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Looking for an artist(Will pay commission if asked)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:24 pm
by Aquane
I am currently making the script for my GxB VN. I really suck at drawing ^.^; So this says it all... I am looking for an artist to draw a better version of my poorly drawn characters and some (maybe alot..) of CGs for the game. If anyone is interested and wants commission that isn't a problem, but I can't afford to pay anything too much.

If you are interested contact me on lemmasoft first, and post a sample of your art on this thread. I hope to see at least a couple of replies soon <3 The script may only take about another week or two.

Here is a summary of the story (Not a very good one because I'm not done with the script. It is also not very clear, but I dont want to give out too much yet before the WIP thread is made)

Keep in mind this game takes place in a fantasy setting. Human is the only race (this may change, though I don't want to copy other VNs)

This is the story of an extraordinary girl. Her past consists of witnessing her parents death and then being adopted into a family of three. Her adopted mother and father, and brother, who also happens to be adopted.
The story takes place two years after the adopted parents have died, thought the two adopted siblings are now old enough to live by themselves. The girl was in much pain, losing yet another two important people in her life, though she was not down yet, she has even graduated from school early and is now working for the palace's head scientist. She is still living with her "brother" (Actually he is obtainable, so they have a relationship far from siblings.) He is soon going on a mission for the king (He works for him btw) and he is bringing quite a few others, and they will split into groups when they go. The girl feels the need to follow him, so she does shortly after she leaves, he allows her to stay as long as she stays out of the way of danger. The story mainly takes place durring the travel. The boys in this group are the obtainable characters. Though you get to meet them before they leave.

Well thats all I'm giving out for now :> I'm not much of a writer so the story line probably doesn't sound that good... I will be making it better at least <3

Anyway hope to hear some replies!

Re: Looking for an artist(Will pay commission if asked)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:42 pm
by \Nish/
Can you give a little summary of the story you're making?
Also, you might want to post this in the WIP thread too, just so more people will know that you're recruiting. :)

Re: Looking for an artist(Will pay commission if asked)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:39 pm
by Aquane
Thanks :) and yes I'll edit and put a summary up right away~

Re: Looking for an artist(Will pay commission if asked)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:12 pm
Sound interesting. Will the game feature some kind of gameplay? Perhaps RPG battle section?

Anyway, I'm pretty interested on this one, though I'm not that good drawing hot guys. You could take a look at my arts here (it's scattered all around the place, most are in this thread). Or you could go straight to my DA account.

Re: Looking for an artist(Will pay commission if asked)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:16 pm
by Aquane
Actually I'm thinking about rpg battles. I have everyone's stats set up and all and the heroine is an archer. If I can figure that out then I'll be adding a few battles along the way (which will allow me to easily write some extra endings too). If not, then it will be just a straight VN, and I'll make it longer too to make up for it if I can't use battles. Though I'm determined ^.^


Well LVUER, You have a style I like ^^ If you were to become my artist I'd ask you to change maybe two things in your that seem to be often used in your art, simply because I want the characters to blend in easily with this type of VN.

I don't doubt your ability to draw decent guys ;)

Here is an estimate of what I would need (no deadline either)

maybe about 8 characters
around 40 CGs or less
Title picture

I think thats everything I'd need... of course I'll be giving descriptions of the characters too and the types of CGs

If your interested still about this contact me at (This goes to anyone interested)
IM me anytime for details and to talk about commission prices if it is wanted.

Re: Looking for an artist(Will pay commission if asked)

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:53 pm
by Aquane
If I get enough replies, I will be deciding within one week. Please email me your commission prices if you require it.