Joystick like an android

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Joystick like an android

#1 Post by Andredron »

autor Vladislav Gorelov

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init python:

    import pygame_sdl2 as pygame

    class __VirtualJoystick (renpy.Displayable):

        __author__ = u "Vladya"

        def __init __ (self):
            super (self .__ class__, self) .__ init __ ()

            self .__ stick_is_pressed = False
            self .__ size = None

            self .__ xalign = self .__ yalign = .5

        def stick (self):
            u "" "
            Take the stick position from here.
            The format of the return is a tuple (x, y).
            Where each value determines the travel speed multiplier
            object from -1 to 1 in inclusive, along the corresponding axis.
            "" "
            return tuple (
                map (
                    lambda a: ((a * 2.) - 1.),
                    (self .__ xalign, self .__ yalign)

        def get_circle (self, radius, color = u "fff"):
            u "" "
            Programmatically draws a circle.

            : radius:
                The radius of the circle.
            : color:
                Color tuple, or in hexadecimal.
            "" "
            radius = int (radius)
            diameter = radius * 2
            canvas = renpy.Render (diameter, diameter) .canvas ()
   (color = color, pos = (radius, radius), radius = radius)
            return (, diameter)

        def event (self, ev, x, y, st):

            if not self .__ size:

            w, h, x, y = map (float, (self .__ size + (x, y)))

            if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                self .__ stick_is_pressed = bool (
                    ((.0 <= x <= w) and (.0 <= y <= h))
            elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
                self .__ stick_is_pressed = False

            if self .__ stick_is_pressed:
                self .__ xalign, self .__ yalign = map (
                    lambda a: max (min (a, 1.), .0),
                    ((x / w), (y / h))
                self .__ xalign = self .__ yalign = .5

        def render (self, width, height, st, at):

            circle_radius = min ((width * .1), (height * .1))

            big_circle, bigD = self.get_circle (circle_radius)
            smallMultipler = (.8 if self .__ stick_is_pressed else 1.)
            small_circle, smallD = self.get_circle (
                (circle_radius * .5 * smallMultipler),
                u "000"

            baseRenderObject = renpy.Render (bigD, bigD)

            baseRenderObject.blit (big_circle, (0, 0))
            smallXPos, smallYPos = map (
                lambda align: int (((bigD * align) - (smallD * align))),
                (self .__ xalign, self .__ yalign)
            baseRenderObject.blit (small_circle, (smallXPos, smallYPos))

            self .__ size = (bigD, bigD)
            return baseRenderObject

    class JoystickMove (renpy.Displayable):

        __author__ = u "Vladya"

        joystickAlign = (.05, .95)

        def __init __ (self, child, time_speed = 3.):
            u "" "
            : child:
                The object to move.
            : time_speed:
                Time in seconds, for full movement
                from one end of the screen to the other.
            "" "

            super (self .__ class__, self) .__ init __ ()
            self .__ child = child
            self .__ joystick = __VirtualJoystick ()
            self .__ time_speed = float (time_speed)

            self .__ jxPos = self .__ jyPos = 0

            self .__ last_st = .0

            self .__ childXAlign = self .__ childYAlign = .5

        def align (self):
            u "" "
            From here take the current relative position on the screen.
            Data type: The tuple of the form (xalign, yalign).
            "" "
            return (self .__ childXAlign, self .__ childYAlign)

        def event (self, ev, x, y, st):
            self .__ joystick.event (
                (x is self .__ jxPos),
                (y - self .__ jyPos),

        def render (self, width, height, st, at):

            stickXSpeed, stickYSpeed ​​= self .__ joystick.stick
            increment = (st - self .__ last_st) / self .__ time_speed
            xIncrement = stickXSpeed ​​* increment
            yIncrement = stickYSpeed ​​* increment
            newX, newY = (
                (self .__ childXAlign + xIncrement),
                (self .__ childYAlign + yIncrement)

            self .__ childXAlign, self .__ childYAlign = map (
                lambda a: max (min (a, 1.), .0),
                (newX, newY)

            child = self .__ child.render (width, height, st, at)

            childXSize, childYSize = child.get_size ()

            childXPos = int (
                        (width * self .__ childXAlign)
                    ) - (
                        (childXSize * self .__ childXAlign)
           childYPos = int (
                        (height * self .__ childYAlign)
                    ) - (
                        (childYSize * self .__ childYAlign)

            baseRenderObject = renpy.Render (* map (int, (width, height)))
            joystick = self .__ joystick.render (width, height, st, at)

            jw, jh = joystick.get_size ()
            jxAl, jyAl = self.joystickAlign
            self .__ jxPos = int (((width * jxAl) - (jw * jxAl)))
            self .__ jyPos = int (((height * jyAl) - (jh * jyAl)))

            baseRenderObject.blit (child, (childXPos, childYPos))
            baseRenderObject.blit (joystick, (self .__ jxPos, self .__ jyPos))

            self .__ last_st = st

            renpy.redraw (self, .0)

            return baseRenderObject

label start:

    # Use either as a trance, or as a wrapper for an image.
    show expression Text (u "Test 123", size = 150) at JoystickMove
    $ ui.interact ()

video ... 3243_42433

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