Lipsync - the performer's lips move in sync with the original voice.
Renpy has many ways to make a character move his lips and blink in time with the audio channel.
The easiest way to create a random animation of the lips, as shown in the video, is to use the typewriter effect, in which while the text is going on, the character moves his lips and blinks his eyes non-stop.
Code - viewtopic.php?f=51&t=30279#p355693
The most accurate, which provides almost 100% hit, is to use alt animations
Video example
For 100% hit, I recommend using this program
And transfer the received data to the renpi script, here is a rough example
Code: Select all
label start:
scene living_room ### main background
show maria01 ### animation sprite
pause 1.5
show maria_mouth_01 ### mouth animation 01
voice "voice/001.ogg"
nez "Good morning.{w=0.7}{nw}" ### at the end, write the total length of the audio file and switch to blinking eyes mode
show maria_blink01 ### girl blinking eyes
$ store._history = False ### specify not to write the following line to the history
nez "Good morning.{fast}" ### instantly call the line of text that the character spoke. Аudio file is not registered
$ store._history = True ### allow writing the following line of the dialog to history
show maria02 ### animation sprite
pause 3.2
show maria_mouth_02 ### mouth animation 02
voice "voice/002.ogg"
nez "Woke up?{w=0.5}{nw}"
$ store._history = False
show maria_blink01
nez "Woke up??{fast}"
image maria_mouth_01:
pause 0.3
pause 0.1
pause 0.1
pause 0.1
pause 0.1
pause 0.1
pause 0.2
pause 0.1
image maria_mouth_02:
pause 0.3
pause 0.1
pause 0.1
pause 0.1
pause 0.2
pause 0.1
pause 0.1
pause 0.1
pause 0.1
pause 0.3
pause 0.1
### eyes
image maria_blink01:
pause 3.2
pause 0.1
pause 0.1
Video taken from here -