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tooltip on a overlay

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:50 pm
by jack_norton
I'm at good point with the interface of my new game but I have one problem with the tooltip class pytom wrote me some months ago: it doesn't display on a overlay :(
I'm using a overlay to display the bottom interface on the screen, but using normal tooltip the text is hidden under it. I tried adding a ui.layer("overlay") but didn't work either. So was wondering if there is a solution to this?

Re: tooltip on a overlay

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:36 pm
by killdream
Probably it's being rendered first than the interface, so it'll be under it. If you call a function for this, you should call it after the interface is rendered. Not sure, tho, since I don't have idea of what the source of the tooltip looks like.

Re: tooltip on a overlay

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:09 pm
by jack_norton
Well I managed to make a sort of tooltip but the problem is with the unhovered function of the imagebutton (or any button).
If you have 1 button only is fine. But if you have 2-3 the unhover doesn't work for tooltips at all, since if I call it to hide the tooltip, it hides even the others.
A bit hard to explain I know!
In practice with just 1 button:
mouse goes over button1->show text
mouse off button1->hide text

with 2 buttons (or more)
mouse goes over button1->show text ? NO, because mouse is unhover button2!
mouse goes over button2->show text ? NO, because mouse is unhover button1!

so the way it works is impossible to have a real tooltip, I managed to display the text of the last hovered button, without "clearing" it everytime (otherwise wasn't showing anything).
Here is the full script anyway (without tooltip class):

Code: Select all

init python:
    import time
    GHelp=("Headquarters are very important.","Military city blocks help the defenses","Science labs are useful to research new techs","Bio-Hospitals improve your citizen life quality","Commercial hubs makes good money","Residential blocks are essential for your city to expand.")
init python:
    def increase():
        global v1,v2,v3
        v1+=renpy.random.randint(1, 3)
        v2+=renpy.random.randint(1, 3)
        v3+=renpy.random.randint(1, 3)
    def overlays():
        global v1,v2,v3,buildmode,HelpA
        if ingame==True:
            ui.text("var1: ("+str(v1)+") var2: "+str(v2)+"var3: ("+str(v3)+")")
            if buildmode==1:
            if buildmode==2:
            if buildmode==3:
            if buildmode==4:
            #the various panels
            if buildmode==4:
                for i in range(6):
                    ui.imagebutton(ImageReference("Sicon"+str(i)), ImageReference("icon"+str(i)), hovered=ui.callsinnewcontext("showhelp",i), clicked=ui.callsinnewcontext("showhelp",i),xpos=2+i*128,ypos=620)

label setmode(m):
    $ buildmode=m
label showhelp(h):
    $ Help=GHelp[h]
label start:
    scene bg with dissolve
        start = time.time()
        while True:
            if time.time() - start >= 2:
                start = time.time()
            map = [[0 for i in range(32)] for i in range(32)]
            for x,y in es:

Re: tooltip on a overlay

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:10 pm
by jack_norton
Just wanted to add that probably for doing such complex stuff the only solution would be to use pygame inside renpy, since that way could use the mouse coordinates and it would solve the problem :)

Re: tooltip on a overlay

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:56 pm
by EvilDragon
Why don't you use it then? :)

Re: tooltip on a overlay

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:39 pm
by killdream
jack_norton wrote:Just wanted to add that probably for doing such complex stuff the only solution would be to use pygame inside renpy, since that way could use the mouse coordinates and it would solve the problem :)
Not quite, I guess Ren'Py it's better to do it than go for pygame. Just create a class for every tooltip and assign it to a button. This class will be responsible to show/hide the tooltip.

Code: Select all

class TTooltip:
    def __init__(self, text):
        self.text = text
        self.hovered = False

    def show(self, at):
        if not self.hovered: # show only if the mouse is over the button that owns this tooltip
            return # just to position it properly (you could set the position in the init or so, though)
And for every button you'd need to create the tooltip class and assign it to that button:

Code: Select all

def create_button(idle_image, hover_image, tooltip_text, clicked):
    tooltip = TTooltip(tooltip_text) # create a instance of tooltip for this button
    def hovered():
        tooltip.hovered = True
    def unhovered():
        tooltip.hovered = False
    ui.imagebutton(idle_image, hover_image, hovered=hovered, unhovered=unhovered, clicked=clicked)
Then just call create_button for every button you need to create and it should works ^^

Re: tooltip on a overlay

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:21 am
by jack_norton
Ah true didn't think about that possibility! Going to make some tests now, thanks! 8)

Re: tooltip on a overlay

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:33 am
by jack_norton
Nope, tried your code but doesn't work, nothing is shown :x
PyTom tooltip was perfect but in my particular case I can't find a way to display a text OVER all other overlays/layers (always in forefront).

Re: tooltip on a overlay

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:27 am
by jack_norton
EvilDragon wrote:Why don't you use it then? :)
Well, if I have to use pygame with a loop etc I might as well just go back to my old C engine! I was using renpy/python to have a good high level language to make games faster. Of course not renpy fault since it's an engine geared towards VN, and is the best in its field. I am trying to do something that is really not a VN :mrgreen:

Re: tooltip on a overlay

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:02 am
by EvilDragon
Just a thought: have you tried something called z-order of the layers that are currently displayed?

Re: tooltip on a overlay

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:08 am
by jack_norton
Well I don't know how to access it, I know there are several layers, but I don't know if I can add a layer that goes OVER the "overlay" layer. I tried using in the tooltip class ui.layer("overlay") which IN THEORY should do the next ui. functions in the specified layer (so in the overlay itself) but somehow wouldn't work (don't know why).
I found a fun solution for now: I added a giant imagebutton of the size of the whole background so if you move over it, clears the tooltip string value :lol: seems to work even if I have to try on slower machines!

Re: tooltip on a overlay

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:33 am
by killdream
jack_norton wrote:Nope, tried your code but doesn't work, nothing is shown :x
PyTom tooltip was perfect but in my particular case I can't find a way to display a text OVER all other overlays/layers (always in forefront).
Hm, my fault. You have to catch all the instances in a list and show them in after you show the overlay buttons (forgot about this part xD).


Code: Select all

def create_button(...):
   (...) # create tooltip
   global list_of_tooltips
   (...) # create button

def overlay_function():
   (...) # draw the image buttons here
   for index, tooltip in enumerate(list_of_tooltips):*200))