot of gay VN (particularly those without the BL-stereotypes) and was searching for some new ones when I stumbled upon this. I have to say that I'm very impressed. I really like the premise, and I think you managed to sucessfully create that underlying sense of dread given the situation. That water scene was intense! :)

It did feel a little bit slow in the beginning but I don't think that's a bad thing. It gave us time to get to know all the characters and I think it adds to the suspense.

I agree that I think that eroticism should be a part of the game. It's something really dark and forbidden about death and sex that makes your skin crawl and also exciting. Or maybe that's just me. I would totally play the game regardless but I think it adds another layer of... depravity, for a lack of a better word, to the whole escape mansion.

I don't really know what to expect at this point. Although I hope that
Lars didn't actually die and brings more to the story other than that great death scene.
So far I think my favorite guy is either Bart or Vince. But I kind of liked that sweet moment with Pierce, if he was genuine that is. I think he might grow on me.. like genital herpes.

I'm new to this board, so don't know if I qualify or if you're all set, but I'd totally be up to beta-test the game if you still need it.

Lastly, and this might be a little bit nit-picky, but I did get a bit botherered by the line "He's pretty cute for an Asian..." in reference to Earl. I think it was unnecessary and a bit bigoted to be honest. But I suppose that might just be Adam's personal opionions and they do sadly reflect trends in gay culture.

All in all, keep up the good work. Can't wait to play the game once it's complete!

Re: Let's MEAT Adam [BxB, Bara, Murder Mystery, Thriller]

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:10 am
by illuminate001
@Parsonova - Hey Parsonova welcome to the forums! :o I personally really like LSF because the vibe is very positive and the criticisms always constructive rather than other boards where it's a lot of griping and unconstructive nitpicking. So hopefully you'll enjoy looking around. There's a TON of great BXB VN's available or in progress here.

Thank you so much for your kind words and for confirming the key items I wanted to nail with this demo. The pacing; making sure the events in the Drowning room didn't feel rushed, the establishment of the cast without it feeling drawn out, the eroticism being intrinsically part of the experience without the need to shy away from it etc.

I agree that there is a depravity that goes hand in hand with LMA and it crawls just underneath the surface, and as the story goes I think players will understand why that eroticism needs to be there. It's not just fap, it's ALL intentional.
Lastly, and this might be a little bit nit-picky, but I did get a bit botherered by the line "He's pretty cute for an Asian..." in reference to Earl. I think it was unnecessary and a bit bigoted to be honest. But I suppose that might just be Adam's personal opionions and they do sadly reflect trends in gay culture.

Speaking of intentional...just to reassure you, I'm very aware of how that line sounds. :) It was extremely intentional. I don't share Adam's view at all, I've dated many different races and infact I think Asian Men are gorgeous! I want to be clear (and this is for future proceedings once the game is complete) that what my characters say/do is not a reflection of my own views. Honestly, I write them as if I am an observer merely reflecting a real person, through writing, and describing them and their views.

I won't give a lot away, but Adam (as you'll discover) is a very flawed character. Actually, most of the cast are very flawed and that's where it gets interesting... 8)