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Searching for a few new friends to brainstorm with!!! <3

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 8:32 pm
by Kumiii

I have been lurking for quite some time and I’ve been in many gamedev forums. But Lemmasoft is one of the most active gamedev community still around (because a lot have turned toxic and discouraging haha…).

This isn’t in the creator section because it’s not anything formal.

I’d like to reach out and ask if anyone wants or willing to be my listener, encourager and maybe even brainstormming, idea-bouncing buddy! I’m not looking for critiques. I know what I want.

I am making this small-scaled project and I’ve been making some progress. I just don’t have anyone to share my enthusiasm with since I’m a one-person team (as of now). It can be a bit lonely and causes low motivation some times. I don’t want to share it with my close friends because they’ve all expressed interest in playing it first-hand! And I want to do everything in my power to give them that experience!

So generally it is a personal project and it’s pretty important to me. My goal isn’t releasing it commercially or anything. I just… want the story to be told out there. It’s medieval fantasy setting, with the theme of BXB, betrayal, rpg fighting and
abusive relationships.
It’s a personal story translated to a game. I handle half of the art, the script, and the mapping! I even got some logos , assets and original music commissioned because I want it to at least be decent!

I’ve got 2/5 done and I have 3/5 to go! But it would be nice to have someone to talk to. If maybe you like this kind of genre, let’s be friends? I’m open to messaging here back and forth, or even exchanging discord handle. I’d love to hear about your projects too! :D

Thank you for reading my rambles!

Re: Searching for a few new friends to brainstorm with!!! <3

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 11:38 pm
by steve_T
I'd love to be a sounding board for you to discuss ideas. I've been a lurker here for a while and whilst I would love to dive right in a make a game I don't have the time with real life commitments. I started my professional life in EE and transitioned into IT, I code in python at work, but am still a n00b when it comes to renpy.

But I've been a gamer since the 8-bit era and love games of all genres, more and more getting into story based games.

TLDR: sure I'd love to be your gamedev buddy / friendly ear

Re: Searching for a few new friends to brainstorm with!!! <3

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 2:10 am
by RizVN
I was about to reply and saw the year:



I think lemmasoft is awesome for asking questions, but not so much for chatting nowadays.

Anyway, if you or anyone reading this want to be friends with me, please go ahead and DM me in twitter/X:

See you then.