Mixing Engines for a single VN

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Mixing Engines for a single VN

#1 Post by KebecMaslow »

Hello dudes, I'm not new in the community but not being there since a long time.

You know, I made some kinetic novels back in my time, and was only a writer, so I couldn't give art to my ideas, but now is differents as I can draw (albeit, only cartoon style).

Well, enough about my past and focus on my present...

Recently, I decided to make a fangame of The Loud House, I'm working in the script and the art as well as trying to study Renpy and some of its functions, and while searching for ways to make an easy yet functional RPG mechanic, I found 2 engines that caught my attention:


and this one:


So I have a few questions for the programmers and people who have worked with those engines:

First: Do you mind if I do it? (since I dont want to trouble you if I'm doing something wrong)

Second: For the dungeon crawler, Is it possible to make the map invisible and make the only the parts that are visited visible? You know, I want to make secret rooms and stuff.

Third: Can I make random battles with the rpg engine inside of the dungeon or I need to make them as events? If I can only do it as events, how can I select specific monsters for different dungeons and differentiate mobs from bosses?

Fourth: As there is an inventory system in the RPG engine I want to know if I can make story-based items that are neither consumibles nor equipment?

Well, that all, sorry for the troubles but will thank you for your time and comprehension, also, excuse my english, not my first language.
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Re: Mixing Engines for a single VN

#2 Post by KebecMaslow »

I genuinely, can't do anything. I'm trying to open an inventory using a script but no matter what I do, It just crashes:

Code: Select all

init python:
    import renpy.store as store

    class Item(store.object):
        def __init__(self, name, desc, icon=False, value=0, act=Show("inventory_popup", message="Nothing happened!"), type="item", recipe=False, tags={}):
            global cookbook
            self.name = name
            self.desc = desc
            self.icon = icon
            self.value = value
            self.act = act # screen action
            self.type = type # type of item
            self.recipe = recipe # nested list of [ingredient, qty]
            self.tags = tags

            if recipe:
                cookbook.sort(key=lambda i: i.name) #alpha order

        def change(self, name, desc=False, icon=False, value=False, act=False, recipe=False):
            self.name = name
            if desc:
                self.desc = desc
            if icon:
                self.icon = icon
            if value:
                self.value = value
            if act:
                self.act = act
            if recipe:
                self.recipe = recipe

    class Inventory(store.object):
        def __init__(self, name, money=0, barter=100):
            self.name = name
            self.money = money
            self.barter = barter #percentage of value paid for items
            self.inv = []  # items stored in nested list [item object, qty]
            self.sort_by = self.sort_name
            self.sort_order = True #ascending, descending
            self.grid_view = True

        def buy(self, item, price):

        def check(self, item):
            if self.qty(item):
                for i in self.inv:
                    if i[0] == item:
                        return self.inv.index(i) # returns item index (location)

        def check_recipe(self, item): # verify all ingredients are in inv
            checklist = list()
            for i in item.recipe:
                if self.qty(i[0]) >= i[1]:
            if len(checklist) == len(item.recipe):
                return True
                return False

        def craft(self, item):
            for line in item.recipe:
                self.drop(line[0], line[1])
            message = "Crafted a %s!" % (item.name)
            renpy.show_screen("inventory_popup", message=message)

        def deposit(self, amount):
            self.money -= amount

        def drop(self, item, qty=1):
            if self.qty(item):
                item_location = self.check(item)
                if self.inv[item_location][1] > qty:
                    self.inv[item_location][1] -= qty
                    del self.inv[item_location]

        def qty(self, item):
            for i in self.inv:
                if i[0] == item:
                    return i[1] # returns quantity

        def sell(self, item, price):

        def sort_name(self):
            self.inv.sort(key=lambda i: i[0].name, reverse=self.sort_order)

        def sort_qty(self):
            self.inv.sort(key=lambda i: i[1], reverse=self.sort_order)

        def sort_value(self):
            self.inv.sort(key=lambda i: i[0].value, reverse=self.sort_order)

        def take(self, item, qty=1):
            if self.qty(item):
                item_location = self.check(item)
                self.inv[item_location][1] += qty

        def withdraw(self, amount):
            self.money += amount

    def calculate_price(item, buyer):
        if buyer:
            price = item[0].value * (buyer.barter * 0.01)
            return int(price)

    def money_transfer(depositor, withdrawer, amount):
        if depositor.money >= amount:
            message = "Sorry, %s doesn't have %d!" % (buyer.name, amount)
            renpy.show_screen("inventory_popup", message=message)

    def trade(seller, buyer, item):

    def transaction(seller, buyer, item):
        price = calculate_price(item, buyer)
        if buyer.money >= price:
            seller.sell(item, price)
            buyer.buy(item, price)
            message = "Sorry, %s doesn't have enough money!" % (buyer.name)
            renpy.show_screen("inventory_popup", message=message)
    def consume(owner, item):

    transfer_amount = 0

screen inv_tooltip(item=False,seller=False):
    if item:
            xalign 0.5 yalign 0.14#0.7
            if seller:
                text ("[item[0].name]: [item[0].desc] (Sell Value: " + str(calculate_price(item, seller)) + ")")
                text "[item[0].name]: [item[0].desc]"# (Value: [item[0].value])

screen inventory_screen(first_inventory, second_inventory=False, trade_mode=False, bank_mode=False):
    default crafting_screen = False
    tag menu
    modal True
        style_group "invstyle"
            spacing 25
                label first_inventory.name
                if second_inventory:
                    use money(first_inventory, second_inventory, bank_mode)
                use inventory_view(first_inventory, second_inventory, trade_mode)
                use view_nav(first_inventory)
                use sort_nav(first_inventory)
                if not second_inventory:
                    textbutton "Crafting Mode" action ToggleScreenVariable("crafting_screen")
                textbutton "Close" action Hide("inventory_screen")
            if second_inventory:
                    label second_inventory.name
                    use money(second_inventory, first_inventory, bank_mode)
                    use inventory_view(second_inventory, first_inventory, trade_mode)
                    use view_nav(second_inventory)
                    use sort_nav(second_inventory)
            if crafting_screen:
                use crafting(first_inventory)

screen inventory_view(inventory, second_inventory=False, trade_mode=False):
    side "c r":
        style_group "invstyle"
        area (0, 0, 700, 500)
        vpgrid id ("vp"+inventory.name):
            draggable True
            mousewheel True
            xsize 700 ysize 500
            if inventory.grid_view:
                cols 3 spacing 10
                cols 1 spacing 25
            for item in inventory.inv:
                $ name = item[0].name
                $ desc = item[0].desc
                $ value = item[0].value
                $ qty = str(item[1])
                    if item[0].icon:
                        $ icon = "images/inv/" + item[0].icon + ".webp"#$ icon = item[0].icon
                        $ hover_icon = im.Sepia(icon)
                            idle LiveComposite((192,192), (0,0), icon, (0,0), Text(qty))
                            hover LiveComposite((192,192), (0,0), hover_icon, (0,0), Text(qty))
                            action (If(not second_inventory, item[0].act, (If(trade_mode, Function(trade,inventory, second_inventory, item), Function(transaction,inventory, second_inventory, item)))))
                            hovered Show("inv_tooltip",item=item,seller=second_inventory)
                            unhovered Hide("inv_tooltip")
                        if not inventory.grid_view:
                                text name
                                if not trade_mode:
                                    text "List Value: [value]"
                                    if second_inventory:
                                        text ("Sell Value: " + str(calculate_price(item, second_inventory)) + ")")

                        textbutton "[name] ([qty])" action (If(not second_inventory, item[0].act,(If(trade_mode, Function(trade,inventory, second_inventory, item), Function(transaction,inventory, second_inventory, item))))) hovered Show("inv_tooltip",item=item,seller=second_inventory) unhovered Hide("inv_tooltip")
                        if not inventory.grid_view:
                                text "List Value: [value]"
                                if not trade_mode and second_inventory:
                                    text "Sell Value: " + str(calculate_price(item, second_inventory)) + ")"

            ## maintains spacing in empty inventories.
            if len(inventory.inv) == 0:
                add Null(height=192,width=192)

        vbar value YScrollValue("vp"+inventory.name)

screen money(inventory, second_inventory, bank_mode=False):
        style_group "invstyle"
        text "Money: [inventory.money]"
        if bank_mode and inventory.money:
            textbutton "Transfer" action Show("banking", depositor=inventory, withdrawer=second_inventory)

screen banking(depositor, withdrawer):
    key "mouseup_3" action Function(renpy.pop_call), Hide("banking")
    modal True
        style_group "invstyle"
            label "Money Transfer"
            text "Amount: [transfer_amount]"
            bar value VariableValue("transfer_amount", depositor.money, max_is_zero=False, style='scrollbar', offset=0, step=0.1) xmaximum 200

            hbox: #examples of the types of controls you can set up
                for amount in [50,100,250,depositor.money]:
                    if depositor.money>=amount:
                        textbutton str(amount) action SetVariable("transfer_amount", amount)
                textbutton "Transfer" action [Function(money_transfer, depositor, withdrawer, transfer_amount), SetVariable("transfer_amount", 0), Hide("banking")]
                textbutton "Cancel" action Function(renpy.pop_call), Hide("banking")

screen crafting(inventory):
        label "Recipes"
            xmaximum 600 xminimum 600 xfill True
            text "Name" xalign 0.5
            text "Ingredients" xalign 0.5
        side "c r":
            area (0,0,600,400)
            viewport id "cookbook":
                draggable True
                mousewheel True
                    for item in cookbook:
                            first_spacing 25 spacing 10
                                xmaximum 250 xminimum 250 xfill True box_wrap True
                                if item.icon:
                                    add im.FactorScale(item.icon, 0.33)
                                if inventory.check_recipe(item):
                                    textbutton item.name action Function(inventory.craft,item)
                                    text item.name
                            for i in item.recipe:
                                if i[0].icon:
                                    add im.FactorScale(i[0].icon, 0.33)
                                    text i[0].name
                                if inventory.qty(i[0]) >= i[1]:
                                    text "x" + str(i[1]) bold True
                                    text "x" + str(i[1])
            vbar value YScrollValue("cookbook")
        textbutton "Hide" action ToggleScreenVariable("crafting_screen") xalign 0.5

screen view_nav(inventory):
        text "View: " yalign 0.5
        textbutton "Grid" action SetField(inventory, "grid_view", True)
        textbutton "List" action SetField(inventory, "grid_view", False)

screen sort_nav(inventory):
        text "Sort: " yalign 0.5
        textbutton "Name" action [ToggleField(inventory, "sort_by", inventory.sort_name), inventory.sort_name]
        textbutton "Quantity" action [ToggleField(inventory, "sort_by", inventory.sort_qty), inventory.sort_qty]
        textbutton "Value" action [ToggleField(inventory, "sort_by", inventory.sort_value), inventory.sort_value]
        if inventory.sort_order:
            textbutton "asc." action [ToggleField(inventory, "sort_order"), inventory.sort_by]
            textbutton "des." action [ToggleField(inventory, "sort_order"), inventory.sort_by]

screen inventory_popup(message):
    zorder 100
        style_group "invstyle"
            text message
    timer 1.5 action Hide("inventory_popup")

init -2:

    ## STYLES ##
    style invstyle_frame:
        xalign 0.5
        yalign 0.5

    style invstyle_label_text:
        size 30

    style invstyle_label:
        xalign 0.5

    style invstyle_button_text:
        idle_color "#900c3f"
        hover_color "#ff5733"
        selected_color "#c70039"
        insensitive_color "#6c567b"
        take pixel_text
How do I add it to the script?

Code: Select all

label start:
        money = 10
        inv = []
        seen_items = []
    "Testing the engine"
label test_menu:
            jump inventory1
            jump battle1
    label inventory1:
        show screen inventory_screen(inv)
        jump test_menu
    label battle1:
        call load_setup
        jump battle_loop

label battle_loop:
    call battle
    $ restorehp()
    $ restoremp()
    jump test
"The men grew fond of themselves, forgetting all the fears and hardships of the past... until the darkness came back for them."

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