Imperf3kt's FREE Visual Novel Resources [CC BY 3.0]

This section is for people to post assets that people can use in their games. Everything here should have a creative commons or other open license, or be in the public domain.
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Imperf3kt's FREE Visual Novel Resources [CC BY 3.0]

#1 Post by Imperf3kt »

Hey there. Similar to Uncle Mugens OELVN resources thread, I thought I'd post various imagery that I was dissatisfied with or couldn't / don't want to use but already went to the trouble of making. Essentially, a page for dumping failed ideas/experiments that are probably still usable.
As of the time of initial thread creation, I don't have many images but there will be more in the coming days/weeks as I am currently working on a GUI which I am heavily customising.

I also take requests, however, I make no guarantees as to fulfilling them as I am generally very, very busy.
If you wish to request something, note that I am not skilled in anything organic or requiring a lot of steady hand work. That means basically anything that requires line art of any sort.
Requests will be fulfilled at my discretion and leisure (time to work on these things is extremely scarce for me)
It will help immensely if you can rough sketch your request or at least provide a semi-detailed explanation of what you want.
You also agree that any images I do make, will be released under the same license as everything else on this page and that anyone may use the images free of charge.

So here it is, Imperf3kt's Free Visual Novel Resources page. Use these assets for anything though.

Terms of usage
▪ Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
▪ For sale — OK for both Commercial and Free projects.
▪ Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
▪ Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor (Imperf3kt) endorses you or your use.
▪ No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

▪ TLDR: Use for anything you like, just keep in mind these are licensed under

All artwork made entirely with GIMP 2.8.20 with multiple filters and plugins (over 100) (unless otherwise stated)
Some assets link to a .xcf file which will only open with GIMP and are not able to be opened with Photoshop. However, GIMP can export to .psd so if you absolutely need .psd I can probably convert the file for you. Layers may or may not be preserved by this though, so please be aware of that.


GUI elements
Here are some things I made for GUI use, such as quick menu items, slider bars, buttons etc.

Treble Clef button
Originally designed as a button to sit in the corner of a screen as a mute toggle.
Filetype: .xcf
Filesize: 21.8kb
Dimensions: 117*142

Useful backgrounds that I either don't like or made some kind of mistake and cannot fix.
Still probably useful but have some clear faults.

Galactic background
This starry sky has two problems: the clear round motion blur effect and the dark spots that look less like stars and more like water stains.
None the less, take it if you wish.
Filetype: .jpg
Filesize: 898kb
Dimensions: 1920*1080

Random creations that had no purpose. May be useful for a variety of uses such as pictures on other backgrounds, or something used on a TV monitor etc. I don't know, but you probably do.

REDRUM type1
REDRUM written in blood(?) spattered across a tile wall. Useful for a murder scene?
Filetype: .png
Filesize: 117kb
Dimensions: 660*361

REDRUM type 2
REDRUM written in blood(?) spattered across a tile wall. Useful for a murder scene? Less dark than type 1.
Filetype: .png
Filesize: 129kb
Dimensions: 660*361

Chequered images
Five checkerboard like patterns with small variations. One has had a huge amount of filtering to create an interesting dark effect.
Filetype: .zip (.png inside)
Filesize: 1.66Mb
Dimensions: 1920*1080

A (reasonably) local river in australia:

A collection of photographs I took of a place called "One Mile Beach".
Naturally, as you may expect, the images all feature a beach.
Last edited by Imperf3kt on Wed May 23, 2018 4:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Warning: May contain trace amounts of gratuitous plot.
pro·gram·mer (noun) An organism capable of converting caffeine into code.

Current project: GGD Mentor


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Re: Imperf3kt's FREE Visual Novel Resources [CC BY 3.0]

#2 Post by Imperf3kt »

I should probably organise these a bit better... Maybe next time I add some stuff.

Anyway, here's two 3D images I made several years ago (going through old hard drives clearing stuff off them).
Neither image is as good as I'd like, but maybe someone here can make use of them.
Both are slightly different renderings of the same scene (a rocky beach looking out to a calm ocean) - unfortunately, they're not from the same angle.

I still have the ability to make images like these (though my computer does struggle to render the images in high quality sometimes. Occasionally one image can take up to 12 hours!) so if anybody has any requests, I'll consider them.
Warning: May contain trace amounts of gratuitous plot.
pro·gram·mer (noun) An organism capable of converting caffeine into code.

Current project: GGD Mentor


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