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Opinions on my art.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 3:02 pm
by 5carpem
Would you read a comic with art like these?
Be frank, I prefer honesty even it can be a little disappointing.

And also...
Do you have any advice in how to draw faster?

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... CCMwrEko8w

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... Tzm2P9wcr8

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... Eicdw7DFTg

Re: Opinions on my art.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 3:20 pm
by puppetbomb
ONE made One Punch Man and Mob Psycho 100 with art like this:

Draw the comic you want to draw with what you have. If it's interesting, people will read it.

If you want to draw faster, do gesture drawings. One minute at the ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM amount of time spent on each gesture. 30 seconds is a good target, though I also strongly recommend attempting 10 second gestures.

Re: Opinions on my art.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 5:31 pm
by umbrores
You have a nice, elegant art style. If I had to nitpick, the shading on the clothing could be a little more refined, but for comics and other personal projects this is absolutely fine. As for drawing faster, gesture draxings as the person above me suggested will work wonders. If you make art regularly, you'll see that the process gets a little easier and faster every time as well in a natural manner.

Remember that comics don't require stunning detail on every page either, don't make it too hard on yourself. A painterly style like yours is great to add some extra flair to the largest panels in your comic, make them stand out.

Re: Opinions on my art.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 10:36 am
by ClownFace
# Would you read a comic with art like these?
# Be frank, I prefer honesty even it can be a little disappointing.

It's not a style I would be interested in personally but I'm sure many people like it.
Some things you can do to improve:
* Try pushing the value contrast. Think about how your image looks if it were turned into black and white. Increasing the contrast between the foreground and background can help with this, or the contrast between the shadow areas and the highlights.
* Experiment with exaggerating the expressions. Clarifying the emotions a bit more may help.
* Maybe spend a little more time defining the simple shapes that make up your characters, and making them feel three dee in three dee space before you go in for the details. So for example, with the witches hat, the top of her hat is offcentered from the rim. But if you spend more time defining the really simple shapes in the begining, it's easier to see these sorts of things.
* Think more about your shape language and what it says about your characters? Try to exaggerate and clarify. Is the guy a dainty pretty boy? Is the girl strong and fierce? These things can be communicated with shapes and angles. The more you can visually clarify the characters personalities and keep it consistent the easier the images will read. Clothing style, colors, shape language, expressions, can all be cohesive. You're not doing bad on this, but you may want to experiment a bit more.

# And also...
# Do you have any advice in how to draw faster?


* Assuming you're using a tablet, getting a shortcut remote can speed up drawing. Then assigning as many things that you commonly do to that remote, as you can. Depending on your program, you can setup macros, so lists of commands that can be automated with a button press. Most drawings I create have the same layer folder hierarchy for shadows, so I have a button on my remote to duplicate it.
* Treat it as a sport. Realize there's a physical component to speed. So these means optimizing things like nutrition and sleep quality which effect energy levels. This also means continuing to push your physical limits. Trying to be faster and more precise with each day. If you're really pushing yourself, art can actually be exercise. It requires intense focus, because like martial arts or ballet or other cognitive sports it requires precision but it's possible to be fast and precise if you push yourself in that direction.
* Use the minimal number of layers required for the flexibility you need and your work flow. More layers means more switching between layers which can slow you down. Spending more time on the sketch saves time because you can do the line art and shading on a less layers, because you're not worried about speed.
* Inversely you may need to increase the number of layers to save time, depending on your process. Personally, I would keep my shading on seperate layers so I can clip it to the color layer below and not worry about panting outside the borders.
* But overall, pay close attention to your process and do everything you can to not only minimize brush strokes (as much as needed) but also minimize the distance your arm has to move between brush strokes. This means doing brush strokes flowing in a similar direction all together for example.

Re: Opinions on my art.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 2:39 am
by Naomi
Hey, I wasn't expecting animated pics, they are very nice!

I believe there is not an exact style to work on comics, you just have to practice and find the style you want to use, the one what works better for you.
Seeing your examples, I'd suggest simpler shading, specially if you want to finish the art faster. Oh, and the examples are bust-up, I believe you'd need to practice full body too.