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Godot- Puppet theater

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 9:58 pm
by Timberduck
Hello everyone.
Lately, I've been working on a plugin for godot for creating visual novels or 2d rpg esque dialog cutscenes . It is still in it's infancy stage but so far, ive been making good progress on the project.

With puppet theater the possibility will be endless...
So far the features that are currently implemented are basic such as easily setting up a scene and edit steps along the way. With the help of tweening pulling the strings along the way we are able to move dialog, actors, background, and camera pan and basically any godot node or asset desired.

The benefit of using the godot engine will allow visual novels to have the luxury of using things such as shaders, particle fx, physics, rendering 3d models and environment, anything to dream of, "even VR." Except for live 2d... "It's a deal breaker for some, but having full access to the engine doesn't stop you from emplimenting it yourself or pay someone to do it. "

Another deal breaker about using godot is no direct export to console's. This was done on purpose to keep godot open-source. The good news is that there are services available to have your game made available on console's such as the Nintendo switch.

The reason ive been working hard on this plugin is for my current visual novel project in the works. I feel like it's coming together so good that I would love to eventually share on it GitHub in the near future.

What do you guys think?

Also what kind of features would you like to see in this engine?

Stay tuned, I will be providing a short video for a proof of concept in the next couple of weeks.

Thank you guys!