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Sinful Sisters [BxG][Drama/Suspense/Church][Dating Sim][18+]

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:07 pm
by Crazy Cactus

You're a young priest that has been sent to a wayward church far out in the middle of nowhere, in a "god-forsaken" large town in the farthest reaches of a small country [unnamed]. There were some startling rumors that made their way all the way back to the Pope. Behind the scenes, the Pope tasks the High Holy Authority to replace the current priest there and send one of their own to investigate. Once given the power of making this decision, the Authority ask some of their youngest and brightest to volunteer, but none dare to, as they want to remain in the capital. After all, what kind of young and ambitious priest would want to hurt their standing in the capital if they failed? They could end up the laughingstock of the churchdom, and could kiss their holy career goodbye.

You, acting as Father Thomas Thornwood (full name will be customizable), are part of a secondary group called in by the Authority. Again, they ask for a volunteer. Unbeknownst to them, through your own secret contact via confession, you've heard some of these disturbing rumours of bribery and general debauchery. After another long period of awkward silence, you wait until the very last possible moment... Just as the Authority is about to summon in another group, you "sheepishly" volunteer. The crowd of your fellow priests parts, as if you've suddenly caught a plague they don't want to catch. In your head, you don't care. Acting the part of the martyr makes you look all the better in the minds of the Authority, you hope.

[The story will begin here, shortly after your long trip to your new home at the Church, where the local Bishop will greet you upon your arrival...]


1] Father Thomas Thornwood
2] Sister Roslyn (front left in top image)
3] Sister Pippa (front right in top image)
4] Sister Odette (middle right in top image)
5] Reverend Mother Lilith (top left in top image)
6] Sister Demona Helbreed (daughter) (middle left in top image)
7] Bishop Nero Helbreed (husband)
8] Angela Helbreed (wife)
9] Valerie Kuntzvard (top right in top image)

Left to Right: (Player), Roslyn, Pippa, Odette, Lilith, Demona

Antagonists: Bishop (figure-head) & Valerie Kuntzvard (heartless true mastermind, running the numbers)

From the beginning, you will be at odds with the Bishop. Not much longer after first meeting the Bishop, you're going to be met by Valerie as well. She's going to test you, size you up. You better be ready to choose your side. Were you thinking about being bad and falling in line with them?? Think again. There's no way of joining the "dark-side" here while siding with them. If you're a good priest, you're still going to need evidence to prove their corruption, and have the nuns help with their testimony. Likewise, if you're a bad/evil acting priest, you'll still need to gather proof of their wrongdoings and gather testimony, or face the dire consequences with some possible... VERY bad ends.

So, what you need to do, first and foremost, is to start gaining allies. You'll need to curry favor to get the nuns "on your side." Whether you do that purely through good (priestly) means, through nefarious/evil means, or a mix of both doesn't matter. You MUST get them to “join” you to support you. This also means gaining a CERTAIN AMOUNT of evidence in order to prove the guilt of the bishop and/or Valerie. To achieve this, I have plans to implement an inventory style system, where during certain points you will present things you find to characters to get specific results. Some of these inventory items won't be "evidence" per say, but could be used as a prop in a CG scene (hint hint)...

Great question. I'm currently developing (as of December 7th) an outline for the overall plot and branching choices/storylines of Sinful Sisters (not all of them, but brainstorming a lot of them). There are 21 "days" worth of planned story events for the story. This will help create a sense of urgency for the plot, and each day will have the option to take place during different times (since the BGs have both daytime AND nighttime lighting).


Plot starts on Friday, December 4th… First Sunday Mass on December 6th, then the 13th, then the last one on the 20th. The final Mass would be the “Midnight Mass” of December 24th, which would then lead into the final endgame where the game tallies up all your choices and figures out which ending you receive. Cue the Christmas jokes if you’re successful, or the over-the-top drama if you fail - with some bad puns if you are killed/arrested/etc...

As you play, you'll be able to use the in-game navigation map ( ... 8189957120) to visit and speak with the various people of the church. I wanted to do this as a way to shift-away from a traditional linear format. There will be conversations marked with different icons... (Gold cross, silver cross, copper cross... etc)
1 - Events you must witness or people you must speak with to advance story.
2 - Key moments with certain character/s that may effect your relationship with them (that might also even possibly be skipped).
3 - Side moments that may or may not directly impact story but could still help/hurt your relationships. These moments will mostly be for "fleshing out characters" though, to get to know them more (similar to how some games have those mini-episodes with side characters).
4 - Lastly, very important events that are pretty much compulsory, and must be attended on certain days (such as Sunday's Mass).

Power / Sex / Revenge / Family / Sacrifice / Greed / Man's Relationship to (God)

Project Lead: M-G @ Crazy Cactus Entertainment LLC
Sprite Artist: Sayori
CG Artist: Sayori
Backgrounds: M.Olivson
Soundtrack: JadeVater
GUI: Sasquatchii
Script: (unknown) (currently writing plot outline, framework, etc... will be acting as proofreader, like before)

- Sprites (100%) - Fully done already. There will be some modifying later, perhaps changes to outfit. But all outfits and arm positions are done.
- CGs (0%) - Sprite artist currently testing first CG that we're going to try and animate.
- Backgrounds (17%) - Right now (3/18) completed, the rest have linework completed, some with flats and lighting completed, just waiting on other layers and files.
- Soundtrack (50%) - Currently have (11/22) tracks completed, with one WIP delivered last night, plus the option for extra tracks if needed.
- GUI (43%) - This percent completion is slightly higher with (6/14) assets completed, since I'll be adding 1-2 things to GUI for recent plans I brainstormed.
- Script (0%) - No actual writing of script as I'm currently working on outline and overall plot information for the story. Will be possibly hiring help here soon.

I noticed a lot of the same body types... Why?
- This will be the general aesthetic for Sinful Sisters. I know we had some fans of our smaller-breasted ladies with Maid Mansion, but were unfortunately too far along in development here to make substantial changes (without costing a small fortune).

Will there be more diversity with this cast?
- Currently I am going to be reworking Demona and Angela's appearance a bit. I think it would be a nice dynamic to make them both African American (Demona being lighter skinned because of her father, the Bishop). I think it would help add a different perspective in the story, and is worth pursuing. Plus it shouldn't be a very costly change, so this one is pretty much gonna happen.

How long will the game be?
- I want this game to be longer, with more time spent fleshing out the characters, and having more impactful endings. As such, my aim is to increase the word count from 140,000 (Maid Mansion) to 200,000 words.

When will this be available?
I'm going to be trying to aim for a demo out by the end of April 2021. The completed game by around early November 2021. It's an ambitious plan, but I'm pretty much going full steam ahead here (while fulfilling my final obligations with Maid Mansion Kickstarter backers)...

How will you make Sinful Sisters better based on feedback from Maid Mansion??
- partial voice acting (for the CG scenes...possibly for the first scene with the character too!!)
- test/experiment with animated CG scenes (not all CGs animated, but maybe 1-2 for each for players to try and "unlock" with each of the main cast...must work in Renpy engine!!)
- fewer endings (currently planning for 7 good endings, 6 bad endings, NO neutral endings)
- include a "harem ending" (this was a big letdown for many that Maid Mansion didn't have this -- Sinful Sisters will be aiming for one 3-way ending with Odette/Lilith, one 3-way ending with Demona/Angela, and one true harem-ending with all ladies, including the hardest-to-get Valerie)
- bad endings will mostly impact YOU next time, with 4/6 only affecting just the MC
- our next walkthrough ending guide will also include in-advance warnings about which endings are GOOD/BAD (still with spoiler alert tags)
- smaller cast (currently at 8, not including MC, with 5 as main characters, 3 with lesser "screen time")
- characters developed more (flesh out backgrounds, get to "know them" more, etc...)

Twitter: (some NSFW posts)
Discord: (server invite link)

1) What are your initial thoughts about the game?
2) Are there any kind of suggestions for "religious things" to include? (teachings, proverbs, Easter eggs, etc...)
3) Any nuns tickle your fancy? Favorite/s??
4) Are there any aspects of features you're most excited about?
5) Would you be interested in purchasing Sinful Sisters? If not, why?

© Crazy Cactus Entertainment LLC, 2020

Re: Sinful Sisters [BxG][Drama/Suspense/Church][Dating Sim][18+]

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:53 am
by Crazy Cactus
Those interested in a PAID writing position for an adult [18+] game, please apply at the link above. Thank you.

In other news, I wanted to keep this development thread going with some quick updates. Wanted to share a WIP of our logo design (currently B&W) before we move into the experimental coloring stage. I kinda like the look as it is right now (gives me the same B&W vibes of Maid Mansion), but we're still going to have some fun with some colors, gradients, shading, effects, etc... and see what happens.


Also, I shared in original post, but will show a cleaned-up image here -- the current navigation style map for Sinful Sisters. You'll use this screen to click and decide where you want to go, which characters you want to talk to, what events (special or otherwise) that you want to attend, and things like that.


Lastly, I created a duplicate thread of this original development post in the ADULTS section, since I wanted to post some adult material there. You're free to check out the lineart and first full-color WIPs that were sent to me yesterday. It shows our Sister Roslyn in a very precarious position with you, the priest.

Re: Sinful Sisters [BxG][Drama/Suspense/Church][Dating Sim][18+]

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 1:20 am
by Crazy Cactus
Background progress is actually quite a bit far long, (as mentioned in the original post), but waiting on some newer colors for some of the more recent deliveries.

While I wait on those, I wanted to share two of the backgrounds for the game. I'm hoping it might "set the scene" or put you in the mood for the kind of atmosphere I'm going for with Sinful Sisters. Obviously, it's a church setting, so pretty much (ALL) the backgrounds revolve around that, so no big surprises here. As you can tell, I'm pretty much aiming for that good/versus bad feel with the light and darkness of these environments, mixed in with some grey tones. Will you be good or bad, or kinda do a bit of both into more of the greyzone?



Hope you liked these! Looking forward to sharing more with you all in the coming days/weeks/etc...

Re: Sinful Sisters [BxG][Drama/Suspense/Church][Dating Sim][18+]

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:22 pm
by Crazy Cactus
Hey everyone! I wanted to start off this late evening update with some little "flavor" story-writing from Sinful Sisters. This exchange happens between you (the "MC" priest) and Roslyn, the sexy and lovable, no-nonsense nun. Hope you like/enjoy and feel free to comment or ask questions and I'll answer the best I can. For other little sneak peaks, I sometimes occasionally post updates on my Discord (info on my Twitter) or additional updates over at our Patreon (search crazy cactus). Anywho, without further ado...

R "Well, you done went and ruined my break either way, so there’s no point in hanging around if you're just gonna keep riding my a** about smoking."
"Roslyn heaved out a sigh and dropped her cigarette on the ground, quickly putting it out with her foot."
R "What's with that look? I dropped it on the concrete, it's not gonna catch fire... Duh."
MC "Shouldn't you NOT be dirtying the grounds of the Church!?"
R "Hah. That's a funny thing to say."
R "Maybe you should look around more before making damn-stupid comments like that."
R "Hopefully in the meantime that gets you off my case and you leave me alone."
R "I'm sure the Reverend Mother will see to it that you're well occupied. She knows what men like you enjoy."
MC "I'll have you know her and I… didn't exactly get off on the right foot when we first spoke."
R "Really, is that so? Surprised she didn't 'treat' you to one of the “gifts” she gives to all the other 'important people' that show up."
R "Either way, go bother someone else."

Option 1: Something is troubling you, talk to me.
Option 2: I won't let a woman like you get away that easy.

...And here's a direct follow-up art update from our previous post, where I'd like to show you a recently delivered look at the night-time background for the main chapel from the game. Pretty much all BGs will have the two different lighting variations, to help with the different times of day. Hope you like it!!


See you - hopefully soon - for the next update!!

Re: Sinful Sisters [BxG][Drama/Suspense/Church][Dating Sim][18+]

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:27 pm
by Crazy Cactus
I still have the original B&W flat logo as seen above (in this thread) but we still went ahead and gave the logo this time a more thorough design. I like both a lot - and can see a lot of possibilities where I can use one versus the other. This more "fancy" logo might be the one found more in-game, while the 'flat' style might be best for things like the walkthrough guide, art book, promos, etc...

We're continuing to hum along with our GUI for the game as well. Here's a brief sample of the YES/NO for quitting the game. I definitely prefer having the style this way with the prompt not blocking out the entire screen and using a opacity overlay behind it, keeping the BG visible.

Like the previous posts here, I'd like to share two more background pieces for you to check out. We've got the chapel's kitchen for the nuns meals (and for making food for the community if needed), as well as a bedroom of one of the nuns (Pippa). There will be bedrooms for the other young nuns as well. Also, as a special note, I'd like to confirm that as of last week, all BGs for the game have been completed. There IS a slight possibility we may order a couple more, for the sake of how the story is progressing, but for right now, they've been completed.



Thank you all for stopping by to check out this update! I hope that you're all doing well on your own projects too! I'm always happy to see others pressing onward with their visual novels despite the difficulties during these tough times. Stay safe!

Re: Sinful Sisters [BxG][Drama/Suspense/Church][Dating Sim][18+]

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:21 pm
by Crazy Cactus
Hello everyone!! Today we have for you a:
-Music Update
-Script Update
-GUI Update

So let's get right into it...

With only a few tracks left to do, I wanted to share a public preview of three of the tracks over on SoundCloud. I hope you enjoy them! ... soundtrack

Script work is going really well right now. We're around 50k words in, and I figured I'd use this opportunity to share a little snippet from the story. I'm still doing some proofreading and editing, so the wording of this part of a particular scene is not exactly final. Also, I've omitted or taken out certain parts so that any adult parts are removed for the sake of this thread. Sample starts below:

"When she pulled away from me, she was completely out of breath, and her face was completely flustered."
"She had gone totally red, and her ______ could clearly be seen poking through the fabric of her habit."
"It certainly looked like she hadn't been kissed like that in a while and try as she might, there was no way that the Reverend Mother could hide her _______."
"Her body was displaying the truth plainly for all the sisters to see."
L "You...haaaah..."
MC "Too much for you, Reverend Mother?"
L ", I'm...fine...haaah..."
(back to sprites)
"As I turned around to address the class, Lilith was still a little bit breathless, staggering back ever so slightly after our intense kiss."
"The class, particularly Odette and Demona, were quick to start gossiping."
O "Did you see how she was reacting while he was kissing her?"
D "I know! Her legs were shaking, she was {i}soooo{/i} turned on. Her ______ were hard too! I bet she ________!"
"Regaining a sliver of her composure, the Reverend Mother attempted to defend herself from the scandalous accusations."

We're continuing to work on all the various assets we need for the GUI for Sinful Sisters. I decided I wanted to have each character's sprite on their respective CG Gallery screens, with a darkened silhoutte version, and a color version when their sprite will re-appear. As you can probably guess, the idea is that the sprite will only "show up" on that CG Gallery screen once you've reached one of the endings for each of the ladies. I thought it was a nice touch for the game. Also, for Sinful Sisters, each of these characters silhouette colors will be slightly different from each other - a stylistic touch.



Thank you all for tuning in (again) here today! Hope you continue to stay safe and that you'll check back with our sinfully delightful Sisters next time we update!!