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Opinion: Purposely not helping and instead judging the desitions of the person asking is toxic and very discouraging.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 1:03 am
by simba975
This forums have been extremely useful in my journey of developing my visual novel, and every person I have interacted with in here was very nice and welcoming even when my noobie questions are sometimes silly, however when I have asked some things in the Ren'Py discord, I have more than once received judgement by knowledgeable users. I'm developing a game I consider fairly unique, and I sometimes want to implement things that may not be great features in an usual VN, and when I ask about how to do something I'm sometimes met with responses in the lines of "Why do you want to do that? That is a bad thing to make and you should never implement something like that." instead of an answer. Hey, maybe they are right, maybe it is not a great thing, but if I, the one that is actually making the game and the one that knows what she wants the game to look like wants to implement it, no one should get in my way and disregard me as a human being for wanting to do it like that. If it is a bad feature, the game will be bad, and that is fine.
I once when asking a question on how to use $ renpy.block_rollback(), someone responded to me with code to make the inexistent players of my game be able to avoid what I was trying to make, and then compared me with a cyber criminal. Things like that just makes me sad and makes doubt if I really want to ask some things because of the fear of people treating me like that.
I think asking out of curiosity or recommending others to make something in a different way is fine, but denying help and disregarding other's decisions when you don't have the full picture of how the novel looks like is toxic. Anyone has a different opinion?

Re: Opinion: Purposely not helping and instead judging the desitions of the person asking is toxic and very discouraging

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:18 am
by RizVN
Hi, I'm sorry you have to experience all of that. I think your opinion is correct and what they do is wrong. But unlike forums where people actually took the time to think about their replies, discord chats tend to be fast. Their reply becomes reactive. So you can expect them to be more judgmental overall, for about everything.

The only remedy to that is good moderation. If moderators frequently block hurtful and negative words, then such negativity will naturally die down on the server. But I'm assuming that's not within your control.

So I suggest focusing on what you can control instead. In this case, your expectations and reactions to such things. Expect negativity to come up more often on platforms like Discord. It's a given. Then you will be able to become more resilient and can shrug off judgments with ease. And then you can focus your attention on people who actually help you with your problem. I'm sure there are people like that on Discord too.

I hope you're doing well with your game too.