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[Work Swap] Looking for Co-Writer to help with choice dialogue

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:53 pm
by UltraShiko
Good day! As the post states, I am looking for a co-writer to assist with choice dialogue. By choice dialogue, I mean the script found in choices/alternate/dialogues. My game has no routes (thank god) and follows a hierarchical ending style like Stein’s Gate, where the ending is based upon an amalgamation of choices made.

The idea is a mixture of a morality point system and a friendship point system. This helps the game feel more dynamic, with endings being based upon a mixture of both. I’m still finishing up the story, so having someone focus on the side stuff would be really beneficial for me.

My game is a dark fantasy style vn that follows a Dretchling (human with devil blood, totally not a tiefling) named Priam. It contains action, adventure, a character driven story, and gets very dark, very quickly. I currently have a playable build which will be the demo I could send. It’s not complete, but I plan to fine tune and release in the first Nextfest of 2024

Regarding payment, I am unfortunately unemployed atm. Therefore the best I can offer is a work swap. I can co-write, edit, and maybe even write some alternate choices myself. Most of my experience comes from VNs, but I also have experience writing traditional novel scripts and copyediting.

Here is my potfolio. Please message me on Discord at TotalLeeAwesome if you’d be interested in helping. I’m most active there. Cheers!