Undertale-Like Game

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Undertale-Like Game

#1 Post by sophiag »

So here's my question. I was going to make the battle scenes like DDR or a rhythm game, but how do I confine it to the bottom middle of the screen?
(Games would be like: https://github.com/RuolinZheng08/renpy-rhythm or viewtopic.php?f=8&t=29439#p348727)

I assume I use the screen function to confine it to the same screen, and end the process.

That's my main question. Now I have a ton of random smaller ones, and I'd get it if you need my codes to see it (but it's mostly the cookbook stuff). Questions would be:
How do I randomize the battles/songs that comes up for the player?
How do I... do DDR on an app? Do I need to put in arrow keys like pygames? Or should I go another easier, route?

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Re: Undertale-Like Game

#2 Post by Milkymalk »

You can randomize using renpy.random:

You can put anything pretty much anywhere on the screen. A minigame is usually confined to its own screen (that is, Renpy "screen"), which contains objects that you can place with attributes like anchor, align, pos and so on. To position something at the bottom center, you would give it xalign .5 and yalign 1.0.
https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/screen_p ... and-python

While we all know what it is like to think up your first idea for your first game, I suggest that you play around with screens a bit before you actually try and program something like a DDR. Real-time minigames are definitely not the first thing you want to try, there's a lot to be understood beforehand: Screens, SpriteManager, keyboard input, data structure (you have to get the arrows for the game from somewhere), reading data from a file so it is not all in your source code ... And that's all on top of the regular, non-gimmicky VN you want to make in the first place.

A good place to start is screens, as you will probably want to either customize existing screens or make your own custom ones, regardless of whether your game includes minigames or not. I'm saying this assuming you ARE new to Renpy, as your post count suggests.
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Re: Undertale-Like Game

#3 Post by sophiag »

So this is the incomplete part but for the arrow keys on a phone, ... I have no idea:


screen rhythm_game(audio_path, beatmap_path):
default rhythm_game_displayble = RhythmGameDisplayable(audio_path, beatmap_path)

add Solid('#000')
add rhythm_game_displayble

# show the score heads-up display (HUD)
text 'Hits: ' + str(rhythm_game_displayble.num_hits):
color '#fff' xpos 50 ypos 50

# return the number of hits and total number of notes to the main game
if rhythm_game_displayble.has_ended:
# use a timer so the player can see the screen before it returns
timer 2.0 action Return(
(rhythm_game_displayble.num_hits, rhythm_game_displayble.num_notes)

init python:

import os
import pygame

class RhythmGameDisplayable(renpy.Displayable):

def __init__(self, audio_path, beatmap_path):
super(RhythmGameDisplayable, self).__init__()

self.audio_path = audio_path

self.has_started = False
self.has_ended = False
# the first st
# an offset is necessary because there might be a delay between when the
# displayable first appears on screen and the time the music starts playing
# seconds, same unit as st, shown time
self.time_offset = None

# define some values for offsets, height and width
# of each element on screen

# offset from the left of the screen
self.x_offset = 400
self.track_bar_height = int(config.screen_height * 0.85)
self.track_bar_width = 12
self.horizontal_bar_height = 8

self.note_width = 50
# zoom in on the note when it is hittable
self.zoom_scale = 1.2
# offset the note to the right so it shows at the center of the track
self.note_xoffset = (self.track_bar_width - self.note_width) / 2
self.note_xoffset_large = (self.track_bar_width - self.note_width * self.zoom_scale) / 2

# since the notes are scrolling from the screen top to bottom
# they appear on the tracks prior to the onset time
# this scroll time is also the note's entire lifespan time before it's either
# hit or considered a miss
# the note now takes 3 seconds to travel the screen
# can be used to set difficulty level of the game
self.note_offset = 3.0
# speed = distance / time
self.note_speed = config.screen_height / self.note_offset

# number of track bars
self.num_track_bars = 4
# drawing position
self.track_bar_spacing = (config.screen_width - self.x_offset * 2) / (self.num_track_bars - 1)
# the xoffset of each track bar
self.track_xoffsets = {
track_idx: self.x_offset + track_idx * self.track_bar_spacing
for track_idx in range(self.num_track_bars)

# define the notes' onset times
self.onset_times = self.read_beatmap_file(beatmap_path)
# can skip onsets to adjust difficulty level
# skip every other onset so the display is less dense
# self.onset_times = self.onset_times[::2]

self.num_notes = len(self.onset_times)
# assign notes to tracks, same length as self.onset_times
# renpy.random.randint is upper-inclusive
self.random_track_indices = [
renpy.random.randint(0, self.num_track_bars - 1) for _ in range(self.num_notes)

# map track_idx to a list of active note timestamps
self.active_notes_per_track = {
track_idx: [] for track_idx in range(self.num_track_bars)

# detect and record hits
# map onset timestamp to whether it has been hit, initialized to False
self.onset_hits = {
onset: False for onset in self.onset_times
self.num_hits = 0
# if the note is hit within 0.3 seconds of its actual onset time
# we consider it a hit
# can set different threshold for Good, Great hit scoring
self.hit_threshold = 0.3 # seconds

# map pygame key code to track idx
self.keycode_to_track_idx = {
pygame.K_LEFT: 0,
pygame.K_UP: 1,
pygame.K_DOWN: 2,
pygame.K_RIGHT: 3

# define the drawables
self.track_bar_drawable = Solid('#fff', xsize=self.track_bar_width, ysize=self.track_bar_height)
self.horizontal_bar_drawable = Solid('#fff', xsize=config.screen_width, ysize=self.horizontal_bar_height)
# map track_idx to the note drawable
self.note_drawables = {
0: Image('left.png'),
1: Image('up.png'),
2: Image('down.png'),
3: Image('right.png')

self.note_drawables_large = {
0: Transform(self.note_drawables[0], zoom=self.zoom_scale),
1: Transform(self.note_drawables[1], zoom=self.zoom_scale),
2: Transform(self.note_drawables[2], zoom=self.zoom_scale),
3: Transform(self.note_drawables[3], zoom=self.zoom_scale),

# record all the drawables for self.visit
self.drawables = [

def render(self, width, height, st, at):
st: A float, the shown timebase, in seconds.
The shown timebase begins when this displayable is first shown on the screen.
# cache the first st, when this displayable is first shown on the screen
# this allows us to compute subsequent times when the notes should appear
if self.time_offset is None:
self.time_offset = st
# play music here
renpy.music.play(self.audio_path, loop=False)
self.has_started = True

render = renpy.Render(width, height)

# draw the vertical tracks
for track_idx in range(self.num_track_bars):
# look up the offset for drawing
x_offset = self.track_xoffsets[track_idx]
# y = 0 starts from the top
render.place(self.track_bar_drawable, x=x_offset, y=0)

# draw the horizontal bar to indicate where the track ends
# x = 0 starts from the left
render.place(self.horizontal_bar_drawable, x=0, y=self.track_bar_height)

# draw the notes
if self.has_started:
# check if the song has ended
if renpy.music.get_playing() is None:
self.has_ended = True
renpy.timeout(0) # raise an event
return render

# the number of seconds the song has been playing
# is the difference between the current shown time and the cached first st
curr_time = st - self.time_offset

# update self.active_notes_per_track
self.active_notes_per_track = self.get_active_notes_per_track(curr_time)

# render notes on each track
for track_idx in self.active_notes_per_track:
# look up track xoffset
x_offset = self.track_xoffsets[track_idx]

# loop through active notes
for onset, note_timestamp in self.active_notes_per_track[track_idx]:
# render the notes that are active and haven't been hit
if self.onset_hits[onset] is False:
# zoom in on the note if it is within the hit threshold
if abs(curr_time - onset) <= self.hit_threshold:
note_drawable = self.note_drawables_large[track_idx]
note_xoffset = x_offset + self.note_xoffset_large
note_drawable = self.note_drawables[track_idx]
note_xoffset = x_offset + self.note_xoffset

# compute where on the vertical axes the note is
# the vertical distance from the top that the note has already traveled
# is given by time * speed
note_distance_from_top = note_timestamp * self.note_speed
y_offset = self.track_bar_height - note_distance_from_top
render.place(note_drawable, x=note_xoffset, y=y_offset)
# we will show the hit text later

renpy.redraw(self, 0)
return render

def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
if self.has_ended:
# refresh the screen
# check if some keys have been pressed
if ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
# only handle the four keys we defined
if not ev.key in self.keycode_to_track_idx:
# look up the track that correponds to the key pressed
track_idx = self.keycode_to_track_idx[ev.key]

active_notes_on_track = self.active_notes_per_track[track_idx]
curr_time = st - self.time_offset

# loop over active notes to check if one is hit
for onset, _ in active_notes_on_track:
# compute the time difference between when the key is pressed
# and when we consider the note hittable as defined by self.hit_threshold
if abs(curr_time - onset) <= self.hit_threshold:
self.onset_hits[onset] = True
self.num_hits += 1
# redraw immediately because now the note should disappear from screen
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
# refresh the screen

def visit(self):
return self.drawables

def get_active_notes_per_track(self, current_time):
active_notes = {
track_idx: [] for track_idx in range(self.num_track_bars)

for onset, track_idx in zip(self.onset_times, self.random_track_indices):
# determine if this note should appear on the track
time_before_appearance = onset - current_time
if time_before_appearance < 0: # already below the bottom of the screen
# should be on screen
# recall that self.note_offset is 3 seconds, the note's lifespan
elif time_before_appearance <= self.note_offset:
active_notes[track_idx].append((onset, time_before_appearance))
# there is still time before the next note should show
# break out of the loop so we don't process subsequent notes that are even later
elif time_before_appearance > self.note_offset:

return active_notes

def read_beatmap_file(self, beatmap_path):
# read newline separated floats
beatmap_path_full = os.path.join(config.gamedir, beatmap_path)
with open(beatmap_path_full, 'rt') as f:
text = f.read()
onset_times = [float(string) for string in text.split('\n') if string != '']
return onset_times

The place I bolded is where I think the keys would be. Do I need to like, make an imagebutton for the arrow keys to play this on cellphone? Should that be on a separate screen. Like...

import pygame

label start:

call screen rhythm_game(
idle "imagebuttonleft.png"
action pygame.K_LEFT: 0

idle "imagebuttonup.png"
action pygame.K_UP: 1

idle "imagebuttondown.png"
action pygame.K_DOWN: 2

idle "imagebuttonright.png"
action pygame.K_RIGHT: 3

I'm pretty sure none of that is code and I just made it up. Like, how can you action pygame.

I'll definitely look at the documents, thanks. I think I know the random stuff but I do need to figure out the screens, especially how to close them and resize them and all that.

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Re: Undertale-Like Game

#4 Post by sophiag »

Actually, I think I can do it by using the pygame 2 functions like...

self.keycode_to_track_idx = {
pygame.K_LEFT: 0,
pygame.K_UP: 1,
pygame.FINGERUP: 1,
pygame.K_DOWN: 2,
pygame.FINGERDOWN: 2,
pygame.K_RIGHT: 3,

def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
if self.has_ended:
# refresh the screen
# check if some keys have been pressed
if ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN or ev.type == pygame.FINGERUP or ev.type == pygame.FINGERDOWN or ev.type == pygame.FINGERMOTION:
# only handle the four keys we defined
if not ev.key in self.keycode_to_track_idx:
# look up the track that correponds to the key pressed
track_idx = self.keycode_to_track_idx[ev.key]

active_notes_on_track = self.active_notes_per_track[track_idx]
curr_time = st - self.time_offset

# loop over active notes to check if one is hit
for onset, _ in active_notes_on_track:
# compute the time difference between when the key is pressed
# and when we consider the note hittable as defined by self.hit_threshold
if abs(curr_time - onset) <= self.hit_threshold:
self.onset_hits[onset] = True
self.num_hits += 1
# redraw immediately because now the note should disappear from screen
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
# refresh the screen

But I honestly have no idea if this works, since my computer isn't a touchscreen.I guess I can hook up a drawing tablet tho

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