Changing main menu image through a variable: Is it possible?

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Changing main menu image through a variable: Is it possible?

#1 Post by CaesMRaenes »

I was curious. Is it possible to change the main menu image when a certain point of the story is passed? An example I noticed of this is if a person had played through Umineko Ep. 1 completely and the main menu image changes or if a person completes Fate/Stay and it changes to a brighter image.

What I was hoping to try out is having the main menu image change after each chapter was done. And each chapter, as well as the button, would be unlocked when the reader finishes a chapter.

To put it simpler:
1. Prologue
2. Finished chapter so return to main menu
3. The main menu image is changed
4. Chapter 1 appears and is available to click

Also, I don't remember the code for making another button appear to be clickable so if someone can help me with that too, that would be much appreciated.
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Re: Changing main menu image through a variable: Is it possi

#2 Post by PyTom »

CaesMRaenes wrote:I was curious. Is it possible to change the main menu image when a certain point of the story is passed? An example I noticed of this is if a person had played through Umineko Ep. 1 completely and the main menu image changes or if a person completes Fate/Stay and it changes to a brighter image.
The answer is... not yet.

Oh, you can certainly do it with Ren'Py, using a layout. But that's overkill for something like this. I'm currently redoing the way people will design screens in Ren'Py, and when I'm done with that, things should work a bit more nicely.
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Re: Changing main menu image through a variable: Is it possi

#3 Post by F.I.A »

CaesMRaenes wrote:I was curious. Is it possible to change the main menu image when a certain point of the story is passed? An example I noticed of this is if a person had played through Umineko Ep. 1 completely and the main menu image changes or if a person completes Fate/Stay and it changes to a brighter image.

What I was hoping to try out is having the main menu image change after each chapter was done. And each chapter, as well as the button, would be unlocked when the reader finishes a chapter.

To put it simpler:
1. Prologue
2. Finished chapter so return to main menu
3. The main menu image is changed
4. Chapter 1 appears and is available to click

Also, I don't remember the code for making another button appear to be clickable so if someone can help me with that too, that would be much appreciated.
Don't think it is workable with a variable, but a persistent will do.

Extracted from EVE, tested on 6.10.0a...

Code: Select all

# The first column is the persistent value and the second column is the images for the main menu. By giving a value to the persistent.ending, you can choose which image to be displayed.
    $    mm_root = ConditionSwitch(
            "persistent.ending == 3", "image03.png",
            "persistent.ending == 2", "image02.png",
            "persistent.ending == 1", "image01.png",
            "persistent.ending == 0", "image01.png",

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Re: Changing main menu image through a variable: Is it possi

#4 Post by CaesMRaenes »

Pretty cool. Thanks for the code, F.I.A. :)

I also read over my initial post and noticed that I didn't clarify my second question so if anyone can help, much appreciated. I wanted to ask: was there a code to unlock another button on the main menu (unlocking a new chapter, in my case) much like the case of the CG Gallery?
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Re: Changing main menu image through a variable: Is it possi

#5 Post by Mihara »

CaesMRaenes wrote:I also read over my initial post and noticed that I didn't clarify my second question so if anyone can help, much appreciated. I wanted to ask: was there a code to unlock another button on the main menu (unlocking a new chapter, in my case) much like the case of the CG Gallery?
Something like this works:

Code: Select all

init python:
    # To see the intro again...
    config.main_menu = [(u"Prologue", "prologue", "True", "persistent.seen_intro")] + config.main_menu

label start:
    if not persistent.seen_intro:
        call prologue
    call chapter1

label prologue:
    # Do whatever. When it's done: 
    $ persistent.seen_intro = True

label chapter1:
    # That's where the actual story starts, and where you would start if you 'start game' after having seen the prologue.

...etc. Using 'call' instead of 'jump' under the start label and 'return' in actual chapters may help dealing with a convoluted branching story too, as this lets you separate text from logic.

You may need a more complex menu definition line, possibly requiring you to redefine all buttons from scratch, but every button can be shown or hidden and working or not working depending on Python expressions, and 'persistent.variablename' is an expression which is not 'True' until the persistent variable is set.

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