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Where is this Going? (First VN, any interest?) [Prototype-Demo] [Adventure | Trapped | Fantasy] [Tim]

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:12 pm
by chocoblu
Hi, first post here =D... I'm just gonna keep things somewhat brief-ish.

I'm starting work on my first VN and I want to know if people are actually interested in this before I dedicate more time to it, since I'm just realizing how much work this project may potentially be.

The linked in-development prototype/demo (which took an embarrassing amount of time to make) is for the first act of my VN and should only take a few minutes to complete.

Almost everything, the art, audio, programming, etc. was done by me. The learning curve has been steep. :shock:
(The original idea and first drafts was written by my sister, but she's busy with life now.)

It just features my finished sprite sketches and inked in backgrounds... haven't colored it yet.

Also; Mr. Robert's and Mr. Tatsuki's sprites have to be reworked, along with the audio, and the forrest scene needs to be recolored, but otherwise the script for the included part is finalized. The rest is yet to be written.

There might also be a few issues that I did not catch... oh well, such is development... *shrug*

Either way... I hope you check it out and let me know if you're keen...

There's a bit more info along with downloads on my website:, or just want it directly: [ Slight epilepsy warning... and there might also be blood, depending on what you pick. ]

You also can monitor the project's "heartbeat" here:

And... Here are some images (but I'd much rather you check out the demo yourself):


Re: Where is this Going? (First VN, any interest?) [Prototype-Demo] [Adventure | Trapped | Fantasy] [Tim]

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 1:03 am
by jjzhang9
Loving the concept and the rough art so far!

Just a few things to consider:
From the beginning, I noticed that there was a lack of music. The sound effects are great, but also having music could help ramp up the emotion right at the start. Also, I'd maybe choose less "Idle" music, if you know what I mean. It kind of doesn't fit what's happening as Isaac and Liam have their ramble in the hallway.
Another note, but just one of personal preference, sometimes the SFX can be very loud and too sudden (like when the cosplayer starts flashing), mainly because there's no music or other sound leading up to it.

I'm really interested in seeing where the cosplayer is going, and what's gonna happen! Keep us updated!

Re: Where is this Going? (First VN, any interest?) [Prototype-Demo] [Adventure | Trapped | Fantasy] [Tim]

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:28 am
by chocoblu
Yeah... fair points.

Sound is one of the biggest issues I've been grappling with... (Besides writer's block...)
From the beginning, I noticed that there was a lack of music ... but also having music could help ramp up the emotion right at the start.
I did originally have music in the beginning, but it didn't feel like it worked... it made things feel too upbeat, even when I slowed things down, made the notes messy, removed the drums, etc.
The beginning was supposed to feel very hollow and disappointing, as if something is lacking.
So I went with ambient sounds... granted, the recordings I took aren't very interesting, but I'll figure that out when I get to it.
Also, I'd maybe choose less "Idle" music, if you know what I mean. It kind of doesn't fit what's happening as Isaac and Liam have their ramble in the hallway.
Yeah, true... I just didn't want to let that track go to waste, and the ambient sounds in that section felt lacking. That definitely has to be reworked.
sometimes the SFX can be very loud and too sudden (like when the cosplayer starts flashing) ... there's no music or other sound leading up to it.
Noted, I'll try to include better build ups and stuff. thanks. :)

So, yeah...
Generally, I'm starting to think that music wouldn't really fit in a lot of scenario's and I am instead focusing more on interesting ambiance and ambient sounds. Not sure how I'll implement it but... eh?

If you have any more, tips, feedback, etc... feel free to let me know...