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If the player has been inactive for a long time.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 4:49 pm
by Andredron

Code: Select all

init python:
    time_end = 5
screen timers():
    if time_end != 0:
        timer 60 repeat True action SetVariable('time_end', time_end - 1)
        timer 0.01 action Show('afk')
screen afk():
    add "black"
    text 'You haven't pressed anything for too long!' xalign 0.5 align 0.5

label start:
    show timers
    "???" "blah blah blah"
but basically, the idea is that by developing games for android, and creating a farm or something like that (where each farm of a certain level gives so many resources per second) and in the timer we prescribe to stop the farm from all farms.

I've seen something like this in at least a few similar games. what is disabled by in-game purchase.