NVL Height Limit

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Joined: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:02 pm

NVL Height Limit

#1 Post by Dream3r »

I've managed to make my dialogue in NVL fashion stay center focused in regards of width but I can't seem to limit how far down the dialogue shows. Here's what I mean...

Essentially what happens is as dialogue, thought text, or player choices take up more than a single line of space it pushes the "focus point" down the page. Eventually getting to the point where the newest dialogue isn't even on the screen anymore.

What I would like is for the newest dialogue to go no further than the center of the screen, where it makes the most sense for the player's eyes to settle. Now if they scrollback the history, sure that can go to the bottom of the page but when they scroll back to the "present" text it shouldn't be further than the center of the screen.

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Joined: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:02 pm

Re: NVL Height Limit

#2 Post by Dream3r »

So after spending countless hours focused on creating a "window" the solution I settled with was just limited the number of entries displayed in the NVL settings under Screens. If anyone has the issue I did that works for the most part.

The only dilemma at this point is that I want rollback to behave as a History rather than actually undoing player choices. That way you could go back and re-read anything you missed but you can't undo that fuckup that led to a result you didn't expect. (I want the choices to carry weight but I don't want to undo the usefulness of going back to read things you missed)

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