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Compiler detects an invisible character

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 2:56 pm
by GypsyFly
I copied my sister in law's script into jEdit. Put in all the tags, scenes, shows, menus, etc.

Worked on the bugs one by one, tab here,.missing " there, etc.

Control characters have crept into the text. I've moved it to Notepad, cleaned it, then put it back into jEdit.

There is however, a nasty character that. looks like a right arrow (in the compiler error log) that does not show in jEdit nor Notepad. There are some that I've selected in the text with the printed character before and after. It appears as a backslash in Find. I've replaced those with just the printing characters.

This last and nastiest one I am having an issue with can only be removed from the string, by re-typing the whole line and deleting the original. Backspacing across it and re-typing does not work.

Any suggestions on how I can save time and identify the control character in a FIND and remove/replace it?

Re: Compiler detects an invisible character

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 1:52 pm
by GypsyFly
SiL used Google docs to word process the scripts. Loaded the docs into an old copy of WordPerfect X6 and used Reveal Codes window to clear by hand, the nastiest control characters

Is there a simpler way?