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Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:08 pm
by kittylove94

Luna decides to go on a hiking vacation alone and decides to take a shortcut. She got lost in the wilderness to find a place to camp for the night, but she runs into an odd tree (that was brightened by a magical glow). She couldn’t stop herself from touching it(It transports her to another realm with no way back). (She had no friends and family, so there was no way of going back). The realm she transported to is “modern” yet “magical” at the same time. In the realm, there are Humans, Elves, Vampires, Werewolves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and other magical beings. The place she teleported to is a city named Nimthor,The country of Asmen that is a monarchy (Ran by Elves)/Planet is called Elsuna.


Name: Luna (Nameable)
Race: Human
Traits: Black Hair, Green Eyes, Fair Skin, Medium height, Medium Length Hair

Romance options

Name: Gale (Prince)
Race: Elven
Traits: Tall, Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Pale Skin, Long Hair

Name: Seirus(Cares for all the animals/beasts at Eriks estate)
Age: 25
Race: Triton (Aquatic)
Traits: Tall, Green Hair, Blue Skin, Yellow Eyes, Medium Length, aquatic features

Name: Keanu(Takes care of the Flowers at Eriks Estate)
Age: 22
Race: Fairy
Traits: Medium Height, Tan Skin, Red Short Hair, Freckles, Green Fairy Wings, Pink eyes

Name: Belamir (Captain/Guard of Joniks Estate)
Race: Orc
Traits: Tallest, Muscular, Brown Hair,Green Skin,Hairstyle is up to you, Tusks out bottom lip,Brown eyes

Name: Xavier(Erik Childhood Friend/Butler)
Race: Demon
Traits: Grey Skin, White Hair, Red Eyes, Horns, Demon like tail, Short Hair,Glasses

And Plenty of Npcs to be added!

We will add images of the Mc and Romance options soon!
This is in production! So more updates will come soon!

If you have any questions drop a comment below!

Re: Elsyia (GxB,Otome,18+)

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 1:21 pm
by fleet
What is the significance of the comment "She took a trip to Iceland"; is it Iceland in the real world, or in your magical realm?

Re: Elsyia (GxB,Otome,18+)

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 1:49 pm
by kittylove94
Yep In the game she will visit real iceland then she lands in a magical realm ^^