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Do you need some photos?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:46 pm
by Imperf3kt
This'll probably be a bit odd but I'll ask anyway.

I recently got a 23MP camera and it takes absolutely gorgeous photos.
Its always been an idea in the back of my head to use photos as BGs, either as is, edited or filtered.

This camera will now allow me to try that out so I was wondering if anybody here was interested in some photographs as backgrounds or any other use (rotoscoping, maybe?)
Or perhaps some other image, an object maybe?

I'm looking for suggestions on what to photograph that may be of use to someone.
Please note that I cannot do city photographs or any highly populated metropolis, since I live too far from such things.

Re: Do you need some photos?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 8:30 am
by ComputerArt.Club
Background photos are always welcome, speaking of which, often while trying to take such photos I wonder what makes a good BG photo/photo set. where should the horizon be? How much foreground should there be? What angles are best for which purposes? At what height should the camera be? Is it best for it to be level with the ground? What sort of aperture level should people be aiming for? What iso/how much noise is acceptable? Should you bring a light/lighting equipment (I only have one portable light and its not that powerful but I am interested in buying another eventually)?

What photos should a set include? (a wide establishing shot, and a close up? what else is necessary?)

Obviously, anything goes for CGs, but for shots with a regular sprite it seems like these things should be considered. I tried googling it a few months back but no one was discussing it.

Even if no one is interested here, Google Maps will love your photos. I just started this year and now I have 2 accounts with 900,000+ views each for random (and very average) photos uploaded occasionally and with zero photo editing (though many were 360 photos).

Going back to my earlier point, Id love to hear other peoples opinions on what makes a good background photo, especially in terms of composition and camera position.

I’d say that interior photos of a house are easy and useful as a starting point.

Re: Do you need some photos?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 9:24 am
by Imperf3kt
Thanks for the obvious idea xD
It never occurred to me to start out with some simple interior shots.

Re: Do you need some photos?

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:21 pm
by Cyanade
For where the horizon line should be in backgrounds, it should be chest height. OokamiKasumi explains it really well in this thread

Re: Do you need some photos?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:34 am
by Imperf3kt
Thanks, that's useful info.

I haven't actually had time to take any photos yet xD
But I hope to get some soon.

Re: Do you need some photos?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:44 am
by ComputerArt.Club
Nixe link! Just to clarify, it seems then that the consensus is that the camera should be level (not angled) and at the height of the chest or collar bone of the viewer/photographer/main charcter (pick one)? Exceptions being for artistic shots that require angles and new sprites.

Re: Do you need some photos?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:15 pm
by Cyanade
ComputerArt.Club wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:44 am Nixe link! Just to clarify, it seems then that the consensus is that the camera should be level (not angled) and at the height of the chest or collar bone of the viewer/photographer/main charcter (pick one)? Exceptions being for artistic shots that require angles and new sprites.
Yes, exactly-its taken that way so that it will match the perspective of the sprite, which is usually drawn dead on with no distortion. Angled shots is for when the sprite is also angled but I haven’t really seen much angled sprites in VNs so the dead-on shot is your safest bet.

Re: Do you need some photos?

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:09 am
by Yomuchan
Imperf3kt wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:46 pm This'll probably be a bit odd but I'll ask anyway.
If this offer's still up, I'd love to have some countryside photographs, dirt trails, woods and such for a freeware project of mine.

Re: Do you need some photos?

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 6:31 am
by Imperf3kt
Been trying to capture some stuff around midday, but I've so far been busy every weekend I try.

Countryside photos are a possibility, dirt trails will be a bit easier and woods are no trouble at all (I love at the base of a mountain almost)

Will see what I can get for you, should hopefully be able to do that tomorrow.

Re: Do you need some photos?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:37 am
by Imperf3kt
Just dropping in to let you know I haven't forgotten your request, but rather that I need to do some work on the files before I can send them along.

I took a selection of images on Monday afternoon, but I'm not entirely happy with the photos (don't really match the request) so I'll probably take some others when possible.
I've decided to send them to you anyway, but first I need to process them a little bit, since the original images are enormous.

Here's one of the images optimised and scaled to 1920*1080 - sorry about the blurry top-left corner, my hand isn't the most stable.

Re: Do you need some photos?

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 8:31 am
by Imperf3kt
I forgot about this after my internet went down for a week while I was supposed to upload it.

I decided to leave the files at full resolution, but anyone using them should at least re-export them and do some compression on the files.!pNtVBIAb!Bwh2X3sFTPA0 ... P4HTaNoj5k

I'm sorry about the images, finding walking tracks was a bit difficult, I did find plenty of dirt roads though xD

Re: Do you need some photos?

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 5:46 am
by Yomuchan
Imperf3kt wrote: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:37 am
Here's one of the images optimised and scaled to 1920*1080 - sorry about the blurry top-left corner, my hand isn't the most stable.
That first pic was perfect - just the sort of "innawoods" stuff I'm looking for.

I'm away from home for a while - mobile internets is finnicky with large files. So, if its not too much trouble, could you hold on to that file? Again, thanks for all your work.

Re: Do you need some photos?

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 7:49 am
by Imperf3kt
I have the files here, I typically don't delete anything since I have a couple of dozen TB of hard drive space (although most of it is in use with junk and backups)

If you want, I can shrink and compress the rest of the files and upload them individually, its not that much of a hassle. Should only take 15 minutes or so, will probably do it tomorrow after work. (nearing midnight here at the moment)

Re: Do you need some photos?

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 10:51 am
by Yomuchan
Alright, 800x600 would be great. No rush, I hope you had a great weekend.

Re: Do you need some photos?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:54 pm
by Imperf3kt
Alright, as requested, heres a 800*600 set. I hope at least some of them are of use to you.!dQs2QAAD!FLam6RAqcSZF4xneaRdeTg
The files can be individually downloaded, they're all about half a Megabyte. For the hell of it, I also post processed one of the images to be more vivid. I think the effect turned out okay, even if the trees look a bit blue as a result.