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A Few Questions About TyranoBuilder!

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:30 am
by Offworlder
Although I plan to use Ren'py for my larger/more complicated projects, I figured TyranoBuilder might be worth trying out for something simpler. Particularly as a way to save time (due to my current project needing to be finished quickly).

After delving into a few tutorials and playing around with it for a bit, I've discovered that most of what I need/want for this particular project is already built into Tyranobuilder. However, I've hit a few roadblocks along the way and was hoping someone here might be able to point me in the right direction!

Here are my questions:

1. Backlog
I've figured out how to change the background image and such, but is it possible to change the way the text displays? Instead of having an unbroken block of text for an entire scene, I'd like to have spaces separating dialogue and narration. For example:

This is narration. Pretty straightforward!
A few observations from the protagonist might go on this line.

Character A: "Hello, stranger!"
Character B: "Howdy do to you!"

And now we're back to narration.
I hope that makes sense!
Separately, is it possible to change how the backlog text box looks? Here's a random online example showing how the box looks by default: ... 285AE92D3/
While I certainly don't need anything elaborate, I'd prefer something slightly less plain if at all possible.

2. I did a bit of research, so I know this next question is possible. I just haven't been able to find any actual guides for how to do it!
I want to create a configuration screen, which would allow players to adjust the speed and volume of various features (text, auto, background music, things of that nature). Does anyone here have any idea how I would go about doing that? I assume some scripting would be necessary.

EDIT: Poked around a bit more, only to discover there's a built-in configuration menu. >_<
It seems...fairly complicated to adjust, but at least now I'm on the right track!

3. I know this is possible as well, due to having seen it in a TyranoBuilder game. How would I go about having text in the center of the screen? Just for a portion of the game, with the text box hidden. I believe I know how to make sure the text box isn't showing, but not how to have the text appear somewhere else.
EDIT: Figured this one out on my own! Turned out to be another built-in function.

4. Is it possible to change the design of dialogue boxes? For example, the window that pops up to confirm whether or not you want to return to the title screen.

5. Is it possible to change the layout of the Save/Load screens? This isn't that big of a deal, but say I wanted the screens to be laid out more like this: ... 1_1280.png
By default, the saves are laid out like this:

I think that's everything for now! Thanks for taking the time to read through this. :3

Re: A Few Questions About TyranoBuilder!

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 12:35 am
by skyeworks
Hi, so I don't know much about TyranoBuilder but if anyone can't answer you here, I know that the steam page forum is usually helpful for questions like these.

For your last question, it's probably possible but you might have to code to get it. ... 316547538/

Re: A Few Questions About TyranoBuilder!

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:47 pm
by Offworlder

Than you for both of those links!
I'm familiar with the Steam discussion forums, so I'll likely try there if no one here can assist. I figured Lemmasoft would be a good place to check as well, since there are so many folks creating visual novels around these parts. There're bound to be some who use TyranoBuilder!

The second link helps as far as showing where I can view the code and how to edit it (which I was also looking for), though I'm hoping someone can provide actual coding guidance as well. x_x