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Input MC name that filters NPC names! + extra nifty features (Ren'Py 7.4.2)

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:19 pm
by cheonbyeol
Since I spent quite some time (and a couple stupid questions in the Discord) on figuring this out, might as well share the resulting code.

What this does is handling MC's name with a couple handy features:
  • can be given a list of names (NPCs) to avoid!
  • name is persistent (game remembers it even if you start a new game, so it will also be remembered in replays!)
  • asked once on first playthrough, but changable from Preferences anytime (could even be set before first playthrough)
This is how it looks for me:

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## in script.rpy
default npcs = ["name1","name2","name3"] ## list of names
define mc = Character("[persistent.mcname]", color="#faa")
## ...
label start:
    if not persistent.mcname: ## only asks for a name if none is defined. you can remove the condition if you prefer
        call screen name_mc
    mc "Hi! My name is [persistent.mcname]."
The screen that pops up

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## screens.rpy
screen name_mc():
    modal True
    zorder 100
    default name = persistent.mcname or "Mary Sue" ## put your own default name here
    add "overlay.png"
        xalign 0.5
        yalign 0.5
            spacing 20
            add "mc sprite": ## optional, show the character they are supposed to name
                zoom 0.5
                xalign 0.0
                yalign 1.0
                ypos 100
                xalign 0.5
                spacing 10
                xsize 200
                label "Her name is..."
                    xalign 0.5
                    xfill True
                    padding (10,10)
                    input value ScreenVariableInputValue("name") pixel_width 200 length 30
                $ name = name.strip()
                if name in npcs:
                    text "The name is taken, please choose something else.":
                        color "#f00"
                    textbutton _("Done!"):
                        action [SetVariable("persistent.mcname",If(name,name,"Mary Sue")),Return()]
                        ## if name is left empty, we default back to Mary Sue
Changing name from Preferences later on:

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## in screens.rpy, in screen preferences(), where it says something like "additional vboxes can be added for user-defined preferences"
    spacing 10
    image "mc icon.png": ## again optional to show the MC design
        size (100,100)
        label _("Main character")
        default name_changing = False ## by default, the input is hidden, we display the name and a link to change it
        if not name_changing:
            text "Current name: [persistent.mcname]"
            textbutton _("Change name") action SetScreenVariable("name_changing",True)
            default name = persistent.mcname or "Mary Sue" ## this setting is available before starting a game, so we add a default again
                xsize 220
                padding (10,10)
                input value ScreenVariableInputValue("name") pixel_width 200 length 30
                $ name = name.strip()
                if name in npcs:
                    text "The name is taken, please choose something else.":
                        color "#f00"
                    textbutton _("Done!"):
                        action [SetVariable("persistent.mcname",If(name,name,"Mary Sue")),SetScreenVariable("name_changing",False)]
                        ## again, if left empty, we default to Mary Sue. we also hide the input again.
Hope it is "cookbook-worthy" and someone will find it useful!
Let me know if you have suggestions, comments, questions, etc.

Re: Input MC name that filters NPC names! + extra nifty features (Ren'Py 7.4.2)

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 5:25 pm
by Moshibit
This is a cool script, thanks for sharing.

Re: Input MC name that filters NPC names! + extra nifty features (Ren'Py 7.4.2)

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:06 pm
by Two Dollars
Thank you for the code. I had a couple of questions.

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default npcs = ["name1","name2","name3"] ## list of names
So if the default npcs were Moe, Larry, and Curly then they player couldn't input those names, correct?

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define mc = Character("[persistent.mcname]", color="#faa")
## ...
label start:
    if not persistent.mcname: ## only asks for a name if none is defined. you can remove the condition if you prefer
        call screen name_mc
    mc "Hi! My name is [persistent.mcname]."

Does anyone know what code you would need to add for first name and last name? Would it be:

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define mc = Character("[persistent.firstname], [persistent.lastname]", color="#faa")