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WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:32 pm
by FeatherThief
Working with only two people, an artist and a writer/programmer/everything else is really tiring. I would like someone to help me with the script for my vn that would listen basically to the mai points of the story nd write those along with the parts in the middle. Of course it would be subject to me to see if it is done going along with the story but I wouldn't be that harsh. Contact me if you would like to help out with this.

Re: WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:24 am
by carosene
Can you tell us a little more about what your story is about? :) What kind of game it is?

Re: WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:51 pm
by FeatherThief
Yeah, my bad, I was tired when I posted this. OKay first of all I should make it clear I am a beginer at this but please do not let this turn you off. It is a guy persues girl game, but I hope to make the characters more interesting then your stereotypical ones. Okay, first the setting, ii is a town, now completely modern but along those lines that is land locked by a chain of mountains surrounding it. The main character (still unnamed) has lived there all his life, having a normal life. I don't really have a plot yet... how to put this. I have a start and a finish but a rough idea for the middle plus to put all the characters down would be a pain. How about the main problems of each girl ( they all have one right?). First of all there is a girl who's mother drowned herself in the sea and her father became a alcoholic and they have been moving from town to town ever since. Second a shy girl who is going blind but because she is so shy no one even knows. Third, a short girl who loves to act but is ignored, not by choice but simply ignored unlike the previous girl. fourth the sporty girl who... that one is still shaping and so is the last one. I hope someone has actually read down to this part and hasn't been dissuaded by my rambling. I guess finally I will add on some pictures at the end. Again I just want someone to help me get the writing done, or a editor though most positions are still open. I am a beginner but I have done nanowrimo (national novel writing month) so I can write and won't let this fall through the floor. No offense to beginners as well but preferably I would like someone who is experienced in designing and/or playing visual novels.

Thank you for your assistance!

The below is rough draft for a character.Image

Re: WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:59 pm
by carosene
I'm what you'd call a beginning writer, so, sorry, I'm disqualified. ^-^;
But you're picture isn't working for me. :\ Is it broken or is it just me?

Re: WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:01 pm
by FeatherThief
It probably is, though I thought it was my computer. Also, I would be fine with a beginner really. At least something to help me go plus I am being a little bit cocky and forward of myself ( and I have been talking in this polite speech with all my correspondents for no reason.). If you would like to help please, it would be a honor and a helping hand. Plus I am the one in charge so I can always edit some parts. If you would like to I would be very grateful.


Feather Thief
Another try at the image, hopefully this time it will work

Re: WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:05 pm
by CaesMRaenes
XD It still doesn't work. I'd suggest not direct-linking to the GMail directly and upload it instead. Maybe, as an attachment?

Re: WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:13 pm
by FeatherThief
Being a beginner shines through here!
But what do you mean attachment? I looked for one but all I can find for picture is through that image url.
Also sorry Caes for not asking your permission, I probably should have. Gomenasai.

Re: WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:20 pm
by CaesMRaenes
Hahaha. No problem really. I don't mind.

You can upload attachments after pressing the Post Reply button. Here, let me upload an image for you. XD

Re: WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:33 pm
by FeatherThief
Thanks for the assistance!

Re: WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:05 pm
by Blue Sky
Hm.... do you have any samples of the visual novel so far? Just a slight excerpt would be nice so that I could get a feel for the tone of this piece.

Re: WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:36 am
by FeatherThief
Etto, not really. As you can see I have been lazy unlike my artist here and ahve made some progress but none that has really made a dent into the emotional parts. That is why i am requesting help, to push me and also complete the script faster.I could find some of my old short stories that have the same style but that would require lots of digging around. So in conclusion not really, sorry.

Re: WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:40 pm
by Blue Sky
That's okay. You don't have to look for anything extra. :)

Honestly, I'm really interested in this project. I want to help you out, but unfortunately I'm also somewhat lazy and not the best of writers. But if you don't mind that, (xD) than I'll happily be your assistant writer.

Re: WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:26 pm
by IxIoN
Well, I’m actually interested. I’m not a native speaker so my English can have some errors in the grammar (mostly in the tenses). I will PM you with the story I have thought so far only reading the description of the heroines. Then you will give me your thoughts.

Re: WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:02 pm
by FeatherThief
Really, I would be grateful to both of you if you could both help. Also two or three lazy people are better then one because then you get two amounts of lazy work instead of just one. Also grammer and spelling is no problem. As long as we get it down then the changes can be made with time. Also IxIoN I skimmed through your story conclusions and they look good. I would have to read them in more detail but as for now I will probably have those endings in mind. So if you both can help me I would be so greatful! My email is, so email me there if you would like to help.

Many thanks,

Feather Thief

Re: WIP: Recruiting Writer

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:28 pm
by Blue Sky
I was thinking that instead of each of us writing separately, we could all work on google docs. They have a service where you can each work on the same document in real time, which I believe would be useful for us. That way we would all know what was going on between writers. =)

All you need is a gmail account. More information here: ... swer=44677