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[CLOSED][PAID] Looking for Writer - Kyokatsu Koko / "Blackmail High" [18+]

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:30 pm
by Crazy Cactus
PROJECT: Kyokatsu Koko [Blackmail High]

DEVELOPER: Crazy Cactus Entertainment LLC


L to R: Shannon, Chinatsu, Riley, Sophie (Anna/Abby, Diana, Principal Wilson, and MC not visible here...)

**This story info is subject to change.**

Expert forger Michael fakes an entire history, diplomas, and resume to land a job as the new vice principal at a prestigious high school. His goal: not wanting to run anymore, he hopes that this current con (his best yet), will be his last. Little does he know, he’s signed up for a lot more than he bargained for at this all-girls school, where backstabbing, blackmail, and other underhanded tactics are not only common, it’s encouraged.

Further development with the plot, characters, conflict, timeline, and themes will be something I will discuss and go over more with the chosen writer for this project.

**Names were made to be more British and “high class” sounding as if this were a British international school somewhere in Japan…*

1 - Player (Michael)
2 - Shannon Tavington - main
3 - Riley Aldridge - main
4 - Chinatsu Parker - main / supporting
5 - Sophie Wilson - main
6 - Principal Wilson - supporting
7 - Anna/Abby Jones - present in-game, BUT (romance route is a stretch goal)
8 - Diana Wilson - present in-game, BUT (romance route is a stretch goal)
9 - Misty Aldridge - stretch goal character
10 - Brigitte Kilmer - stretch goal character
11 - Kimi Kilmer - stretch goal character

As you can see from the below “Current Status” of this project, a good majority of the assets are being covered by me, but expanding the overall scope of the game would require some additional funds. Many of these assets are already finished and ready to go. The writing here will be similarly paid for by me. Kickstarter funds would help cover the additional word count needed for romance routes and stretch goal characters.

Backgrounds - Main backgrounds completed, just waiting on some final changes.
Sprites - Characters 1-8 are done, including all necessary outfits and expressions.
Music - All music tracks have been completed.
GUI - Currently contracted and is working on needed game and Kickstarter assets.

Single Writer
Pricing: $0.05 cents per word, est. 125,000 word budget, total: $6,250
Note: In this scenario, I will be acting as your main proofreader as you go through the story.

To keep to our current deadline, I would like for writing and proofreading to be done by the end of SEPTEMBER 2021 (approx 9.30.21 @ 11:59pm EST). In the event of adding some additional length to the story if I feel the story only needs a little extra finesse or final polishing, I will discuss this with the writer.

Writer is eligible for a $250 bonus if story completed and proofread by end of SEPTEMBER 2021. This will be added to final payment.

Writer must sign a contract with us (Crazy Cactus Entertainment LLC) prior to work commencement. Writer understands that the contract WILL include the details mentioned above in regards to a DEADLINE (to keep on a good schedule). This contract will also include information regarding bonus tied to meeting that deadline. This is a work-for-hire contract and terms will be written keeping that in mind.

After contract signed and first payment sent, chosen writer and I will discuss privately via Discord how to proceed. Writer will get access to the Trello development board for Kyokatsu Koko [Blackmail High]. Shortly after that, we will discuss what important scenes and CGs will need to be included in the story. During this time, writer is encouraged to offer feedback and opinions on what they feel works or doesn't, and what could be improved upon for the overall success of this visual novel. Basically, let's be professionals.

- You MUST be available to conference call on Discord for story planning, brainstorming, and other writing-related discussions for this project. You must be comfortable with handling critique and feedback, with the understanding that I may veto some ideas in your writing if I feel it doesn't fit my vision for Kyokatsu Koko. Don't take it personally – again, we're all professionals.
- You MUST be comfortable writing adult related scenes, including impregnation, non-consensual sex and general acts of debauchery/domination. Clearly, Kyokatsu Koko is a dark game; filled with (obvious) blackmailing, dramatic, serious, underhanded-ness, and dirty lecherous lewd moments.
- Writing must be done at a steady pace, roughly 25,000 words per month. Writer should keep to that pace. I don’t want there to be any lulls or several weeks/months without progress.

Three payments. $2,100 paid upfront, an additional $2,100 when hitting ~62,500 words, with the final $2,050 payment upon completion.

Note: Bonus payment of $250 will be included with final payment if goal met.

All payments will be sent via Paypal, wire, or through Transferwise (now “Wise”). You can also send invoices for payment (Paypal), if you prefer that.

1) Send email to: (contact information below)
2) Title your email: “Kyokatsu Koko – Writer – (Your Name)”
3) Include LemmaSoft Name (if you have one)
4) Include Discord Name
5) Prior Experience – Preference goes to those with prior lewd (18+) writing credits, as it's obviously needed for this project. If I have to go “looking” for your work, this WILL count against you. PLEASE include links to any reference material you believe is relevant experience OR you feel best showcases your writing talents and abilities. You CAN attach copies of files or pdfs directly to the email you send me as well.
6) Confirmation: I need a written confirmation stating you're comfortable with writing non-consensual sex, domination scenes, (in addition to other kinky/explicit scenes of powerplay, impregnation, etc)...

-- You can re-submit your entry from before and update information if needed.

Email: matt.grimes88(at)
Discord: CrazyCactus#0454

QUESTION/S: If you have questions prior to submitting an application, please post them here in this topic OR message me on Discord for the quickest response. Do not private message me here on LemmaSoft, as I'll be likely to miss it.

Q & A

Is Discord a necessity?
Yes. I can’t work with text walls and wasting untold hours doing that kind of back-and-forth. We’ll only meet and have one large meeting early on, then maybe 1-2 times a month, tops. If you’re not comfortable with that, you need not apply.

Where should I submit scripts to?
You will submit your script, as you go, to Google docs. That way, as you write, I can be editing/proofreading as you submit sections for me to check (while you continue on). We'll also be using Miro to help story mapping for various character/romance routes.

What else are you looking for?
A writer that can write their script w/Renpy programming style in mind is highly desired.

Any kind of particular writing style/tense you want to see?
Past tense. I don’t enjoy reading present tense that much. I prefer “Ellie walked down the street,” versus “Ellie walks down the street.”

What kind of dialogue do you prefer?
Short, snappy, and to-the-point. Not wordy. The way characters talk and intermingle with each other should help advance the story and flesh each other out. Needless exposition and character monologuing can get old and stale - really fast.

Will this be a diverse cast?
In terms of body type, not as much. However, Anna/Abby was created to help improve diversity. She’s a gifted athlete that was able to attend this school on a partial scholarship. She prefers to be recognized for her sports accomplishments and hard work, rather than the color of her skin. Her sprite is completed but not visible here.

Matt a.k.a. 'Cactus'
Creative Director
Crazy Cactus Entertainment LLC

P.S. Like previous postings, I like to be super detailed with stuff. Hope that scare you away. Happy Easter!!

Re: [OPEN][PAID] Looking for Writer - Kyokatsu Koko / "Blackmail High" [18+]

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:19 pm
by Crazy Cactus
I wanted to add some additional visual references for anyone applying - to get a feel for what the BG style looks like. Also, I have included sprite arm poses for both Anna/Abby and Diana in this post as well.





Thank you for stopping by and hope you all enjoy the rest of your week!

P.S. Will try and share another preview or two before Friday's deadline (little over 48 hours away).