[CODE] Glossary Screen Implementation

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Re: [CODE] Glossary Screen Implementation

#16 Post by bonnie_641 »

I leave this code for backup: Glossary modification in alphabetical order, unlockable and can reverse the order (RLinZ code modification).

I add pronunciation of words (thanks to enaielei): viewtopic.php?f=8&t=65672&p=556534#p556522


Code: Select all

init python:
    config.hyperlink_handlers["play"] = renpy.play  # Sound is linked to speech by hyperlink handlers.

screen glossary():
    text "Glossary" size 40 xalign 0.5 ypos 20
    hbox spacing 200:
            xpos 50 ypos 100 xsize 300 ysize 500
            child_size (None, 4000)
            scrollbars "vertical"
            spacing 5
            draggable True
            mousewheel True
            arrowkeys True
            add "#000c"
            vbox spacing 20:
                #for word in sorted(persistent.palabra): # works only persistent words with nothing special
                #for word in sorted(persistent.palabra, reverse=True) : # changes the order of presentation
                for word in sorted(persistent.palabra, key=str.lower) :  # order the list  :D 
                    textbutton word:
                        action SetVariable("display_desc", word)
        vbox ypos 100 xsize 650 ysize 500 box_wrap True:
            text glossary_dict.get(display_desc, "")

init -1 python:

    display_desc = ""
    # Choose only one option for the glossary word to read:   ##
    # Option 1: Pronunciation with robotic effect                   ##
    def play(tag, argument, contents):                                   ##
        renpy.play(argument)                                                    ##
        return contents                                                            ##
    config.custom_text_tags["play"] = play                             ##
    # Option 2: Pronunciation normal                                    ##
    config.hyperlink_handlers["play"] = renpy.play                ##

    #add words to the dictionary
    glossary_dict = \
        # If you chose the first option:
        #'Cook': '{play=audio/cook.mp3}DEFINITION COOK OR WHATEVER{/play}',
        #If you chose the SECOND option:
        #'Cook': '{a=play:cook.mp3}DEFINITION COOK OR WHATEVER{/a}',
        'Cut': '{play=audio/cut.mp3}DEFINITION CUT OR WHATEVER{/play}',
        'a':'{play=audio/a.mp3}DEFINITION A OR WHATEVER{/play}',
        'say':'{play=audio/say.mp3}DEFINITION SAY OR WHATEVER{/play}',


Code: Select all

define persistent.palabra= set()

label start:

    show screen glossary
    hide screen glossary
    "Don't work?"
    jump checking_words

label checking_words:

    "Let's see..."

    $ persistent.palabra.add('Cook')
    show screen glossary
    "Adding 'Cook'."

    #$ persistent.palabra.remove('Cook') ##: To remove the word "Cook" from the glossary
    "Yay!!!! ♥"

    hide screen glossary
    "If I add 'Cut'..."
    $ persistent.palabra.add('Cut')
    show screen glossary
    "Oh! Adding 'Cut'."
    "¡¡¡¡¡AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It's working!!!!!  :D"
    hide screen glossary
    "If I add 'a'..."
    $ persistent.palabra.add('a')
    show screen glossary
    "It's working.... ♥"
    "The end?"

Thank you RLinZ and enaielei for help me :D :wink:
I speak and write in Spanish. I use an English-Spanish translator to express myself in this forum. If I make any mistakes, please forgive me.
I try my best to give an answer according to your question. :wink:

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Re: [CODE] Glossary Screen Implementation

#17 Post by Andredron »

search box function with imagebuttons
Renpy textbook (in Russian). https://disk.yandex.ru/i/httNEajU7iFWHA (all information is out of date) Update 22.06.18

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