How can I get the volume bars from the settings screen to look like this?I I

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How can I get the volume bars from the settings screen to look like this?I I

#1 Post by Lia_de_Sá99 »

I asked that same question on reddit so I'll link it here because I don't know how to post images here.

I found a programmer willing to program my customized UI for me. They are currently working on the settings screen. The problem is that they can't get the volume bars to look like the first image from the reddit post. Instead, it looks like the second image. How to get the thermometer volume bars to be fully red when the volume is at its maximum?

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Re: How can I get the volume bars from the settings screen to look like this?I I

#2 Post by enaielei »

As answered in the thread,
You need to specify the left_bar and right_bar properties of the bar.

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Re: How can I get the volume bars from the settings screen to look like this?I I

#3 Post by Lia_de_Sá99 »

Ok, but how can I do that?

These replies are too vague and lack details.

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Re: How can I get the volume bars from the settings screen to look like this?I I

#4 Post by enaielei »

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