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Video games are from satan!

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:11 am
by lordcloudx
So I saw this blog post while surfing psp updates. ... vil/42149/

I thought it was kinda funny that some cross-eyed, obese parent (with a funny hat) had the hypocrisy to touch on the negative effects of video games regarding health and physical appearance.

Some other lulzy stuff she said:
On one horrible afternoon that scarred me for life, I even saw a kid walking out of the public library playing a Nintendo DS.
If Sir Isaac Newton had been playing a DS, I’m sure he never would have noticed the apple falling from the tree, so he never would have formulated the theory of gravity.

Re: Video games are from satan!

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:56 am
by Der Tor
Don't tell me that article is real... :shock:
Every molecule of it cries out "parody!" :mrgreen:

But anyway... i remember in the early 80's there was Interactive Fiction Adventure game thingy called "A mind forever voyaging" which was a kinda Science Fiction story. And it had some really unique ways for you to die aka "Bad endings". One of them involved your being in a computer simulation in which the whole world is simulated and then inside that simulation you can start playing a computer game which again simulates a whole world... in the end you totally forget that you where just playing a computer game inside a computer game inside a computer game and lose yourself in the fantasy world and forget your objective... :mrgreen:

Re: Video games are from satan!

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:32 am
by Der Tor
I read some more of "Frumpy Middle-aged Mom" and i am now 101% sure that it's a parody...
"True, I am a crackpot and a mom. But, hey, I’m only maniacal on the full moon when I grow hair on my palms. Anyway, after much soul searching and meditation, I’ve had a divine revelation that I am wrong. Satan did not invent video games. Lord Voldemort did."
Besides her sister seems to write for the onion :mrgreen:

Re: Video games are from satan!

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:37 pm
by tylerthekitsune
this mom is as humorous as jack thompson. she said in a late post that video games are not created by satan...but lord voldamort. WTF! this mom is a psycho.

oh and you should check out game politics. because video games shaped our politics.

Re: Video games are from satan!

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:20 am
by Red Lilies
I have a bad feeling she's actually serious - mostly from some of the other articles she's posted. Though the Voldemort part was definitely a joke on her part. She seemed way to serious on how her kids were better raised by being video gamed deprived.

Re: Video games are from satan!

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:03 am
by lolwtfalicia
I really hope its a parody. There are so many closed-minded people out there. True, video games 24/7 aren't good for children at all; by all means, limit your child's playtime. But for God's sakes, give him a break. Like there wasn't a doll or a toy that you played with obsessively as a child? The more you deny a child something, the more they are going to want it and the more they're going to go against you to achieve it, especially if your reasoning is "The Devil did it." LOL.

Re: Video games are from satan!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:50 am
by Animality
For this woman's sake I hope she is joking. By actually believing such an outlandish thing she deprives not only her kids but also herself. She thinks video games are soulless mindcrack but the myriad games that give you actual workouts, make you think deep thoughts, and actually expose you to new things is massive. An example being Eternal Sonata which has decent gameplay but teaches you a few things about Chopin, exposes you to his music, and a story that comes right out and asks whether it is right to act for short term gain with possible long term consequences. The games that she deprives herself of are Wii fit and Wii sports for sure, do you have any idea how much energy the boxing game takes out of you? This particular delusion angers me most because I once played a game that to me seemed so perfect that a god of some sort must exist. Having been in the group she considers the most hopeless until the past couple years, I can say proudly that playing video games nonstop since ps2 came out somehow did not prevent me from reading several works of Dickens by age 12 and testing at the top ten percent of the country on every one of those silly tests, to actually have a teacher tell you they set the curve by you! Obviously I am no zombie after racking up hours of gametime, nor am I physically frail, my main failure would be that most people seem to be unable to think about the world from an abstract point of view like me.

Re: Video games are from satan!

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:54 pm
by vaanknight
Videogames are from satan?! Whoa, we have to thank the bloke then... Will a bull's blood be enough?

True some games may be not exactly appropriate for small children, but banning them is just the lazy response from parents who doesn't want to pay attention to the Ratings... ESRB is there for a reason... If you don't want your child to have a negative influence, BE THERE TO SEE WHAT IS HE PLAYING, instead of being all day on a couch watching on TV or online the retarded people who write these articles without knowing half of what videogaming world has to offer.

Re: Video games are from satan!

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:26 pm
by cloudyssky
This is fake...right?

Re: Video games are from satan!

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:08 pm
by playswithtribbles
I read the article, and I couldn't decide whether to laugh or weep at the author's idiotic preconceptions.

'Sigh' People like that are the reason why I get migraines...

On the plus side, they really help to boost my narcissistic tendencies, and superiority complex.

Re: Video games are from satan!

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:32 am
by azureXtwilight

Oh no, saw this post. She gets money from writing this.

Re: Video games are from satan!

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:11 pm
by alberte
She's such a troll, But I did find her hypocrisy delicious.

Re: Video games are from satan!

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:40 pm
by Fluffycrow
People like this woman are the reason I lost all hope in humanity.

Luckily I still have video games to keep me from going completely off the deep end.

Re: Video games are from satan!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:24 pm
by Ramidel
Yup, this is definitely an extremely well-done troll.

Re: Video games are from satan!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:50 pm
by Sheru-chan
I.... I PISSEDfully object!

Angel from heaven brought the games to Earth to ease man's stressful and sad life! For me, games was what keeping me alive up until now(sorry i'm getting exaggeratin) -shot for having stupid opposition-

On the other side: If EVER games where from Satan, maybe I would gladly enter the hell then(Maybe there are even more games in there than here). lol