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My first VN - Orphae

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 11:40 am
by Sykes
Hello everyone :) !

I am currently working on an idea for a VN and would like your opinion and/or expertise on the matter.

I am a professional writer. My work is published in France, and I've released my third book last month (yyaaayy ^^ !). I write both in French and English (but no published English work at the moment, except for the beginning of a book on wattpad) and I also do scripts for TV every once in a while :D !

I also draw. I LOVE drawing! It gives me peace of mind whenever I'm feeling low and sad (aww ^^). My avatar is actually one of my drawings :) and you can see most of them on my deviantart account (although loads of them are really old).

So, to the point now! Here's my idea:

I want to create a VN that's a romance and primarily yaoi orientated. It's set up in a fantasy world of my own design, with Greek Mythology influence. It also has some elements of magic. For instance, magic is seen as a force known to be uncontrollable! It has taken centuries for a college of magicians, called the High-Thinkers, to actually master it and use it in their daily lives. Should you be gifted enough to be able to learn magic through books and books and books of spells, then you can pretend to be one of them. However, every once in a while, some people are born with magical powers of their own. They can mostly control the elements whilst their power is also governed by their emotions - which can prove unpredictable. These are called the Gifted. Quite obviously, high-Thinkers hate the Gifted.

VN frame:

The frame is as follow: you get three acts. First one is the introduction to the world and the characters (datable or not) you will meet as well as the story. Second act branches out and asks you to follow a datable character's specific story (up to 5 characters) alongside the main story. The third act is the reveal and the end. The end does not change depending on the character you've followed. However, I propose two ends to my story, this based on the notion of sacrifice. The player will have to make a definite choice.


We follow the story of the prince of Orphae, a 20 years old male (the character is predefined as you can see but you can choose his name) who's been asked by his father, King Leonid, to inquire as to why the villagers of his capital called Algieba are falling sick one after the other. We understand a strange plague is spreading and threatens to wipe out the country if it's not stopped fast by finding a cure. You're then pushed to investigate with the datable character of your choice whilst you uncover more about his/her life, the story of Orphae etc etc... Soon, you'll understand that the threat to your country goes beyond its borders and what you, as the prince, could have thought of.

Game engine:

As for the game engine, my heart goes to Ren'Py. I know coding, the basics, and I can learn but I don't need a complicated combat system for instance. I just want my game to look nice and clean so if you also have other suggestions as to how I could use Ren'Py in a professional way, please let me know :) so far, the tutorials I've seen on YouTube, let me think that it's very intuitive and easy to handle :)

I'm currently setting up a little team of my own: I'll be writing and drawing but I'll also have a QA assistant, and 2 VN/game consultants. I also have the possibility to get a music composer too, but that's not yet confirmed. He's a pianist and I believe that would fit perfectly to my very light, very bright and colourful atmosphere :)

So, what do you think? Please feel free to let me know :) I'll be happy to hear your opinion!