Bug identification and replications

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Bug identification and replications

#1 Post by sculpteur »


Some people playing my game told me there was a bug at some point (some scene render not showing while the game keep going)
They shown me with screenshot what was happening because I never had this spcific bug before.
So i've downloaded my own game which I had previously uploaded with .market version.
The first time I tested this version with the .exe, I also had the same bug. But nothing since. I've tested multiple time since and never was able to reproduce it again.
There is the code portion which are concerned :

Code: Select all

image 1-7-Gr = "1.7 - Basment - Generator - a.jpg"
image 1-7-Gr-hover = "1.7 - Basment - Generator - a_hover.jpg"
image 1-7-Rec-a = "1.7 - Basment - Scene Reconcilliation - a.jpg"

Code: Select all

    fr "Un bruit de moteur qui ronronne s'échappe de l'appareil suivit du son de remise en tension du courant de la cave...{fast}"
    fr "Et la lumière fut !{fast}"
    en "A noise of engine escapes from the generator followed by the sound of the power which is switched back on.{fast}"
    en "And there was Light.{fast}"
    if log.interactive("quest_lewishouse_end"):
        $ log.markdone("quest_lewishouse_end")
    $ main_moral += 10
    call check_variables from _call_check_variables_279
    show screen notification_floating_2(" [main_name] Moral + 10")
    call screen DarkBasment_GoBack_Button_GoSeeHerEnd

Code: Select all

screen DarkBasment_GoBack_Button_GoSeeHerEnd:
    modal True
        ground "1-7-Gr"
        hover "1-7-Gr-hover"
        alpha False
        hotspot (516, 846, 1036, 234) action Jump("Basment_reconcilliation_0") # THE BUG BEGIN WHEN CLICKING HERE
    add "gui/Interface_Indicator_Interaction.png"
    $ interactive_indicator_number = 1
    use interactive_indicator_number_screen_top
    use quick_screen_keys_input

Code: Select all

label Basment_reconcilliation_0:
    scene 1-7-Rec-a  # THE BUG DON'T SHOW THIS SCENE IMAGES BUT THE GAME KEEP GOING (with the previous render still in display)
    window hide
    hide screen DarkBasment_GoBack_Button_GoSeeHerEnd
    play music "0 - music - retrouvaille.mp3"
    $ inv_button_sensitive = True
    $ desactivate_inventory_addon = True
    $ container=container2
    $ progression_general_havebeendone1 = False
    $ progression_general_havebeendone2 = False
    $ progression_general_havebeendone3 = False
    $ progression_general_havebeendone4 = False
    $ progression_general_havebeendone5 = False
    $ progression_general_havebeendone6 = False
    $ progression_general_havebeendone7 = False
    fr_mp "Maintenant qu'il y a de la lumière, les choses vont être plus faciles...{fast}"
    en_mp "Now that there is light, things will be easier... {fast}"
    fr_mp "Je me souviens qu'elle adorait sa peluche, Monsieur Bisou, cela pourrait peut être débloquer la situation...{fast}"
    en_mp "I remember that she loved her stuffed toy, Mr. Kisses, that might unlock the situation... {fast}"
So if any of you have a clue or any idea about where this bug is comming from please do not hesitate to share !
Thank you

“He asked me to calm down, close my eyes and be quiet. He explained to me that if I was afraid, the shadow that ran barefoot in the street would feel it. I got scared seeing Jumanji on TV, so let me tell you, we didn't stay hidden for long and had to start running again.”
Jessica's Diary.

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