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Don't Die Digging - Yuri/Shonen Visual Novel

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:45 pm
by TheAlpar
How much of myself am I willing to give up in the name of love? was a question Enid finds herself asking more and more as the confrontation between her and her ex grew nearer. A useless question to ask at this point, but one she couldn't seem to get out of her head regardless.


Don't Die Digging is a visual novel about the pains of personhood, about coming back from the dead wrong, and about how painful love can be when you give too much of yourself in its name before being ready for it.

Enid Carbide is an ornithologist, a mercenary and a necromancer, leading the corps known as the 'Kestrel Knights'. For the past three years, she's been butting heads with a rival corps led by her ex-girlfriend, Tess, and the scrawny girl who is in love with her. They've met three times since their break-up, each one ending in an attempt at the other's life.


Now, with the biggest job she and her team have embarked on yet, Enid is presented a fourth and final opportunity to bury Tess -and the past- for good. This time she will make it count, or gladly die in the process.

This game was made in under two months for Yuri Game Jam 2023, written, programmed and drawn by me, with music from Nihilore and Alice Walker.

You can find the game here!: