location system with list and imagebutton

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location system with list and imagebutton

#1 Post by Psion »

Hi, i'm trying to make a location system with list and immagebutton, so that idle and hover location picked up automatically from names of those locations. But i thing my syntax wrong :(
Can you help me pls?

Code: Select all

init python:
    class place(object):
        def __init__ (self, name, locs, mapped, unlocked):
            self.name = name
            self.locs = locs
            self.mapped = mapped
            self.unlocked = unlocked

    Rooms = []
    Rooms.append(place("Porch", ["Hallway"], True, True))
    Rooms.append(place("Hallway", ["Porch", "Living room"], False, True))

    location = Rooms[0].name.lower()

    def BGDeclare():
        global locations
        global BGimage
        BGimage = location.lower()
        BGimage = BGimage.replace(" ", "_")
        BGimage = "places/" + BGimage + ".jpg"

screen BGIMAGE():
    $ BGDeclare()
    add BGimage
    for q in Rooms:
        $ TempName = "places/" + q.locs + "_%.png"
            idle TempName
            hover TempName
            focus_mask True
            action SetVariable("clickType", "mapSelect"), Return(q.locs)
it show error:

Code: Select all

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in script
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in <module>
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 2, in execute
    use BGIMAGE
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 4, in execute
    for q in Rooms:
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 5, in execute
    $ TempName = "places/" + q.locs + "_%.png"
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 5, in <module>
    $ TempName = "places/" + q.locs + "_%.png"
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, RevertableList found

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in script
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "renpy/ast.py", line 913, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
  File "renpy/python.py", line 2111, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in <module>
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "renpy/exports.py", line 2969, in call_screen
    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward)
  File "renpy/ui.py", line 298, in interact
    rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 2978, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3378, in interact_core
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 566, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 566, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 566, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 432, in visit_all
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3378, in <lambda>
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 443, in per_interact
  File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 631, in update
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 2, in execute
    use BGIMAGE
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 4, in execute
    for q in Rooms:
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 5, in execute
    $ TempName = "places/" + q.locs + "_%.png"
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 5, in <module>
    $ TempName = "places/" + q.locs + "_%.png"
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, RevertableList found

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Re: location system with list and imagebutton

#2 Post by Ocelot »

idle and hover properties take full image path. No substitutions allowed. If you want to use automatic substitution, you need to use auto property.

Anpther problem: q.locs is a list of strings, not a single string. You want to add string to strin, not string to list.
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Re: location system with list and imagebutton

#3 Post by Psion »

Auto worked, tnx.

Code: Select all

screen BGIMAGE():
    $ BGDeclare()
    add BGimage
    for q in Rooms:
        $ TempName = "places/" + str(q.locs) + "_%s.png"
        imagebutton auto TempName focus_mask True action SetVariable("clickType", "mapSelect"), Return(q.locs)
But there another error occurred :(

Code: Select all

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in script
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in <module>
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 2, in execute
    use BGIMAGE
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 4, in execute
    for q in Rooms:
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 6, in execute
    imagebutton auto TempName focus_mask True action SetVariable("clickType", "mapSelect"), Return(q.locs)
Exception: Imagebutton does not have a idle image. (auto=u"places/[u'Hallway']_%s.png").

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in script
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "renpy/ast.py", line 913, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
  File "renpy/python.py", line 2111, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in <module>
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "renpy/exports.py", line 2969, in call_screen
    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward)
  File "renpy/ui.py", line 298, in interact
    rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 2978, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3378, in interact_core
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 566, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 566, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 566, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 432, in visit_all
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3378, in <lambda>
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 443, in per_interact
  File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 631, in update
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 2, in execute
    use BGIMAGE
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 4, in execute
    for q in Rooms:
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 6, in execute
    imagebutton auto TempName focus_mask True action SetVariable("clickType", "mapSelect"), Return(q.locs)
  File "renpy/ui.py", line 952, in _imagebutton
    idle = choice(idle, idle_image, "idle", required=True)
  File "renpy/ui.py", line 946, in choice
    raise Exception("Imagebutton does not have a %s image. (auto=%r)." % (name, auto))
Exception: Imagebutton does not have a idle image. (auto=u"places/[u'Hallway']_%s.png").

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Re: location system with list and imagebutton

#4 Post by Ocelot »

Do you have image called [u'Hallway']_idle.png in your images/places folder?
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Re: location system with list and imagebutton

#5 Post by Psion »

I have hallway_idle.png, no idea where it got "u" and everything from...

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Re: location system with list and imagebutton

#6 Post by Ocelot »

It tells you what image it tries to load in error message. Hint: str( ["Hallway"] ) == [u'Hallway']. You need to extract string you need from your list. Because for Hallway entry your list will contain two strings and you will have to choose which one to use.
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Re: location system with list and imagebutton

#7 Post by Psion »

like this?

Code: Select all

screen BGIMAGE():
    $ BGDeclare()
    add BGimage
    for q in Rooms:
        $ TempName = "places/" + str(q.locs[0]) + "_%s.png"
        imagebutton auto TempName focus_mask True action SetVariable("clickType", "mapSelect"), Return(q.locs)
But i'm pretty sure it not gonna work with 2 or more units in list. I guess there should be some function for calling each sublocation.

Also i now notice that it search for locs in all roms ... When i need to search only in one that player in now.

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Re: location system with list and imagebutton

#8 Post by Ocelot »

Code: Select all

for q in Rooms
means "for each room in Rooms list". Nowhere it says anything about room where player is. If I understood you correctly, you need:
1) Find room, where player is.
2) Iterate over that room .locs creating imagebuttin for every string in list.
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Re: location system with list and imagebutton

#9 Post by Psion »

1) Find room, where player is.
i think "if q.name.lower() == location" should fix that:

Code: Select all

screen BGIMAGE():
    $ BGDeclare()
    add BGimage
    for q in Rooms:
        if q.name.lower() == location:
            $ TempName = "places/" + str(q.locs[0]) + "_%s.png"
            imagebutton auto TempName focus_mask True action SetVariable("clickType", "mapSelect"), Return(q.locs)
2) Iterate over that room .locs creating imagebuttin for every string in list.
something like this?

Code: Select all

screen BGIMAGE():
    $ BGDeclare()
    add BGimage
    for q in Rooms:
        if q.name.lower() == location:
            for w in q.locs:
                $ TempName = "places/to_" + str(w.lower()) + "_%s.png"
                imagebutton auto TempName focus_mask True action SetVariable("clickType", "mapSelect"), Return(q.locs)
it work fine with one location but when i tried more:
Rooms.append(place("Hallway", ["Porch", "Living room"], False, True))
it give me again same error:

Code: Select all

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in script
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in <module>
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 2, in execute
    use BGIMAGE
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 4, in execute
    for q in Rooms:
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 5, in execute
    if q.name.lower() == location:
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 6, in execute
    for w in q.locs:
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 8, in execute
    imagebutton auto TempName focus_mask True action SetVariable("clickType", "mapSelect"), Return(q.locs)
Exception: Imagebutton does not have a idle image. (auto=u'places/to_living room_%s.png').

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in script
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "renpy/ast.py", line 913, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
  File "renpy/python.py", line 2111, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in <module>
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "renpy/exports.py", line 2969, in call_screen
    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward)
  File "renpy/ui.py", line 298, in interact
    rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 2978, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3378, in interact_core
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 566, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 566, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 566, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 432, in visit_all
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3378, in <lambda>
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 443, in per_interact
  File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 631, in update
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 2, in execute
    use BGIMAGE
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 4, in execute
    for q in Rooms:
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 5, in execute
    if q.name.lower() == location:
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 6, in execute
    for w in q.locs:
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 8, in execute
    imagebutton auto TempName focus_mask True action SetVariable("clickType", "mapSelect"), Return(q.locs)
  File "renpy/ui.py", line 952, in _imagebutton
    idle = choice(idle, idle_image, "idle", required=True)
  File "renpy/ui.py", line 946, in choice
    raise Exception("Imagebutton does not have a %s image. (auto=%r)." % (name, auto))
Exception: Imagebutton does not have a idle image. (auto=u'places/to_living room_%s.png').

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Re: location system with list and imagebutton

#10 Post by Ocelot »

It says that it cannot find image places/to_living room_idle.png. Note the space and underscores. Do you have image named exactly that?
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Re: location system with list and imagebutton

#11 Post by Psion »

Yep, wrong name. Fixed it with this:

Code: Select all

screen BGIMAGE():
    $ BGDeclare()
    add BGimage
    for q in Rooms:
        if q.name.lower() == location:
            for w in q.locs:
                $ w = w.lower()
                $ w = w.replace(" ", "_")
                $ TempName = "places/to_" + str(w) + "_%s.png"
                imagebutton auto TempName focus_mask True action SetVariable("clickType", "move"), Return(q.locs)
But next problem is that in
Rooms.append(place("Hallway", ["Porch", "Living room"], False, True))
only to_porch working

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Re: location system with list and imagebutton

#12 Post by Ocelot »

What do you mean by working/not working? Does screen not return? Does return value contains something different from what you set it to (it should be a list ["Porch", "Living room"] judging from your code)?
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Re: location system with list and imagebutton

#13 Post by Psion »

I mean when in hallway i hover my mouse in place where is door to porch it lights up, but when i hover over door to living room nothing happening.

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Re: location system with list and imagebutton

#14 Post by Ocelot »

Is there image named places/to_living_room_hover.png? Does clicking it, even if it is not lit up, works?
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Re: location system with list and imagebutton

#15 Post by Psion »

oh... my bad, to_living_room_hover.png image was made incorrectly... It work now, thank you.

my code now:

Code: Select all

label start:

    $ Playing = True
    while Playing:
        window hide
        $ clickType = ""
        $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
        if clickType == "move":
            $ location = UIreturn

init python:
    class place(object):
        def __init__ (self, name, locs, mapped, unlocked):
            self.name = name
            self.locs = locs
            self.mapped = mapped
            self.unlocked = unlocked

    Rooms = []
    Rooms.append(place("Porch", ["Hallway"], True, True))
    Rooms.append(place("Hallway", ["Porch", "Living room"], False, True))

    location = Rooms[1].name.lower()

    def BGDeclare():
        global locations
        global BGimage
        BGimage = location.lower()
        BGimage = BGimage.replace(" ", "_")
        BGimage = "places/" + BGimage + ".png"

screen MainUI():
    use BGIMAGE
screen BGIMAGE():
    $ BGDeclare()
    add BGimage
    for q in Rooms:
        if q.name.lower() == location:
            for w in q.locs:
                $ w = w.lower()
                $ w = w.replace(" ", "_")
                $ TempName = "places/to_" + str(w) + "_%s.png"
                imagebutton auto TempName focus_mask True action SetVariable("clickType", "move"), Return(q.locs)
Sadly now moving to places not working. It worked fine when i added places one by one, but with list it give me an error.

Code: Select all

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in script
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in <module>
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 2, in execute
    use BGIMAGE
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 2, in execute
    $ BGDeclare()
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 2, in <module>
    $ BGDeclare()
  File "game/functions.rpy", line 5, in BGDeclare
    BGimage = location.lower()
AttributeError: 'RevertableList' object has no attribute 'lower'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in script
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "renpy/ast.py", line 913, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
  File "renpy/python.py", line 2111, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18, in <module>
    $ UIreturn = renpy.call_screen("MainUI")
  File "renpy/exports.py", line 2969, in call_screen
    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward)
  File "renpy/ui.py", line 298, in interact
    rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 2978, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3378, in interact_core
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 566, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 566, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 566, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 432, in visit_all
  File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3378, in <lambda>
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 443, in per_interact
  File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 631, in update
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen MainUI():
  File "game/screens/MainUI.rpy", line 2, in execute
    use BGIMAGE
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen BGIMAGE():
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 2, in execute
    $ BGDeclare()
  File "game/screens/BGimage.rpy", line 2, in <module>
    $ BGDeclare()
  File "game/functions.rpy", line 5, in BGDeclare
    BGimage = location.lower()
AttributeError: 'RevertableList' object has no attribute 'lower'

Last edited by Psion on Mon Apr 26, 2021 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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