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Q:A specific website's name for resources

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:54 pm
by sirinaramen
Hello! So I hope this is the right section to ask for this sort of thing.If not..I apologise..I'm new here, and desperate... :oops: lol
I am looking for a certain website that provides free resources for visual novels in general including : sprites, backgrounds, objects and other stuff.It was great it had so so many things!Like for example cat sprites and very good looking sprites
I used it a lot 3 years ago when I was deep into visual novel making , gave up and now I'm into it again.I just can't remember its name.
My memory works quite bad on this but I'm sure the website needed to log in... also I'm not 100% sure it was was probably japanese or some similar language.Btw I can't find it on my e-mail account either
I dont enjoy begging but can someone help? I am aware that chances are low to find it..
Thanks in advance! :D