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Looking for a publisher. Suggestions?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 8:50 pm
by Karrion

We've recently released a demo of our game but due to our 0 budget for the game, we're unable to offer things that would be essential for a comercial release, like ports, translations, an entrance to the japanese market, etc. So, we've decided to look for a publisher, however, we have 0 idea where to look, either. We only know the big name publishers but know almost for sure that they won't be interested in our project, so here I am, looking for suggestions on publishers that some of you have had some previous experience or any other help on the matter.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Looking for a publisher. Suggestions?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 8:05 am
by DanOrgan
Small publishers are usually not interested in funding the development/pr/localization. They'll just put your game on their Steam account and make a post on their site/twitter.
Some of them are scummy. Have you heard about Dagestan Technology (Crystal City was published by them)? A lot of other "publishers" are working like them. Those Dagestan guys have gone too far with their shady schemes and were banned with all their 1000+ games. Other smaller-scale "publishers" still remain on Steam.

I think it is easier to self-publish one small game on Steam. If it will be successful, then you can show it to normal publishers. Not all of them are interested in AAA games only, they are searching for successful indie authors too.