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Hi again! Who wants to catch up? lol

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:20 pm
by Reikun
Hi everyone!

I haven't been on LSF in a long time. I wasn't able to work on anything creative for the past 2-ish years and I feel completely out of the loop on the scene now. Last I was here I think there were a lot of newer devs but a lot of people had moved to sharing their work and communicating on twitter (which I used to do as well but not so much recently :( ). I know there's a renpy discord server but I honestly don't do very well in large servers :oops:

How is everyone? What VNs are you playing these days? Any cool releases you wanna recommend from the past couple of years? :)

Re: Hi again! Who wants to catch up? lol

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 7:27 pm
by dueceladouce
Welcome back!

Maybe I shouldn't be saying that as I'm pretty new in town myself (in a manner of speaking). I might just be piggy-backing off your topic, honestly. It does seem like a lot of activity is on the discord but I'm not great with crowded rooms either so it's been muted for the foreseeable future on my end. For real though, I looked through your itch stuff and you clearly do good work. It's great to hear that you may be back in the saddle.

I haven't had much time to read any VNs as of recent; I'm too focused on trying to stitch together a NaNoRenO submission with my limited skill-set. I did enjoy Nowhere Girl quite a bit if that's your kind of thing.

Re: Hi again! Who wants to catch up? lol

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:08 am
by Zelan
Hi! I remember seeing you around on the forums when I first joined :D

I've also recently returned to LemmaSoft and am a bit out of the loop lmao, currently trying to catch up on a year and a half of posts because I always read practically *everything* that's posted. (': There's a lot of really cool-looking projects since I've been gone, I'm hoping I get the chance to settle in and play some once I graduate this year.